Source code for IMTreatment.vortex_properties.vortex_properties

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/bin/env python3

# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Gaby Launay

# Author: Gaby Launay  <>
# URL:
# Version: 1.0

# This file is part of IMTreatment.

# IMTreatment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# IMTreatment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import scipy.ndimage.measurements as msr
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import simps

from ..core import Points, Profile, ScalarField
from ..utils import ProgressCounter, make_unit
from ..vortex_criterions import (get_NL_residual_vorticity,
                                 get_residual_vorticity, get_vorticity)

[docs]def get_vortex_radius(VF, vort_center, NL_radius=None, eps_detection=0.1, output_center=False, output_unit=False): """ Return the radius of the given vortex, use the residual vorticity. Parameters ---------- VF : vectorfield object Velocity field on which compute gamma2. vort_center : 2x1 array Approximate position of the vortex center. NL_radius : number, optional IF specified, radius used for the non-local computation of the gradients. eps_detection : number epsilon used to determine the edge of the vortex (default is 0.1 for 10% of the maximum vorticity value). output_center : boolean, optional If 'True', return the associated vortex center, computed using center of mass algorythm. output_unit ; boolean, optional If 'True', return the associated unit. Returns ------- radius : number Average radius of the vortex. If no vortex is found, 0 is returned. center : 2x1 array of numbers If 'output_center' is 'True', contain the newly computed vortex center. unit_radius : Unit object Radius unity """ # getting data if NL_radius is None: vort = get_residual_vorticity(VF) else: vort = get_NL_residual_vorticity(VF, radius=NL_radius, ind=False, mask=None, raw=False) dx = VF.axe_x[1] - VF.axe_x[0] dy = VF.axe_y[1] - VF.axe_y[0] # getting the ~initial maximum vorticity of the zone ind_x = VF.get_indice_on_axe(1, vort_center[0], kind='nearest') ind_y = VF.get_indice_on_axe(2, vort_center[1], kind='nearest') max_vort = vort.values[ind_x, ind_y] # getting zone around point zones, nmb_zones = msr.label(vort.values > eps_detection*max_vort) zone_number = zones[ind_x, ind_y] # getting the real maximum vorticity max_vort = np.max(vort.values[zones == zone_number]) # getting the real zones zones, nmb_zones = msr.label(vort.values > eps_detection*max_vort) zone_number = zones[ind_x, ind_y] # getting the zone area and radius area = np.sum(zones == zone_number)*dx*dy radius = (area/np.pi)**.5 # getting the new center if output_center: center = np.array(msr.center_of_mass(np.abs(vort.values), zones == zone_number)) center[0] = VF.axe_x[0] + center[0]*dx center[1] = VF.axe_y[0] + center[1]*dy # optional computed unit if output_unit: unit_radius = (VF.unit_x**2 + VF.unit_y**2)**.5 # return if not output_unit and not output_center: return radius elif output_unit and not output_center: return radius, unit_radius elif not output_unit and output_center: return radius, center else: return radius, center, unit_radius
[docs]def get_vortex_radius_time_evolution(TVFS, traj, NL_radius=None, eps_detection=0.1, output_center=False, verbose=False): """ Return the radius evolution in time for the given vortex center trajectory. Use the criterion $|gamma2| > 2/pi$. The returned radius is an average value if the vortex zone is not circular. Parameters ---------- TVFS : TemporalField object Velocity field on which compute gamma2. traj : Points object Trajectory of the vortex. NL_radius : number, optional IF specified, radius used for the non-local computation of the gradients. eps_detection : number epsilon used to determine the edge of the vortex (default is 0.1 for 10% of the maximum vorticity value). output_center : boolean, optional If 'True', return a Points object with associated vortex centers, computed using center of mass algorythm. verbose : boolean . Returns ------- radius : Profile object Average radius of the vortex. If no vortex is found, 0 is returned. center : Points object If 'output_center' is 'True', contain the newly computed vortex center. """ radii = np.empty((len(traj.xy),)) if verbose: pg = ProgressCounter(init_mess="Begin vortex radii detection", nmb_max=len(traj.xy), name_things='fields', perc_interv=1) # computing with vortex center if output_center: centers = Points(unit_x=TVFS.unit_x, unit_y=TVFS.unit_y, unit_v=TVFS.unit_times) for i, pt in enumerate(traj): if verbose: pg.print_progress() # getting time and associated velocity field time = traj.v[i] field = TVFS.fields[TVFS.times == time][0] # getting radius and center rad, cent = get_vortex_radius(field, traj.xy[i], NL_radius=NL_radius, eps_detection=eps_detection, output_center=True) radii[i] = rad centers.add(cent, time) # computing without vortex centers else: for i, _ in enumerate(traj): if verbose: pg.print_progress() # getting time and associated velocity field time = traj.v[i] field = TVFS.fields[TVFS.times == time][0] # getting radius radii[i] = get_vortex_radius(field, traj.xy[i], NL_radius=NL_radius, eps_detection=eps_detection, output_center=False) # returning mask = radii == 0. radii_prof = Profile(traj.v, radii, mask=mask, unit_x=TVFS.unit_times, unit_y=TVFS.unit_x) if output_center: return radii_prof, centers else: return radii_prof
[docs]def get_vortex_property(VF, vort_center, size_crit=None, size_crit_lim=0.1, prop_crit=None, output_unit=False, verbose=False): """ Return a property of a particular vortex. Parameters ---------- VF : vectorfield object Base velocity field. vort_center : 2x1 array Approximate position of the vortex center. size_crit : function or 'value' Function applied to 'VF' and returning a ScalarField used to get the vortex area. (Default is residual vorticity) If 'value', only the value at the given point is returned. size_crit_lim : number Used to determine the size criterion interval defining the vortex area (i.e. the vortex area is the area around the vortex center where the size criterion is superior to 'size_crit_lim' times the value at the center) (Default is 0.1 (10%)) Useless if 'size_crit='value' prop_crit : function Function applied to 'VF' and returning a ScalarField used to get the property value (Default is residual vorticity) output_unit : boolean, optional If 'True', return the associated unit. verbose : bool If 'True', display information and graph along computation. Returns ------- prop : number Property associated to the vortex. (Is the integral of 'prop_crit' result on the area defined by 'size_crit') """ # default behavior if size_crit is None: size_crit = get_residual_vorticity if prop_crit is None: prop_crit = get_residual_vorticity # getting data if size_crit == "value": prop_crit = prop_crit(VF) val = prop_crit.get_value(*vort_center) if output_unit: return val, prop_crit.unit_values else: return val if size_crit == prop_crit: prop_crit = size_crit(VF) size_crit = np.abs(prop_crit) else: size_crit = np.abs(size_crit(VF)) prop_crit = prop_crit(VF) ind_x = VF.get_indice_on_axe(1, vort_center[0], kind='nearest') ind_y = VF.get_indice_on_axe(2, vort_center[1], kind='nearest') unit_int = prop_crit.unit_values*prop_crit.unit_x*prop_crit.unit_y # check if value is positive at the vortex center if VF.magnitude[ind_x, ind_y] <= 0: raise ValueError() # get first guess vortex zone (use value at center as a predica of # the maxima) tmp_maxi = size_crit.values[ind_x, ind_y] vort_zones = size_crit.values > tmp_maxi*size_crit_lim vort_zones_labs, _ = msr.label(vort_zones) lab = vort_zones_labs[ind_x, ind_y] # if we're outside, just give up if lab == 0: if output_unit: return 0, unit_int else: return 0 # get final vortex zone with real maxima size_crit_maxi = np.max(size_crit.values[lab == vort_zones_labs]) vort_zones = size_crit.values > size_crit_maxi*size_crit_lim vort_zones_labs, _ = msr.label(vort_zones) lab = vort_zones_labs[ind_x, ind_y] # get prop_crit integral along zone tmp_prop_crit = prop_crit.values.copy() tmp_prop_crit[lab != vort_zones_labs] = 0. dx = VF.axe_x[1] - VF.axe_x[0] dy = VF.axe_y[1] - VF.axe_y[0] prop = simps(simps(tmp_prop_crit, dx=dy), dx=dx) # verbose if verbose: tmp_vort_zone = ScalarField() tmp_vort_zone.import_from_arrays(VF.axe_x, VF.axe_y, values=lab == vort_zones_labs) fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1)[0]) size_crit.display() VF.display(kind='stream', color='w') tmp_vort_zone._display(kind='contour', levels=[-1e30, 0.5, 1e30], colors='r') plt.plot([], color='r', label='Detected vortex zone') plt.plot(*vort_center, marker='o', linestyle='none', mec='k', mfc='w', label="Vortex center") plt.title("Vortex size detection") plt.legend()[1]) prop_crit.display() VF.display(kind='stream', color='w') tmp_vort_zone._display(kind='contour', levels=[-1e30, 0.5, 1e30], colors='r') plt.plot([], color='r', label='Detected vortex zone') plt.plot(*vort_center, marker='o', linestyle='none', mec='k', mfc='w', label="Vortex center") plt.title("Vortex property integration on vortex zone\nProp={:.2f} {}" .format(prop, unit_int.strUnit())) plt.legend() # returning if output_unit: return prop, unit_int else: return prop
[docs]def get_vortex_property_time_evolution(TVFs, vort_center_traj, size_crit=None, size_crit_lim=0.1, prop_crit=None, output_unit=False, verbose=0): """ Return a property of a particular vortex. Parameters ---------- TVFs : TemporalVectorFields object Base velocity fields. vort_center : Points object Approximate position of the vortex centers along times. size_crit : function or 'value' Function applied to 'VF' and returning a ScalarField used to get the vortex area. (Default is residual vorticity) if 'value', only return the value at point. size_crit_lim : number Used to determine the size criterion interval defining the vortex area (i.e. the vortex area is the area around the vortex center where the size criterion is superior to 'size_crit_lim' times the value at the center) (Default is 0.1 (10%)) Useless if "size_crit='value". prop_crit : function Function applied to 'VF' and returning a ScalarField used to get the property value (Default is residual vorticity) verbose : integer specified the number of fields to verbosify. Default is 0. Returns ------- prop : Profile object Evolution of the property associated with the vortex long time. """ # prepare storage times = [] props = [] if verbose == 1: field_to_verbosify = [len(vort_center_traj)/2] elif verbose == 2: field_to_verbosify = [len(vort_center_traj)/3, len(vort_center_traj)*2/3] else: field_to_verbosify = np.round(np.linspace(0, len(vort_center_traj), verbose)) # loop on fields for i in range(len(TVFs)): # pass if vortex center is not defined for this time if TVFs.times[i] not in vort_center_traj.v: continue ind_traj = np.where(vort_center_traj.v == TVFs.times[i])[0][0] # verbosify (or not...) if len(times) in field_to_verbosify: verbose = True else: verbose = False # get the wanted property field = TVFs.fields[i] vc = vort_center_traj.xy[ind_traj] prop, unit = get_vortex_property(VF=field, vort_center=vc, size_crit=size_crit, size_crit_lim=size_crit_lim, prop_crit=prop_crit, verbose=verbose, output_unit=True) times.append(TVFs.times[i]) props.append(prop) # store on a Profile object prof_prop = Profile(x=times, y=props, unit_x=TVFs.unit_times, unit_y=unit) # returning return prof_prop
[docs]def get_vortex_circulation(VF, vort_center, epsilon=0.1, output_unit=False, verbose=False): """ Return the circulation of the given vortex. $\Gamma = \int_S \omega dS$ avec : $S$ : surface su vortex ($| \omega | > \epsilon$) Recirculation is representative of the swirling strength. Warning : integral on complex domain is complex (you don't say?), here is just implemented a sum of accessible values on the domain. Parameters ---------- VF : vectorfield object Velocity field on which compute gamma2. vort_center : 2x1 array Approximate position of the vortex center. epsilon : float, optional Relative seuil for the vorticity integral (default is 0.1). output_unit : boolean, optional If 'True', circulation unit is returned. Returns ------- circ : float Vortex virculation. """ # getting data ind_x = VF.get_indice_on_axe(1, vort_center[0], kind='nearest') ind_y = VF.get_indice_on_axe(2, vort_center[1], kind='nearest') dx = VF.axe_x[1] - VF.axe_x[0] dy = VF.axe_y[1] - VF.axe_y[0] vort = get_vorticity(VF) # find omega > 0.1 zones and label them max_vort = np.max(np.abs(vort.values[~vort.mask])) vort_zone = np.abs(vort.values)/max_vort > epsilon vort_zone, nmb_zone = msr.label(vort_zone) # get wanted zone label lab = vort_zone[ind_x, ind_y] # if we are outside a zone if lab == 0: if output_unit: return 0., make_unit("") else: return 0. if verbose: plt.figure() vort.display() plt.plot(vort_center[0], vort_center[1], 'ok') plt.figure() plt.imshow(vort_zone == lab) # else, we compute the circulation circ = np.sum(vort.values[vort_zone == lab])*dx*dy # if necessary, we compute the unit unit_circ = vort.unit_values*VF.unit_x*VF.unit_y circ *= unit_circ.asNumber() unit_circ /= unit_circ.asNumber() # returning if output_unit: return circ, unit_circ else: return circ