Source code for IMTreatment.utils.progresscounter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/bin/env python3

# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Gaby Launay

# Author: Gaby Launay  <>
# URL:
# Version: 1.0

# This file is part of IMTreatment.

# IMTreatment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# IMTreatment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import time as modtime
import numpy as np

[docs]class ProgressCounter(object): """ Declare wherever you want and execute 'print_progress' at the begining of each loop. """ def __init__(self, init_mess, nmb_max, end_mess=None, name_things='things', perc_interv=5, pgbar_len=15): """ Progress counter. Parameters ---------- init_mess, end_mess : strings Initial and closure messages. nmb_max : integer Maximum number of things to count name_things : string, optional Name of the things to count (default to 'things') perc_interv : number, optional Percentage interval between two displays (default to '5') pgbar_len : integer, optional Length (in caracter) of the progress bar """ self.init_mess = init_mess self.end_mess = end_mess self.nmb_fin = None self.curr_nmb = 1 self.nmb_max = nmb_max self.nmb_max_pad = len(str(nmb_max)) self.name_things = name_things self.perc_interv = perc_interv if self.nmb_max == np.inf: self.interv = perc_interv else: self.interv = int(np.round(nmb_max)*perc_interv/100.) # check if there is more wanted interval than actual loop if self.interv == 0: self.interv = 1 self.t0 = None self.pgbar_len = 15 def _print_init(self): print("=== {} ===".format(self.init_mess)) def _print_end(self): print("") if self.end_mess is not None: print("=== {} ===".format(self.end_mess))
[docs] def start_chrono(self): self.t0 = modtime.time() self._print_init()
[docs] def print_progress(self): if self.nmb_max == np.inf: self._print_progress_unknown_nmbmax() else: self._print_progress_full()
def _print_progress_full(self): # start chrono if not if self.t0 is None: self.start_chrono() # get current i = self.curr_nmb # check if i sup nmb_max if i == self.nmb_max + 1: print("=== Problem with nmb_max value...", end="") # check if we have to display something if i % self.interv == 0 or i == self.nmb_max: ti = modtime.time() if i == 0: tf = '---' else: dt = (ti - self.t0)/i tf = self.t0 + dt*self.nmb_max tf = self._format_time(tf - self.t0) ti = self._format_time(ti - self.t0) perc = np.round(i*1./self.nmb_max*100) pgbar_nmb = int(perc/100*self.pgbar_len) pgbar = ("[" + "#"*pgbar_nmb + "."*(self.pgbar_len - pgbar_nmb) + "]") text = ("=== {} {:>.0f}% {:{max_pad}d}/{} {name} {}/{}" .format(pgbar, perc, i, self.nmb_max, ti, tf, max_pad=self.nmb_max_pad, name=self.name_things)) print('\r' + text, end="") # increment self.curr_nmb += 1 # check if finished if i == self.nmb_max: self._print_end() return 0 def _print_progress_unknown_nmbmax(self): # start chrono if not if self.t0 is None: self.start_chrono() # get current i = self.curr_nmb # Dsiaplay each time because we cannot do anything else if i % self.interv == 0: ti = modtime.time() if i == 0: tf = '---' else: dt = (ti - self.t0)/i ti = self._format_time(ti - self.t0) dt = self._format_time(dt) text = ("=== {:{max_pad}d} {name} {} ({} / {})" .format(i, ti, dt, self.name_things, max_pad=self.nmb_max_pad, name=self.name_things)) print('\r' + text, end="") # increment self.curr_nmb += 1 # check if finished if i == self.nmb_max: self._print_end() return 0 def _format_time(self, second): ms = int((second % 1)*1000) second = int(second) m, s = divmod(second, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) j, h = divmod(h, 24) # only ms if s == 0 and m == 0 and h == 0 and j == 0: repr_time = '{:d}ms'.format(ms) return repr_time repr_time = '{:d}s'.format(s) if m != 0: repr_time = '{:d}mn'.format(m) + repr_time if h != 0: repr_time = '{:d}h'.format(h) + repr_time if j != 0: repr_time = '{:d}j'.format(m) + repr_time return repr_time