Source code for IMTreatment.file_operation.file_operation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/bin/env python3

# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Gaby Launay

# Author: Gaby Launay  <>
# URL:
# Version: 1.0

# This file is part of IMTreatment.

# IMTreatment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# IMTreatment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import gc
import gzip
import os
from glob import glob
import warnings
    import cv2
    IS_CV2 = True
except ImportError:
    IS_CV2 = False
    import h5py
    IS_H5PY = True
except ImportError:
    IS_H5PY = False

import numpy as np

from ..core import (Points, Profile, ScalarField, SpatialScalarFields,
                    SpatialVectorFields, TemporalScalarFields,
from ..vortex_detection import CritPoints
from ..utils import ProgressCounter, make_unit
from ..utils.types import ARRAYTYPES, STRINGTYPES

    import pickle as pickle
    import pickle
import as spio
import scipy.misc as spmisc
from os import path
import re

[docs]def check_path(filepath, newfile=False): """ Normalize and check the validity of the given path to feed importation functions. """ # check if not isinstance(filepath, STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError() if not isinstance(newfile, bool): raise ValueError() # normalize filepath = path.normpath(filepath) # check validity if newfile: filepath, filename = path.split(filepath) if not path.exists(filepath): # split the path (to check existing part) path_compos = [] p = filepath while True: p, f = path.split(p) if f != "": path_compos.append(f) else: if p != "": path_compos.append(p) break # check validity recursively valid_path = "" while True: if len(path_compos) == 0: break new_dir = path_compos.pop() if new_dir == "": break new_tested_path = path.join(valid_path, new_dir) if not path.exists(new_tested_path): if valid_path == "": valid_path = os.getcwd() err_mess = r"'{}' directory/file not found in '{}' directory." \ .format(new_dir, valid_path) raise FileNotFoundError(err_mess) valid_path = new_tested_path # returning if newfile: filepath = path.join(filepath, filename) return filepath
[docs]def find_file_in_path(regs, dirpath, ask=False): """ Search recursively for a folder containing files matching a regular expression, in the given root folder. Parameters ---------- exts : list of string List of regular expressions dirpath : string Root path to search from ask : bool If 'True', ask for the wanted folder and return only this one. Returns ------- folders : list of string List of folder containings wanted files. """ # check if not path.isdir(dirpath): raise ValueError() if not isinstance(regs, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError() regs = np.array(regs, dtype=str) # dir_paths = [] # recursive loop on folders for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dirpath): for f in files: match = np.any([re.match(reg, f) for reg in regs]) if match: break if match: dir_paths.append(root) # choose if ask and len(dir_paths) > 1: print(("{} folders found :".format(len(dir_paths)))) for i, p in enumerate(dir_paths): print((" {} : {}".format(i + 1, p))) rep = 0 while rep not in np.arange(1, len(dir_paths)+1): rep = input("Want to go with wich one ?\n") try: rep = int(rep) except: pass dir_paths = [dir_paths[rep - 1]] # return return dir_paths
[docs]def matlab_parser(obj, name): classic_types = (int, float, str, bool) array_types = (list, float) if obj is None: return {name: "None"} elif isinstance(obj, classic_types): return {name: obj} elif isinstance(obj, array_types): simple = True for val in obj: if not isinstance(val, (classic_types, array_types)): simple = False if simple: return {name: obj} else: return {name: [matlab_parser(obj[i], f"obj{i}") for i in range(len(obj))]} raise IOError("Matlab can't handle this kind of variable") elif isinstance(obj, Points): xy = obj.xy xy = [list(comp) for comp in xy] dic = matlab_parser(list(obj.v), 'v') dic.update(matlab_parser(xy, 'xy')) dic.update(matlab_parser(obj.unit_x.strUnit()[1:-1], 'unit_x')) dic.update(matlab_parser(obj.unit_y.strUnit()[1:-1], 'unit_y')) dic.update(matlab_parser(obj.unit_v.strUnit()[1:-1], 'unit_v')) return {name: dic} elif isinstance(obj, Profile): mask = [int(val) for val in obj.mask] dic = matlab_parser(list(obj.x), 'x') dic.update(matlab_parser(list(obj.y), 'y')) dic.update(matlab_parser(mask, 'mask')) dic.update(matlab_parser(obj.unit_x.strUnit()[1:-1], 'unit_x')) dic.update(matlab_parser(obj.unit_y.strUnit()[1:-1], 'unit_y')) return {name: dic} elif isinstance(obj, VectorField): x = obj.axe_x y = obj.axe_y X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij') X = [list(comp) for comp in X] Y = [list(comp) for comp in Y] comp_x = obj.comp_x comp_x = [list(comp) for comp in comp_x] comp_y = obj.comp_y comp_y = [list(comp) for comp in comp_y] mask = obj.mask mask = [list(comp) for comp in mask] dic = matlab_parser(list(obj.axe_x), 'axe_x') dic.update(matlab_parser(list(obj.axe_y), 'axe_y')) dic.update(matlab_parser(list(X), 'X')) dic.update(matlab_parser(list(Y), 'Y')) dic.update(matlab_parser(comp_x, 'comp_x')) dic.update(matlab_parser(comp_y, 'comp_y')) dic.update(matlab_parser(mask, 'mask')) dic.update(matlab_parser(obj.unit_x.strUnit()[1:-1], 'unit_x')) dic.update(matlab_parser(obj.unit_y.strUnit()[1:-1], 'unit_y')) dic.update(matlab_parser(obj.unit_values.strUnit()[1:-1], 'unit_values')) return {name: dic} elif isinstance(obj, ScalarField): x = obj.axe_x y = obj.axe_y X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing='ij') X = [list(comp) for comp in X] Y = [list(comp) for comp in Y] values = obj.values values = [list(comp) for comp in values] mask = obj.mask mask = [list(comp) for comp in mask] dic = matlab_parser(list(obj.axe_x), 'axe_x') dic.update(matlab_parser(list(obj.axe_y), 'axe_y')) dic.update(matlab_parser(list(X), 'X')) dic.update(matlab_parser(list(Y), 'Y')) dic.update(matlab_parser(values, 'values')) dic.update(matlab_parser(mask, 'mask')) dic.update(matlab_parser(obj.unit_x.strUnit()[1:-1], 'unit_x')) dic.update(matlab_parser(obj.unit_y.strUnit()[1:-1], 'unit_y')) dic.update(matlab_parser(obj.unit_values.strUnit()[1:-1], 'unit_values')) return {name: dic} elif isinstance(obj, CritPoints): eps = obj.current_epsilon if eps is not None: foc_traj = list(obj.foc_traj) foc_c_traj = list(obj.foc_c_traj) node_i_traj = list(obj.node_i_traj) node_o_traj = list(obj.node_o_traj) sadd_traj = list(obj.sadd_traj) else: foc_traj = None foc_c_traj = None node_i_traj = None node_o_traj = None sadd_traj = None foc = list(obj.foc) foc_c = list(obj.foc_c) node_i = list(obj.node_i) node_o = list(obj.node_o) sadd = list(obj.sadd) times = list(obj.times) unit_time = obj.unit_time.strUnit() unit_x = obj.unit_x.strUnit() unit_y = obj.unit_y.strUnit() dic = matlab_parser(eps, "epsilon") dic.update(matlab_parser(foc, "foc")) dic.update(matlab_parser(foc_traj, "foc_traj")) dic.update(matlab_parser(foc_c, "foc_c")) dic.update(matlab_parser(foc_c_traj, "foc_c_traj")) dic.update(matlab_parser(node_i, "node_i")) dic.update(matlab_parser(node_o, "node_o")) dic.update(matlab_parser(node_i_traj, "node_i_traj")) dic.update(matlab_parser(node_o_traj, "node_o_traj")) dic.update(matlab_parser(sadd, "sadd")) dic.update(matlab_parser(sadd_traj, "sadd_traj")) dic.update(matlab_parser(times, "times")) dic.update(matlab_parser(unit_time, "unit_time")) dic.update(matlab_parser(unit_x, "unit_x")) dic.update(matlab_parser(unit_y, "unit_y")) return {name: dic} else: raise IOError("Can't parser that : \n {}".format(obj))
[docs]def import_from_file(filepath, **kw): """ Load and return an object from the specified file using the JSON format. Additionnals arguments for the JSON decoder may be set with the **kw argument. Such as'encoding' (to change the file encoding, default='utf-8'). Parameters ---------- filepath : string Path specifiing the file to load. full_import : boolean If 'True', everything is charged in memory, else, data are loaded in memory when they are needed. """ # getting/guessing wanted files filepath = check_path(filepath) extension = path.splitext(filepath)[1] # importing file if extension == ".imt": gc.disable() with open(filepath, 'rb') as f: obj = pickle.load(f) gc.enable() elif extension == ".cimt": gc.disable() with, 'rb') as f: obj = pickle.load(f) gc.enable() else: raise IOError("File is not readable " "(unknown extension : {})".format(extension)) return obj
[docs]def export_to_file(obj, filepath, compressed=True, **kw): """ Write the object in the specified file. Additionnals arguments for the JSON encoder may be set with the **kw argument. If existing, specified file will be truncated. If not, it will be created. Parameters ---------- obj : Object to store (common and IMT objects are supported). filepath : string Path specifiing where to save the object. compressed : boolean, optional If 'True' (default), the file is compressed using gzip. """ # checking parameters coherence filepath = check_path(filepath, newfile=True) if not isinstance(compressed, bool): # creating/filling up the file raise TypeError("'compressed' must be a boolean") if compressed: gc.disable() if path.splitext(filepath)[1] != ".cimt": filepath = filepath + ".cimt" f =, 'wb') pickle.dump(obj, f, protocol=-1) f.close() gc.enable() else: gc.disable() if path.splitext(filepath)[1] != ".imt": filepath = filepath + ".imt" f = open(filepath, 'wb') pickle.dump(obj, f, protocol=-1) f.close() gc.enable()
[docs]def imts_to_imt(imts_path, imt_path, kind): """ Concatenate some .imt files to one .imt file. Parameters ---------- imts_path : string Path to the .imt files imt_path : string Path to store the new imt file. kind : string Kind of object for the new imt file (can be 'TSF' for TemporalScalarFields, 'SSF' for SpatialScalarFields, 'TVF' for TemporalVectorFields, 'SVF' for SpatialVectorFields) """ # check parameters imts_path = check_path(imts_path) imt_path = check_path(imt_path, newfile=True) if not isinstance(kind, STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError() # getting paths paths = glob(imts_path + "/*") # getting data type if kind == 'TSF': imts_type = 'SF' fields = TemporalScalarFields() elif kind == 'SSF': imts_type = 'SF' fields = SpatialScalarFields() elif kind == 'TVF': imts_type = 'VF' fields = TemporalVectorFields() elif kind == 'SVF': imts_type = 'VF' fields = SpatialVectorFields() else: raise ValueError() # importing data for tmp_path in paths: basename = path.basename(tmp_path) name, ext = path.splitext(basename) if ext in ['.imt', '.cimt']: field = import_from_file(tmp_path) if imts_type == 'SF' and not isinstance(field, ScalarField): continue elif imts_type == 'VF' and not isinstance(field, VectorField): continue fields.add_field(field) # saving data export_to_file(fields, imt_path)
[docs]def import_from_matlab(filepath, obj, show_struct=False, **kwargs): """ Import data from a matlab (.m) file. Data should be a dictionnary. Parameters ---------- filepath : string Path of the matlab file obj : string in ['ScalarField', 'VectorField', 'Profile', 'Points'] Kind of object to import to. show_struct: boolean If True, just show the structure of the file (and return it, so you can play with it) kwargs : Rest of the keyword arguments should indicate where to find the necessary information in the matlab dictionnary. Example ------- With a matlab file containing a dictionnary with the following entries: 'x', 'x_unit', 'y', 'y_unit', 'u', 'v' >>> vf = import_from_matlab('data.m', 'VectorField', ... axe_x='x', axe_y='y', ... unit_x='x_unit', unit_y='y_unit', ... comp_x='u', comp_y='v') """ if not IS_H5PY: raise Exception('h5py needs to be installed to import from matlab.') filepath = check_path(filepath) # Get matlab dictionnary try: data = spio.loadmat(filepath) is_h5py = False except NotImplementedError: data = h5py.File(filepath, 'r') is_h5py = True if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): keys = list(data.dtype.fields.keys()) else: keys = list(data.keys()) # pivmat ! dataf = None if 'Data' in keys and 'P' in keys: dataf = data data = dataf['Data'] if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): keys = list(data.dtype.fields.keys()) else: keys = list(data.keys()) # Create object if obj == 'ScalarField': res = ScalarField default_dic = {'axe_x': 'axe_x', 'axe_y': 'axe_y', 'unit_x': 'unit_x', 'unit_y': 'unit_y', 'values': 'values', 'mask': 'mask', 'unit_values': 'unit_values'} elif obj == 'VectorField': res = VectorField default_dic = {'axe_x': 'axe_x', 'axe_y': 'axe_y', 'comp_x': 'comp_x', 'comp_y': 'comp_y', 'mask': 'mask', 'unit_x': 'unit_x', 'unit_y': 'unit_y', 'unit_values': 'unit_values'} elif obj == 'Profile': res = Profile default_dic = {'x': 'x', 'y': 'y', 'mask': 'mask', 'unit_x': 'unit_x', 'unit_y': 'unit_y'} elif obj == 'Points': res = Points default_dic = {'xy': 'xy', 'v': 'v', 'unit_x': 'unit_x', 'unit_y': 'unit_y', 'unit_v': 'unit_v'} default_dic.update(kwargs) kwargs = default_dic # Just show the structure if show_struct: if is_h5py: print(f"Available keys in {filepath}:\n{keys})") else: print(f"Available keys in {filepath}:" f"\n{keys}") return data # Create building dict build_dic = {} for key, entry in kwargs.items(): if entry in keys: tdata = data[entry] while len(tdata) == 1: tdata = tdata[0] if key in ['unit_x', 'unit_y', 'unit_values']: if isinstance(tdata, str): build_dic[key] = tdata else: build_dic[key] = ''.join(chr(n) for n in tdata) else: build_dic[key] = np.array(tdata) if is_h5py and dataf is not None: dataf.close() # Fix unities for key, item in build_dic.items(): if len(item) == 1: build_dic[key] = build_dic[key][0] # Fill the object if obj in ['ScalarField', 'VectorField']: ress = res() ress.import_from_arrays(**build_dic) else: ress = res(**build_dic) # Return return ress
[docs]def export_to_matlab(obj, filepath, **kw): filepath = check_path(filepath, newfile=True) dic = matlab_parser(obj, "tmp") spio.savemat(filepath, dic["tmp"], **kw)
[docs]def export_to_vtk(obj, filepath, axis=None, **kw): """ Export the field to a .vtk file, for Mayavi use. Parameters ---------- filepath : string Path where to write the vtk file. axis : tuple of strings By default, field axe are set to (x,y), if you want different axis, you have to specified them here. For example, "('z', 'y')", put the x field axis values in vtk z axis, and y field axis in y vtk axis. line : boolean (only for Points object) If 'True', lines between points are writen instead of points. """ if isinstance(obj, ScalarField): __export_sf_to_vtk(obj, filepath, axis) elif isinstance(obj, VectorField): __export_vf_to_vtk(obj, filepath, axis) elif isinstance(obj, Points): __export_pts_to_vtk(obj, filepath, **kw) else: raise TypeError("Cannot (yet) export this kind of object to vtk")
def __export_pts_to_vtk(pts, filepath, axis=None, line=False): """ Export the Points object to a .vtk file, for Mayavi use. Parameters ---------- pts : Point object . filepath : string Path where to write the vtk file. axis : tuple of strings, optional By default, points field axe are set to (x,y), if you want different axis, you have to specified them here. For example, "('z', 'y')", put the x points field axis values in vtk z axis, and y points field axis in y vtk axis. line : boolean, optional If 'True', lines between points are writen instead of points. """ try: import pyvtk except ImportError: raise Exception("You need to install pyvtk to use this " "functionnality") if not path.exists(path.dirname(filepath)): raise ValueError("'filepath' is not a valid path") if axis is None: axis = ('x', 'y') if not isinstance(axis, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'axis' must be a 2x1 tuple") if not isinstance(axis[0], STRINGTYPES) \ or not isinstance(axis[1], STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError("'axis' must be a 2x1 tuple of strings") if not axis[0] in ['x', 'y', 'z'] or not axis[1] in ['x', 'y', 'z']: raise ValueError("'axis' strings must be 'x', 'y' or 'z'") if axis[0] == axis[1]: raise ValueError("'axis' strings must be different") if not isinstance(line, bool): raise TypeError("'line' must be a boolean") v = pts.v x = pts.xy[:, 0] y = pts.xy[:, 1] if v is None: v = np.zeros(pts.xy.shape[0]) point_data = pyvtk.PointData(pyvtk.Scalars(v, 'Points values')) x_vtk = np.zeros(pts.xy.shape[0]) y_vtk = np.zeros(pts.xy.shape[0]) z_vtk = np.zeros(pts.xy.shape[0]) if axis[0] == 'x': x_vtk = x elif axis[0] == 'y': y_vtk = x else: z_vtk = x if axis[1] == 'x': x_vtk = y elif axis[1] == 'y': y_vtk = y else: z_vtk = y pts = list(zip(x_vtk, y_vtk, z_vtk)) vertex = np.arange(x_vtk.shape[0]) if line: grid = pyvtk.UnstructuredGrid(pts, line=vertex) else: grid = pyvtk.UnstructuredGrid(pts, vertex=vertex) data = pyvtk.VtkData(grid, 'Scalar Field from python', point_data) data.tofile(filepath) def __export_sf_to_vtk(obj, filepath, axis=None): """ Export the scalar field to a .vtk file, for Mayavi use. Parameters ---------- filepath : string Path where to write the vtk file. axis : tuple of strings By default, scalar field axe are set to (x,y), if you want different axis, you have to specified them here. For example, "('z', 'y')", put the x scalar field axis values in vtk z axis, and y scalar field axis in y vtk axis. """ import pyvtk if not path.exists(path.dirname(filepath)): raise ValueError("'filepath' is not a valid path") if axis is None: axis = ('x', 'y') if not isinstance(axis, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'axis' must be a 2x1 tuple") if not isinstance(axis[0], STRINGTYPES) \ or not isinstance(axis[1], STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError("'axis' must be a 2x1 tuple of strings") if not axis[0] in ['x', 'y', 'z'] or not axis[1] in ['x', 'y', 'z']: raise ValueError("'axis' strings must be 'x', 'y' or 'z'") if axis[0] == axis[1]: raise ValueError("'axis' strings must be different") V = obj.values.flatten() x = obj.axe_x y = obj.axe_y point_data = pyvtk.PointData(pyvtk.Scalars(V, 'Scalar Field')) x_vtk = 0. y_vtk = 0. z_vtk = 0. if axis[0] == 'x': x_vtk = x elif axis[0] == 'y': y_vtk = x else: z_vtk = x if axis[1] == 'x': x_vtk = y elif axis[1] == 'y': y_vtk = y else: z_vtk = y grid = pyvtk.RectilinearGrid(x_vtk, y_vtk, z_vtk) data = pyvtk.VtkData(grid, 'Scalar Field from python', point_data) data.tofile(filepath) def __export_vf_to_vtk(obj, filepath, axis=None): """ Export the vector field to a .vtk file, for Mayavi use. Parameters ---------- filepath : string Path where to write the vtk file. axis : tuple of strings By default, scalar field axe are set to (x,y), if you want different axis, you have to specified them here. For example, "('z', 'y')", put the x scalar field axis values in vtk z axis, and y scalar field axis in y vtk axis. """ import pyvtk if not path.exists(path.dirname(filepath)): raise ValueError("'filepath' is not a valid path") if axis is None: axis = ('x', 'y') if not isinstance(axis, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'axis' must be a 2x1 tuple") if not isinstance(axis[0], STRINGTYPES) \ or not isinstance(axis[1], STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError("'axis' must be a 2x1 tuple of strings") if not axis[0] in ['x', 'y', 'z'] or not axis[1] in ['x', 'y', 'z']: raise ValueError("'axis' strings must be 'x', 'y' or 'z'") if axis[0] == axis[1]: raise ValueError("'axis' strings must be different") Vx, Vy = obj.comp_x, obj.comp_y Vx = Vx.flatten() Vy = Vy.flatten() x, y = obj.axe_x, obj.axe_y x_vtk = 0. y_vtk = 0. z_vtk = 0. vx_vtk = np.zeros(Vx.shape) vy_vtk = np.zeros(Vx.shape) vz_vtk = np.zeros(Vx.shape) if axis[0] == 'x': x_vtk = x vx_vtk = Vx elif axis[0] == 'y': y_vtk = x vy_vtk = Vx else: z_vtk = x vz_vtk = Vx if axis[1] == 'x': x_vtk = y vx_vtk = Vy elif axis[1] == 'y': y_vtk = y vy_vtk = Vy else: z_vtk = y vz_vtk = Vy vect = list(zip(vx_vtk, vy_vtk, vz_vtk)) point_data = pyvtk.PointData(pyvtk.Vectors(vect, "Vector field")) grid = pyvtk.RectilinearGrid(x_vtk, y_vtk, z_vtk) data = pyvtk.VtkData(grid, 'Vector Field from python', point_data) data.tofile(filepath) def _get_imx_buffers(filename): """ Return the buffers stored in the given file. """ try: import ReadIM except ModuleNotFoundError: raise Exception("You need the 'ReadIM' module to import from davis" " files") vbuff, vatts = ReadIM.extra.get_Buffer_andAttributeList(filename) arrays, vbuff2 = ReadIM.extra.buffer_as_array(vbuff) arrays = np.array(arrays.transpose((0, 2, 1))) atts = ReadIM.extra.att2dict(vatts) fmt = vbuff.image_sub_type vectorGrid = vbuff.vectorGrid ReadIM.DestroyBuffer(vbuff) ReadIM.DestroyBuffer(vbuff2) return fmt, vectorGrid, arrays, atts
[docs]def import_from_IM7(filename, infos=False): """ Import a scalar field from a .IM7 file. Parameters ---------- filename : string Path to the IM7 file. infos : boolean, optional If 'True', also return a dictionary with informations on the im7 """ if not isinstance(filename, STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError("'filename' must be a string") if not path.exists(filename): raise ValueError("I did not find your file, boy") _, ext = path.splitext(filename) if not (ext == ".im7" or ext == ".IM7"): raise ValueError("I need the file to be an IM7 file (not a {} file)" .format(ext)) # Importing from buffer fmt, vectorGrid, v_array, atts = _get_imx_buffers(filename) if v_array.shape[0] == 2: mask = v_array[0][:, ::1] values = v_array[1][:, ::1] elif v_array.shape[0] == 1: values = v_array[0][:, ::1] mask = np.zeros(values.shape, dtype=bool) # Values and Mask scale_i = atts['_SCALE_I'] scale_i = scale_i.split("\n") scale_val = scale_i[0].split(' ') unit_values = scale_i[1] try: values *= int(scale_val[0]) values += int(scale_val[1]) except ValueError: values *= float(scale_val[0]) values += float(scale_val[1]) # X scale_x = atts['_SCALE_X'] scale_x = scale_x.split("\n") unit_x = scale_x[1] scale_val = scale_x[0].split(' ') x_init = float(scale_val[1]) dx = float(scale_val[0]) len_axe_x = values.shape[0] if dx < 0: axe_x = x_init + np.arange(len_axe_x - 1, -1, -1)*dx values = values[::-1, :] mask = mask[::-1, :] else: axe_x = x_init + np.arange(len_axe_x)*dx # Y scale_y = atts['_SCALE_Y'] scale_y = scale_y.split("\n") unit_y = scale_y[1] scale_val = scale_y[0].split(' ') y_init = float(scale_val[1]) dy = float(scale_val[0]) len_axe_y = values.shape[1] if dy < 0: axe_y = y_init + np.arange(len_axe_y - 1, -1, -1)*dy values = values[:, ::-1] mask = mask[:, ::-1] else: axe_y = y_init + np.arange(len_axe_y)*dy # returning tmpsf = ScalarField() tmpsf.import_from_arrays(axe_x=axe_x, axe_y=axe_y, values=values, mask=mask, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_values=unit_values) if infos: return tmpsf, atts else: return tmpsf
[docs]def import_from_IM7s(fieldspath, kind='TSF', fieldnumbers=None, incr=1): """ Import scalar fields from .IM7 files. 'fieldspath' should be a tuple of path to im7 files. All im7 file present in the folder are imported. Parameters ---------- fieldspath : string or tuple of string kind : string, optional Kind of object to create with IM7 files. (can be 'TSF' for TemporalScalarFields or 'SSF' for SpatialScalarFields). fieldnumbers : 2x1 tuple of int Interval of fields to import, default is all. incr : integer Incrementation between fields to take. Default is 1, meaning all fields are taken. """ # check parameters if isinstance(fieldspath, ARRAYTYPES): if not isinstance(fieldspath[0], STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError("'fieldspath' must be a string or a tuple of" " string") fieldspaths = np.asarray(fieldspath, dtype=str) elif isinstance(fieldspath, STRINGTYPES): fieldspath = check_path(fieldspath) paths = np.asarray([f for f in glob(path.join(fieldspath, '*')) if path.splitext(f)[-1] in ['.im7', '.IM7']], dtype=str) # if no file found, search recursively if len(paths) == 0: poss_paths = find_file_in_path(['.*.im7', '.*.IM7'], fieldspath, ask=True) if len(poss_paths) == 0: raise ValueError() paths = np.asarray([f for f in glob(path.join(poss_paths[0], '*')) if path.splitext(f)[-1] in ['.im7', '.IM7']], dtype=str) # Sort path by numbers filenames = [path.basename(p) for p in paths] ind_sort = np.argsort(filenames) fieldspaths = paths[ind_sort] else: raise TypeError() if fieldnumbers is not None: if not isinstance(fieldnumbers, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'fieldnumbers' must be a 2x1 array") if not len(fieldnumbers) == 2: raise TypeError("'fieldnumbers' must be a 2x1 array") if not isinstance(fieldnumbers[0], int) \ or not isinstance(fieldnumbers[1], int): raise TypeError("'fieldnumbers' must be an array of integers") else: fieldnumbers = [0, len(fieldspaths)] if not isinstance(incr, int): raise TypeError("'incr' must be an integer") if incr <= 0: raise ValueError("'incr' must be positive") # Import if kind == 'TSF': fields = TemporalScalarFields() elif kind == 'SSF': fields = SpatialScalarFields() else: raise ValueError() start = fieldnumbers[0] end = fieldnumbers[1] t = 0. # loop on files for p in fieldspaths[start:end:incr]: tmp_sf, infos = import_from_IM7(p, infos=True) try: dt = infos['FrameDt0'].split() except KeyError: dt = [1., ""] unit_time = make_unit(dt[1]) dt = float(dt[0]) t += dt*incr if kind == 'TSF': fields.add_field(tmp_sf, t, unit_time) else: fields.add_field(tmp_sf) return fields
[docs]def import_from_VC7(filename, infos=False, add_fields=False): """ Import a vector field or a velocity field from a .VC7 file Parameters ---------- filename : string Path to the file to import. infos : boolean, optional If 'True', also return a dictionary with informations on the im7 add_fields : boolean, optional If 'True', also return a tuple containing additional fields contained in the vc7 field (peak ratio, correlation value, ...) """ # check parameters filename = check_path(filename) _, ext = path.splitext(filename) if not (ext == ".vc7" or ext == ".VC7"): raise ValueError("'filename' must be a vc7 file") # Importing from buffer fmt, vectorGrid, v_array, atts = _get_imx_buffers(filename) # Values and Mask if fmt == 2: Vx = v_array[0] Vy = v_array[1] mask = np.zeros(Vx.shape, dtype=bool) elif fmt == 3 or fmt == 1: mask = np.logical_not(v_array[0]) mask2 = np.logical_not(v_array[9]) mask = np.logical_or(mask, mask2) Vx = v_array[1] Vy = v_array[2] mask = np.logical_or(mask, np.logical_and(Vx == 0., Vy == 0.)) # additional fields if necessary if add_fields and fmt in [1, 3]: suppl_fields = [] for i in np.arange(4, v_array.shape[0]): suppl_fields.append(np.transpose(np.array(v_array[i]))) # Get and apply scale on values scale_i = atts['_SCALE_I'] scale_i = scale_i.split("\n") unit_values = scale_i[1] scale_val = scale_i[0].split(' ') try: Vx *= int(scale_val[0]) Vx += int(scale_val[1]) Vy *= int(scale_val[0]) Vy += int(scale_val[1]) except ValueError: Vx *= float(scale_val[0]) Vx += float(scale_val[1]) Vy *= float(scale_val[0]) Vy += float(scale_val[1]) # Get and apply scale on X scale_x = atts['_SCALE_X'] scale_x = scale_x.split("\n") unit_x = scale_x[1] scale_val = scale_x[0].split(' ') x_init = float(scale_val[1]) dx = float(scale_val[0])*vectorGrid len_axe_x = Vx.shape[0] if dx < 0: axe_x = x_init + np.arange(len_axe_x - 1, -1, -1)*dx Vx = -Vx[::-1, :] Vy = Vy[::-1, :] mask = mask[::-1, :] if add_fields: for i in np.arange(len(suppl_fields)): suppl_fields[i] = suppl_fields[i][::-1, :] else: axe_x = x_init + np.arange(len_axe_x)*dx # Get and apply scale on Y scale_y = atts['_SCALE_Y'] scale_y = scale_y.split("\n") unit_y = scale_y[1] scale_val = scale_y[0].split(' ') y_init = float(scale_val[1]) dy = float(scale_val[0])*vectorGrid len_axe_y = Vx.shape[1] if dy < 0 or scale_y[1] == 'pixel': axe_y = y_init + np.arange(len_axe_y - 1, -1, -1)*dy Vx = Vx[:, ::-1] Vy = -Vy[:, ::-1] mask = mask[:, ::-1] if add_fields: for i in np.arange(len(suppl_fields)): suppl_fields[i] = suppl_fields[i][:, ::-1] else: axe_y = y_init + np.arange(len_axe_y)*dy # returning tmpvf = VectorField() tmpvf.import_from_arrays(axe_x, axe_y, Vx, Vy, mask=mask, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_values=unit_values) if not infos and not add_fields: return tmpvf res = () res += (tmpvf,) if infos: res += (atts,) if add_fields: add_fields = [] for i in np.arange(len(suppl_fields)): tmp_field = ScalarField() tmp_field.import_from_arrays(axe_x, axe_y, suppl_fields[i], unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_values='') add_fields.append(tmp_field) res += (add_fields,) return res
[docs]def import_from_VC7s(fieldspath, kind='TVF', fieldnumbers=None, incr=1, add_fields=False, verbose=False): """ Import velocity fields from .VC7 files. 'fieldspath' should be a tuple of path to vc7 files. All vc7 file present in the folder are imported. Parameters ---------- fieldspath : string or tuple of string If no '.vc7' are found directly under 'fieldspath', present folders are recursively serached for '.vc7' files. kind : string, optional Kind of object to create with VC7 files. (can be 'TVF' or 'SVF'). fieldnumbers : 2x1 tuple of int Interval of fields to import, default is all. incr : integer Incrementation between fields to take. Default is 1, meaning all fields are taken. add_fields : boolean, optional If 'True', also return a tuple containing additional fields contained in the vc7 field (peak ratio, correlation value, ...). Verbose : bool, optional . """ # check and adpat 'fieldspath' if isinstance(fieldspath, ARRAYTYPES): if not isinstance(fieldspath[0], STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError("'fieldspath' must be a string or a tuple of" " string") paths = fieldspath elif isinstance(fieldspath, STRINGTYPES): fieldspath = check_path(fieldspath) paths = np.array([f for f in glob(path.join(fieldspath, '*')) if path.splitext(f)[-1] in ['.vc7', '.VC7']]) # if no file found, search recursively if len(paths) == 0: poss_paths = find_file_in_path(['.*.vc7', '.*.VC7'], fieldspath, ask=True) if len(poss_paths) == 0: raise ValueError() paths = np.array([f for f in glob(path.join(poss_paths[0], '*')) if path.splitext(f)[-1] in ['.vc7', '.VC7']]) # Sort path by numbers filenames = [path.basename(p) for p in paths] ind_sort = np.argsort(filenames) paths = paths[ind_sort] else: raise TypeError() # check and adapt 'fieldnumbers' if fieldnumbers is not None: if not isinstance(fieldnumbers, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'fieldnumbers' must be a 2x1 array") if not len(fieldnumbers) == 2: raise TypeError("'fieldnumbers' must be a 2x1 array") if not isinstance(fieldnumbers[0], int) \ or not isinstance(fieldnumbers[1], int): raise TypeError("'fieldnumbers' must be an array of integers") else: fieldnumbers = [0, len(paths)] # check and adpat 'incr' if not isinstance(incr, int): raise TypeError("'incr' must be an integer") if incr <= 0: raise ValueError("'incr' must be positive") # Prepare containers if kind == 'TVF': fields = TemporalVectorFields() elif kind == 'SVF': fields = SpatialVectorFields() else: raise ValueError() # initialize counter start = fieldnumbers[0] end = fieldnumbers[1] nmb_files = int((end - start)/incr) pc = ProgressCounter(init_mess="Begin importation of {} VC7 files" .format(nmb_files), nmb_max=nmb_files, name_things="VC7 files", perc_interv=10) # loop on files t = 0. if add_fields: tmp_vf, add_fields = import_from_VC7(paths[0], add_fields=True) suppl_fields = [TemporalScalarFields() for field in add_fields] for i, p in enumerate(paths[start:end:incr]): if verbose: pc.print_progress() if add_fields: tmp_vf, infos, add_fields = import_from_VC7(p, infos=True, add_fields=True) dt = infos['FrameDt0'].split() unit_time = make_unit(dt[1]) dt = float(dt[0]) t += dt*incr fields.add_field(tmp_vf, t, unit_time) for i, f in enumerate(add_fields): suppl_fields[i].add_field(f, t, unit_time) else: tmp_vf, infos = import_from_VC7(p, infos=True) try: dt = infos['FrameDt0'].split() unit_time = make_unit(dt[1]) dt = float(dt[0]) except KeyError: dt = 1. unit_time = make_unit("") t += dt*incr fields.add_field(tmp_vf, t, unit_time) # return if add_fields: return fields, suppl_fields else: return fields
[docs]def IM7_to_imt(im7_path, imt_path, kind='SF', compressed=True, **kwargs): """ Transfome an IM7 (davis) file into a, imt exploitable file. Parameters ---------- im7_path : path to file or directory Path to the IM7 file(s) , can be path to a single file or path to a directory contening multiples files. imt_path : path to file or directory Path where to save imt files, has to be the same type of path than 'im7_path' (path to file or path to directory) kind : string Kind of object to store (can be 'TSF' for TemporalScalarFields, 'SSF' for SpatialScalarFields or 'SF' for multiple ScalarField) compressed : boolean, optional If 'True' (default), the file is compressed using gzip. kwargs : dict, optional Additional arguments for 'import_from_***()'. """ # checking parameters im7_path = check_path(im7_path) imt_path = check_path(imt_path, newfile=True) # checking if file or directory if path.isdir(im7_path): if kind in ['SSF', 'TSF']: ST_SF = import_from_IM7s(im7_path, kind=kind, **kwargs) export_to_file(ST_SF, imt_path) elif kind in ['SF']: paths = glob(im7_path + "/*") for tmp_path in paths: name_ext = path.basename(tmp_path) name, ext = path.splitext(name_ext) if ext not in ['.im7', '.IM7']: continue SF = import_from_IM7(tmp_path) export_to_file(SF, imt_path + "/{}".format(name), compressed=compressed) elif path.isfile(im7_path): SF = import_from_IM7(im7_path, **kwargs) export_to_file(SF, imt_path) else: raise ValueError()
[docs]def VC7_to_imt(vc7_path, imt_path, kind='VF', compressed=True, **kwargs): """ Transfome an VC7 (davis) file into a, imt exploitable file. Parameters ---------- vc7_path : path to file or directory Path to the VC7 file(s) , can be path to a single file or path to a directory contening multiples files. imt_path : path to file Path where to save imt file. kind : string Kind of object to store (can be 'TVF' for TemporalVectorFields, 'SVF' for SpatialVectorFields or 'VF' for multiple VectorField) compressed : boolean, optional If 'True' (default), the file is compressed using gzip. kwargs : dict, optional Additional arguments for 'import_from_***()'. """ # checking parameters vc7_path = check_path(vc7_path) imt_path = check_path(imt_path) # checking if file or directory if path.isdir(vc7_path): if kind in ['SVF', 'TVF']: ST_VF = import_from_VC7s(vc7_path, kind=kind, **kwargs) export_to_file(ST_VF, imt_path) elif kind in ['VF']: paths = glob(vc7_path + "/*") for tmp_path in paths: name_ext = path.basename(tmp_path) name, ext = path.splitext(name_ext) if ext not in ['.vc7', '.VC7']: continue VF = import_from_VC7(tmp_path) export_to_file(VF, imt_path + "/{}".format(name), compressed=compressed) elif path.isfile(vc7_path): SF = import_from_IM7(vc7_path, **kwargs) export_to_file(SF, imt_path) else: raise ValueError()
[docs]def import_from_picture(filepath, axe_x=None, axe_y=None, unit_x='', unit_y='', unit_values='', dtype=float): """ Import a scalar field from a picture file. Parameters ---------- filepath : string Path to the picture file. axe_x : . axe_y : . unit_x : . unit_y : . unit_values : . dtype : Type of the stored values (default to float) Returns ------- tmp_sf : . """ usable_ext = ['.png', '.PNG', '.jpg', '.JPG', '.jpeg', '.JPEG', '.bmp', '.BMP'] filepath = check_path(filepath) _, ext = path.splitext(filepath) if ext not in usable_ext: raise ValueError("I need the file to be an supported picture file" "(not a {} file)".format(ext)) # importing from file values = spmisc.imread(filepath, flatten=True).transpose()[:, ::-1] values = np.asarray(values, dtype=dtype) # set axis if axe_x is None: axe_x = np.arange(values.shape[0]) else: if len(axe_x) != values.shape[0]: raise ValueError() if axe_y is None: axe_y = np.arange(values.shape[1]) else: if len(axe_y) != values.shape[1]: raise ValueError() # create SF tmp_sf = ScalarField() tmp_sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x, axe_y, values, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_values=unit_values, dtype=dtype) # return return tmp_sf
[docs]def import_from_pictures(filepath, axe_x=None, axe_y=None, unit_x='', unit_y='', unit_values='', times=None, unit_times='', dtype=float, fieldnumbers=None, incr=1, verbose=False): """ Import scalar fields from a bunch of picture files. Parameters ---------- filepath : string regex matching the files. axe_x : . axe_y : . unit_x : . unit_y : . unit_values : . dtype : Type of the stored values (default to float) fieldnumbers: 2x1 array Interval of fields to import, default is all. incr : integer Increment (incr=2 will load only 1 picture over 2). Returns ------- tmp_sf : . """ # get paths # filepath = check_path(filepath) paths = glob(filepath) paths = sorted(paths) tmp_tsf = TemporalScalarFields() # check times if times is None: times = np.arange(len(paths)) elif len(times) != len(paths): raise ValueError() # filter by field number if fieldnumbers is None: start = 0 end = len(paths) else: if fieldnumbers[0] < 0: raise ValueError() if fieldnumbers[1] > len(paths): fieldnumbers[1] = len(paths) start = fieldnumbers[0] end = fieldnumbers[1] if verbose: pg = ProgressCounter(init_mess="Importing pictures", nmb_max=int((end - start + 1)/incr), name_things="pictures") # loop on paths for i in np.arange(start, end, incr): tmp_sf = import_from_picture(paths[i], axe_x=axe_x, axe_y=axe_y, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_values=unit_values, dtype=dtype) tmp_tsf.add_field(tmp_sf, times[i], unit_times=unit_times) if verbose: pg.print_progress() # returning return tmp_tsf
[docs]def import_from_video(filepath, dx=1, dy=1, unit_x='', unit_y='', unit_values='', dt=1, unit_times='', dtype=float, frame_inds=None, incr=1, verbose=False): """ Import scalar fields from a video. Parameters ---------- filepath : string regex matching the files. dx : . dy : . unit_x : . unit_y : . unit_values : . dtype : Type of the stored values (default to float) frame_inds: 2x1 array Interval of fields to import, default is all. incr : integer Increment (incr=2 will load only 1 picture over 2). Returns ------- tmp_sf : . """ # Chheck if cv2 is available if not IS_CV2: raise Exception('This feature needs opencv to be installed') # Check file filepath = check_path(filepath) paths = glob(filepath) paths = sorted(paths) tmp_tsf = TemporalScalarFields() # Open video stream vid = cv2.VideoCapture() max_frame = int(vid.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) # filter by field number if frame_inds is None: frame_inds = [0, max_frame] if frame_inds[1] > max_frame: frame_inds[1] = max_frame if verbose: start = frame_inds[0] end = frame_inds[1] pg = ProgressCounter(init_mess="Importing video", nmb_max=int((end - start + 1)/incr), name_things="frames") # loop on paths tsf = TemporalScalarFields() t = 0 for i in np.arange(0, frame_inds[1], 1): if i < frame_inds[0] or i % incr != 0: t += dt vid.grab() continue success, im = if not success: if frame_inds[1] != np.inf: warnings.warn(f"Can't decode frame number {i}") break im = cv2.cvtColor(im, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY) im = im.transpose()[:, ::-1] axe_x = np.arange(0, im.shape[0]*dx - 0.1*dx, dx) axe_y = np.arange(0, im.shape[1]*dy - 0.1*dy, dy) sf = ScalarField() sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x, axe_y, im, mask=False, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, dtype=dtype) tsf.add_field(sf, time=t, unit_times=unit_times, copy=False) t += dt if verbose: pg.print_progress() # returning return tsf
[docs]def export_to_picture(SF, filepath): """ Export a scalar field to a picture file. Parameters ---------- SF : . filepath : string Path to the picture file. """ filepath = check_path(filepath) values = SF.values[:, ::-1].transpose() spmisc.imsave(filepath, values)
[docs]def export_to_pictures(SFs, filepath): """ Export scalar fields to a picture file. Parameters ---------- SF : . filename : string Path to the picture file. Should include a name for the image (without the extension). """ #check filepath = check_path(filepath, newfile=True) # get values = [] if isinstance(SFs, ARRAYTYPES): for i in np.arange(len(SFs)): values.append(SFs[i].values) elif isinstance(SFs, (SpatialScalarFields, TemporalScalarFields)): for i in np.arange(len(SFs.fields)): values.append(SFs.fields[i].values[:, ::-1].transpose()) # save for i, val in enumerate(values): spmisc.imsave("{}_{:0>5}.png".format(filepath, i), val)
[docs]def export_to_video(SFs, filepath, fps=24, colormap=None): """ Export scalar fields to a video file. Parameters ---------- SF : . filename : string Path to the video file. """ #check filepath = check_path(filepath, newfile=True) # get values = [] if isinstance(SFs, ARRAYTYPES): for i in np.arange(len(SFs)): values.append(SFs[i].values) elif isinstance(SFs, (SpatialScalarFields, TemporalScalarFields)): for i in np.arange(len(SFs.fields)): values.append(SFs.fields[i].values[:, ::-1].transpose()) values = np.array(values) # normalize between 0 and 255 maxi = np.max(values) mini = np.min(values) values = (values - mini)/(maxi - mini) # save as a video using opencv vid = cv2.VideoWriter(filename=filepath, fourcc=cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"MJPG"), fps=fps, frameSize=(values[0].shape[1], values[0].shape[0])) for val in values: if colormap is None: tmpval = cv2.cvtColor((val*255).astype('uint8'), cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) else: tmpval = np.array(colormap(val)[:, :, 0:3]*255, dtype=np.uint8) tmpval = tmpval[:, :, ::-1] # # TEMP # tmpval2 = cv2.cvtColor((val*255).astype('uint8'), # cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB) # tmpval[:, 0:int(tmpval.shape[1]/2), :] \ # = tmpval2[:, 0:int(tmpval.shape[1]/2), :] # # TEMP - End vid.write(tmpval) vid.release()
[docs]def import_profile_from_ascii(filepath, x_col=1, y_col=2, unit_x=make_unit(""), unit_y=make_unit(""), **kwargs): """ Import a Profile object from an ascii file. Parameters ---------- x_col, y_col : integer, optional Colonne numbers for the given variables (begining at 1). unit_x, unit_y : Unit objects, optional Unities for the given variables. **kwargs : Possibles additional parameters are the same as those used in the numpy function 'genfromtext()' : 'delimiter' to specify the delimiter between colonnes. 'skip_header' to specify the number of colonne to skip at file begining """ # check filepath = check_path(filepath) # validating parameters if not isinstance(x_col, int) or not isinstance(y_col, int): raise TypeError("'x_col', 'y_col' must be integers") if x_col < 1 or y_col < 1: raise ValueError("Colonne number out of range") # 'names' deletion, if specified (dangereux pour la suite) if 'names' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('names') # extract data from file data = np.genfromtxt(filepath, **kwargs) # get axes x = data[:, x_col-1] y = data[:, y_col-1] prof = Profile(x, y, mask=False, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y) return prof
[docs]def import_pts_from_ascii(filepath, x_col=1, y_col=2, v_col=None, unit_x=make_unit(""), unit_y=make_unit(""), unit_v=make_unit(""), **kwargs): """ Import a Points object from an ascii file. Parameters ---------- x_col, y_col, v_col : integer, optional Colonne numbers for the given variables (begining at 1). unit_x, unit_y, unit_v : Unit objects, optional Unities for the given variables. **kwargs : Possibles additional parameters are the same as those used in the numpy function 'genfromtext()' : 'delimiter' to specify the delimiter between colonnes. 'skip_header' to specify the number of colonne to skip at file begining ... """ # check filepath = check_path(filepath) # validating parameters if v_col is None: v_col = 0 if not isinstance(x_col, int) or not isinstance(y_col, int)\ or not isinstance(v_col, int): raise TypeError("'x_col', 'y_col' and 'v_col' must be integers") if x_col < 1 or y_col < 1: raise ValueError("Colonne number out of range") # 'names' deletion, if specified (dangereux pour la suite) if 'names' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('names') # extract data from file data = np.genfromtxt(filepath, **kwargs) # get axes x = data[:, x_col-1] y = data[:, y_col-1] if v_col != 0: v = data[:, v_col-1] else: v = None return Points(list(zip(x, y)), v, unit_x, unit_y, unit_v)
[docs]def import_sf_from_ascii(filepath, x_col=1, y_col=2, vx_col=3, unit_x=make_unit(""), unit_y=make_unit(""), unit_values=make_unit(""), **kwargs): """ Import a scalarfield from an ascii file. Parameters ---------- x_col, y_col, vx_col: integer, optional Colonne numbers for the given variables (begining at 1). unit_x, unit_y, unit_v : Unit objects, optional Unities for the given variables. **kwargs : Possibles additional parameters are the same as those used in the numpy function 'genfromtext()' : 'delimiter' to specify the delimiter between colonnes. 'skip_header' to specify the number of colonne to skip at file begining ... """ # check filepath = check_path(filepath) # validating parameters if not isinstance(x_col, int) or not isinstance(y_col, int)\ or not isinstance(vx_col, int): raise TypeError("'x_col', 'y_col', 'vx_col' and 'vy_col' must " "be integers") if x_col < 1 or y_col < 1 or vx_col < 1: raise ValueError("Colonne number out of range") # 'names' deletion, if specified (dangereux pour la suite) if 'names' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('names') # extract data from file data = np.genfromtxt(filepath, **kwargs) # get axes x = data[:, x_col-1] x_org = np.sort(np.unique(x)) y = data[:, y_col-1] y_org = np.sort(np.unique(y)) vx = data[:, vx_col-1] # check if structured or not X1 = x.reshape(len(x_org), len(y_org)) X2 = x.reshape(len(y_org), len(x_org)) if np.allclose(np.mean(X1, axis=1), x_org): vx_org = vx.reshape(len(x_org), len(y_org)) mask = np.isnan(vx_org) elif np.allclose(np.mean(X2, axis=0), x_org): vx_org = vx.reshape(len(y_org), len(x_org)).transpose() vx_org = np.fliplr(vx_org) mask = np.isnan(vx_org) else: # Masking all the initial fields (to handle missing values) vx_org = np.zeros((y_org.shape[0], x_org.shape[0])) vx_org_mask = np.ones(vx_org.shape) vx_org =, vx_org_mask) #loop on all 'v' values x_ind = 0 y_ind = 0 for i in np.arange(vx.shape[0]): x_tmp = x[i] y_tmp = y[i] vx_tmp = vx[i] #find x index if x_org[x_ind] != x_tmp: x_ind = np.where(x_tmp == x_org)[0][0] #find y index if y_org[y_ind] != y_tmp: y_ind = np.where(y_tmp == y_org)[0][0] #put the value at its place vx_org[y_ind, x_ind] = vx_tmp # Treating 'nan' values mask = np.logical_or(vx_org.mask, np.isnan( #store field in attributes tmpsf = ScalarField() tmpsf.import_from_arrays(x_org, y_org, vx_org, mask=mask, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_values=unit_values) return tmpsf
[docs]def import_vf_from_ascii(filepath, x_col=1, y_col=2, vx_col=3, vy_col=4, unit_x=make_unit(""), unit_y=make_unit(""), unit_values=make_unit(""), **kwargs): """ Import a vectorfield from an ascii file. Parameters ---------- x_col, y_col, vx_col, vy_col : integer, optional Colonne numbers for the given variables (begining at 1). unit_x, unit_y, unit_v : Unit objects, optional Unities for the given variables. **kwargs : Possibles additional parameters are the same as those used in the numpy function 'genfromtext()' : 'delimiter' to specify the delimiter between colonnes. 'skip_header' to specify the number of colonne to skip at file begining ... """ # check filepath = check_path(filepath) # validating parameters if not isinstance(x_col, int) or not isinstance(y_col, int)\ or not isinstance(vx_col, int): raise TypeError("'x_col', 'y_col', 'vx_col' and 'vy_col' must " "be integers") if x_col < 1 or y_col < 1 or vx_col < 1: raise ValueError("Colonne number out of range") if vy_col is not None: if not isinstance(vy_col, int): raise TypeError("'x_col', 'y_col', 'vx_col' and 'vy_col' must " "be integers") if vy_col < 1: raise ValueError("Colonne number out of range") # 'names' deletion, if specified (dangereux pour la suite) if 'names' in kwargs: kwargs.pop('names') # extract data from file data = np.genfromtxt(filepath, **kwargs) # get axes x = data[:, x_col-1] x_org = np.unique(x) y = data[:, y_col-1] y_org = np.unique(y) vx = data[:, vx_col-1] vy = data[:, vy_col-1] # Masking all the initial fields (to handle missing values) vx_org = np.zeros((x_org.shape[0], y_org.shape[0])) vx_org_mask = np.ones(vx_org.shape) vx_org =, vx_org_mask) vy_org = np.zeros((x_org.shape[0], y_org.shape[0])) vy_org_mask = np.ones(vy_org.shape) vy_org =, vy_org_mask) #loop on all 'v' values for i in np.arange(vx.shape[0]): x_tmp = x[i] y_tmp = y[i] vx_tmp = vx[i] vy_tmp = vy[i] #find x index for j in np.arange(x_org.shape[0]): if x_org[j] == x_tmp: x_ind = j #find y index for j in np.arange(y_org.shape[0]): if y_org[j] == y_tmp: y_ind = j #put the value at its place vx_org[x_ind, y_ind] = vx_tmp vy_org[x_ind, y_ind] = vy_tmp # Treating 'nan' values vx_org.mask = np.logical_or(vx_org.mask, np.isnan( vy_org.mask = np.logical_or(vy_org.mask, np.isnan( #store field in attributes tmpvf = VectorField() tmpvf.import_from_arrays(x_org, y_org, vx_org, vy_org, mask=vx_org.mask, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_values=unit_values) return tmpvf
[docs]def import_vfs_from_ascii(filepath, kind='TVF', incr=1, interval=None, x_col=1, y_col=2, vx_col=3, vy_col=4, unit_x=make_unit(""), unit_y=make_unit(""), unit_values=make_unit(""), times=[], unit_time=make_unit(''), **kwargs): """ Import velocityfields from an ascii file. Parameters ---------- filepath : string Pathname pattern to the ascii files. incr : integer, optional Increment value between two fields taken. interval : 2x1 array, optional Interval in which take fields. x_col, y_col, vx_col, vy_col : integer, optional Colonne numbers for the given variables (begining at 1). unit_x, unit_y, unit_v : Unit objects, optional Unities for the given variables. times : array of number, optional Times of the instantaneous fields. unit_time : Unit object, optional Time unit, 'second' by default. **kwargs : Possibles additional parameters are the same as those used in the numpy function 'genfromtext()' : 'delimiter' to specify the delimiter between colonnes. 'skip_header' to specify the number of colonne to skip at file begining Note ---- txt files are taken in alpha-numerical order ('file2.txt' is taken before 'file20.txt'). So you should name your files properly. """ if not isinstance(incr, int): raise TypeError("'incr' must be an integer") if incr < 1: raise ValueError("'incr' must be superior to 1") if interval is not None: if not isinstance(interval, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'interval' must be an array") if not len(interval) == 2: raise ValueError("'interval' must be a 2x1 array") if interval[0] > interval[1]: interval = [interval[1], interval[0]] filepath = check_path(filepath) paths = glob.glob(filepath) if interval is None: interval = [0, len(paths)-1] if interval[0] < 0 or interval[1] > len(paths): raise ValueError("'interval' is out of bounds") if times == []: times = np.arange(len(paths)) if len(paths) != len(times): raise ValueError("Not enough values in 'times'") ref_path_len = len(paths[0]) if kind == 'TVF': fields = TemporalVectorFields() elif kind == 'SVF': fields = SpatialVectorFields() else: raise ValueError() for i in np.arange(interval[0], interval[1] + 1, incr): path = paths[i] if len(path) != ref_path_len: raise Warning("You should check your files names," "i may have taken them in the wrong order.") tmp_vf = VectorField() tmp_vf.import_from_ascii(path, x_col, y_col, vx_col, vy_col, unit_x, unit_y, unit_values, times[i], unit_time, **kwargs) fields.add_field(tmp_vf) return fields
[docs]def export_to_ascii(obj, filepath): """ """ # check filepath = check_path(filepath, newfile=True) # obj type if isinstance(obj, VectorField): # open file f = open(filepath, 'w') # write header header = "# X {}\tY {}\tVx {}\tVy {}\n"\ .format(obj.unit_x.strUnit(), obj.unit_y.strUnit(), obj.unit_values.strUnit(), obj.unit_values.strUnit()) f.write(header) # write data for i, x in enumerate(obj.axe_x): for j, y in enumerate(obj.axe_y): f.write("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(x, y, obj.comp_x[i, j], obj.comp_y[i, j])) f.close() elif isinstance(obj, ScalarField): # open file f = open(filepath, 'w') # write header header = "# X {}\tY {}\tValue {}\n"\ .format(obj.unit_x.strUnit(), obj.unit_y.strUnit(), obj.unit_values.strUnit()) f.write(header) # write data for i, x in enumerate(obj.axe_x): for j, y in enumerate(obj.axe_y): f.write("{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(x, y, obj.values[i, j])) f.close() elif isinstance(obj, Profile): # open file f = open(filepath, 'w') # write header header = "# X {}\tY {}\n"\ .format(obj.unit_x.strUnit(), obj.unit_y.strUnit()) f.write(header) # write data for x, y in zip(obj.x, obj.y): f.write("{}\t{}\n".format(x, y)) f.close() elif isinstance(obj, Points): # open file f = open(filepath, 'w') if len(obj.v) == 0: # write header header = "# X {}\tY {}\n"\ .format(obj.unit_x.strUnit(), obj.unit_y.strUnit()) f.write(header) # write data for x, y in zip(obj.xy[:, 0], obj.xy[:, 1]): f.write("{}\t{}\n".format(x, y)) else: # write header header = "# X {}\tY {}\tV {}\n"\ .format(obj.unit_x.strUnit(), obj.unit_y.strUnit(), obj.unit_v.strUnit()) f.write(header) # write data for x, y, v in zip(obj.xy[:, 0], obj.xy[:, 1], obj.v): f.write("{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(x, y, v)) f.close() elif isinstance(obj, CritPoints): # get info from path basename = os.path.splitext(filepath)[0] try: os.mkdir(basename) except FileExistsError: pass t_unit = obj.unit_time.strUnit() if t_unit == "[]": t_unit = "" for typ in obj.cp_types: pts = obj.__getattribute__(typ) for t, pt in zip(obj.times, pts): export_to_ascii(pt, "{}/{}_t={}{}.txt".format(basename, typ, t, t_unit)) else: raise TypeError()