Source code for IMTreatment.core.temporalfields

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/bin/env python3

# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Gaby Launay

# Author: Gaby Launay  <>
# URL:
# Version: 1.0

# This file is part of IMTreatment.

# IMTreatment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# IMTreatment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .. import plotlib as pplt
import numpy as np
import unum
import copy
from ..utils import make_unit, ProgressCounter
from . import field as fld
from . import fields as flds
from . import scalarfield as sf
from . import points as pts
from . import profile as prof
from . import vectorfield as vf

[docs]class TemporalFields(flds.Fields, fld.Field): """ Class representing a set of time evolving fields. All fields added to this object has to have the same axis system. """ def __init__(self): fld.Field.__init__(self) flds.Fields.__init__(self) self.fields = [] self.__times = np.array([], dtype=float) self.__unit_times = make_unit("") self.field_type = None self.axe_x = [] self.axe_y = [] self.unit_x = make_unit('') self.unit_y = make_unit('') self.unit_times = make_unit('') def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.fields[0].__class__): tmp_TF = self.copy() for i in np.arange(len(tmp_TF.fields)): tmp_TF.fields[i] += other return tmp_TF elif isinstance(other, self.__class__): tmp_tf = self.copy() if np.all(self.times == other.times): for i in np.arange(len(self.fields)): tmp_tf.fields[i] += other.fields[i] else: for i in np.arange(len(other.fields)): tmp_tf.add_field(other.fields[i]) return tmp_tf else: tmp_TF = self.copy() for i in np.arange(len(tmp_TF.fields)): tmp_TF.fields[i] += other return tmp_TF # else: # raise TypeError("cannot concatenate {} with" # " {}.".format(self.__class__, type(other))) def __sub__(self, other): return self.__add__(-other) def __neg__(self): tmp_tf = self.copy() for i in np.arange(len(self.fields)): tmp_tf.fields[i] = -tmp_tf.fields[i] return tmp_tf def __mul__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): if not len(self) == len(other): raise Exception() if not np.all(self.axe_x == other.axe_x) \ and np.all(self.axe_y == other.axe_y): raise Exception() if not np.all(self.times == other.times): raise Exception() vfs = self.__class__() for i in np.arange(len(self.fields)): vfs.add_field(self.fields[i]*other.fields[i]) return vfs elif isinstance(other, (NUMBERTYPES, unum.Unum)): final_vfs = self.__class__() for field in self.fields: final_vfs.add_field(field*other) return final_vfs else: raise TypeError("You can only multiply a temporal velocity field " "by numbers") __rmul__ = __mul__ def __truediv__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): if not len(self) == len(other): raise Exception() if not np.all(self.axe_x == other.axe_x) \ and np.all(self.axe_y == other.axe_y): raise Exception() if not np.all(self.times == other.times): raise Exception() vfs = self.__class__() for i in np.arange(len(self.fields)): vfs.add_field(self.fields[i]/other.fields[i]) return vfs elif isinstance(other, self.fields[0].__class__): if not np.all(self.axe_x == other.axe_x) \ and np.all(self.axe_y == other.axe_y): raise Exception() vfs = self.__class__() for i in np.arange(len(self.fields)): vfs.add_field(self.fields[i]/other) return vfs elif isinstance(other, (NUMBERTYPES, unum.Unum)): final_vfs = self.__class__() for i, field in enumerate(self.fields): final_vfs.add_field(other, time=self.times[i], unit_times=self.unit_times) return final_vfs else: raise TypeError("") __div__ = __truediv__ def __pow__(self, number): if not isinstance(number, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("You only can use a number for the power " "on a Vectorfield") final_vfs = self.__class__() for field in self.fields: final_vfs.add_field(np.power(field, number)) return final_vfs def __iter__(self): for i in np.arange(len(self.fields)): yield self.times[i], self.fields[i] def __eq__(self, obj): if not isinstance(obj, self.__class__): return False if not fld.Field.__eq__(self, obj): return False if not flds.Fields.__eq__(self, obj): return False for attr in ['fields', 'times', 'axe_x', 'axe_y']: if not np.all(self.__getattribute__(attr) == obj.__getattribute__(attr)): return False for attr in ['field_type', 'unit_x', 'unit_y', 'unit_times']: if not (self.__getattribute__(attr) == obj.__getattribute__(attr)): return False return True @fld.Field.axe_x.setter def axe_x(self, value): fld.Field.axe_x.fset(self, value) for field in self.fields: field.axe_x = value field.xy_scale = self.xy_scale @fld.Field.axe_y.setter def axe_y(self, value): fld.Field.axe_y.fset(self, value) for field in self.fields: field.axe_y = value field.xy_scale = self.xy_scale @fld.Field.unit_x.setter def unit_x(self, value): fld.Field.unit_x.fset(self, value) for field in self.fields: field.unit_x = value @fld.Field.unit_y.setter def unit_y(self, value): fld.Field.unit_y.fset(self, value) for field in self.fields: field.unit_y = value @property def mask(self): dim = (len(self.fields), self.shape[0], self.shape[1]) mask_f = np.empty(dim, dtype=bool) for i, field in enumerate(self.fields): mask_f[i, :, :] = field.mask[:, :] return mask_f @property def mask_as_sf(self): dim = len(self.fields) mask_f = np.empty(dim, dtype=object) for i, field in enumerate(self.fields): mask_f[i] = field.mask_as_sf return mask_f @property def mask_cum(self): cum_mask = np.sum(self.mask, axis=0) cum_mask = cum_mask == len(self.mask) return cum_mask @property def mask_cum_as_sf(self): cum_mask = self.mask_cum tmp_sf = sf.ScalarField() tmp_sf.import_from_arrays(self.axe_x, self.axe_y, cum_mask, mask=None, unit_x=self.unit_x, unit_y=self.unit_y, unit_values='') return tmp_sf @property def times(self): return self.__times @times.setter def times(self, values): if not isinstance(values, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError() if len(self.fields) != len(values): raise ValueError("New number of time ({}) do not corespond to " "the number of fields ({})" .format(len(values), len(self.fields))) self.__times = values @times.deleter def times(self): raise Exception("Nope, can't do that") @property def dt(self): return self.times[1] - self.times[0] @property def unit_times(self): return self.__unit_times @unit_times.setter def unit_times(self, new_unit_times): if isinstance(new_unit_times, unum.Unum): if new_unit_times.asNumber() == 1: self.__unit_times = new_unit_times else: raise ValueError() elif isinstance(new_unit_times, STRINGTYPES): self.__unit_times == make_unit(new_unit_times) else: raise TypeError() @unit_times.deleter def unit_times(self): raise Exception("Nope, can't do that") @property def unit_values(self): if len(self.fields) != 0: return self[0].unit_values
[docs] def get_mean_field(self, nmb_min=1, dtype=None): """ Calculate the mean velocity field, from all the fields. Parameters ---------- nmb_min : integer, optional Minimum number of values used to make a mean. else, the value is masked dtype : type Specify the output values type (default to the same one as fields). """ # checks if len(self.fields) == 0: raise ValueError("There is no fields in this object") if self.field_type == vf.VectorField: value = [0., 0.] else: value = 0. if not dtype: dtype = self.fields[0]._values_dtype # result_f = self.fields[0].copy() result_f.change_dtype(float) result_f.fill(kind='value', value=value, crop=False, inplace=True) mask_cum = np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=int) mask_cum[np.logical_not(self.fields[0].mask)] += 1 i = 0 for field in self.fields[1::]: i += 1 # print("{}, {}".format(i, field.unit_values)) added_field = field.copy() added_field.fill(kind='value', value=0., inplace=True) result_f += added_field mask_cum[np.logical_not(field.mask)] += 1 mask = mask_cum <= nmb_min result_f.mask = mask result_f.change_dtype(dtype) fact = mask_cum fact[mask] = 1 result_f /= fact result_f.xy_scale = self.fields[0].xy_scale return result_f
[docs] def get_interpolated_field(self, time): """ Return the interpolated field happening at the time 'time'. """ # check assert isinstance(time, NUMBERTYPES) assert time >= self.times[0] assert time <= self.times[-1] # if time is in self.times if np.any(self.times == time): return self.fields[self.times == time][0] # else, get the surrounding fields ind_time = np.argwhere(self.times > time)[0][0] denom = self.times[ind_time] - self.times[ind_time - 1] coef1 = (self.times[ind_time] - time)/denom coef2 = (time - self.times[ind_time - 1])/denom new_field = self.fields[ind_time]*coef2 + \ self.fields[ind_time - 1]*coef1 new_field.time = time # returning assert isinstance(new_field, self.fields[0].__class__) return new_field
[docs] def get_fluctuant_fields(self, nmb_min_mean=1): """ Calculate the fluctuant fields (fields minus mean field). Parameters ---------- nmb_min_mean : number, optional Parameter for mean computation (see 'get_mean_field' doc). Returns ------- fluct_fields : TemporalScalarFields or TemporalVectorFields object Contening fluctuant fields. """ fluct_fields = self.__class__() mean_field = self.get_mean_field(nmb_min=nmb_min_mean) for i, field in enumerate(self.fields): fluct_fields.add_field(field - mean_field, time=self.times[i], unit_times=self.unit_times) return fluct_fields
[docs] def get_spatial_spectrum(self, component, direction, intervx=None, intervy=None, intervtime=None, welch_seglen=None, scaling='base', fill='linear'): """ Return a spatial spectrum. If more than one time are specified, spectrums are averaged. Parameters ---------- component : string Should be an attribute name of the stored fields. direction : string Direction in which perform the spectrum ('x' or 'y'). intervx and intervy : 2x1 arrays of number, optional To chose the zone where to calculate the spectrum. If not specified, the biggest possible interval is choosen. intervtime : 2x1 array, optional Interval of time on which averaged the spectrum. welch_seglen : integer, optional If specified, welch's method is used (dividing signal into overlapping segments, and averaging periodogram) with the given segments length (in number of points). scaling : string, optional If 'base' (default), result are in component unit. If 'spectrum', the power spectrum is returned (in unit^2). If 'density', the power spectral density is returned (in unit^2/(1/unit_axe)) fill : string or float Specifies the way to treat missing values. A value for value filling. A string ('linear', 'nearest' or 'cubic') for interpolation. Notes ----- If there is missing values on the field, 'fill' is used to linearly interpolate the missing values (can impact the spectrum). """ # check parameters try: self[0].__getattribute__('{}_as_sf'.format(component)) except AttributeError(): raise ValueError() if not isinstance(direction, STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError() if direction not in ['x', 'y']: raise ValueError() if intervtime is None: intervtime = [self.times[0], self.times[-1]] if not isinstance(intervtime, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError() intervtime = np.array(intervtime) if not intervtime.shape == (2,): raise ValueError() if intervtime[0] < self.times[0]: intervtime[0] = self.times[0] if intervtime[-1] > self.times[-1]: intervtime[-1] = self.times[-1] if intervtime[0] >= intervtime[1]: raise ValueError() # loop on times spec = 0 nmb = 0 for i, time in enumerate(self.times): if time < intervtime[0] or time > intervtime[1]: continue comp = self[i].__getattribute__('{}_as_sf'.format(component)) if spec == 0: spec = comp.get_spatial_spectrum(direction, intervx=intervx, intervy=intervy, welch_seglen=welch_seglen, scaling=scaling, fill=fill) else: spec += comp.get_spatial_spectrum(direction, intervx=intervx, intervy=intervy, welch_seglen=welch_seglen, scaling=scaling, fill=fill) nmb += 1 # returning spec /= nmb return spec
[docs] def get_time_profile(self, component, pt, wanted_times=None, ind=False): """ Return a profile contening the time evolution of the given component. Parameters ---------- component : string Should be an attribute name of the stored fields. pt : 2x1 array of numbers, or pts.Points object Wanted position for the time profile, in axis units. wanted_times : 2x1 array of numbers Time interval in which getting profile (default is all). ind : boolean, optional If 'True', values are undersood as indices. Returns ------- profile : prof.Profile object """ # check parameters coherence if not isinstance(component, STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError("'component' must be a string") if isinstance(pt, ARRAYTYPES): if ind: if pt[0] % 1 != 0 or pt[1] % 1 != 0: raise ValueError() ind_x = int(pt[0]) ind_y = int(pt[1]) else: ind_x = self.get_indice_on_axe(1, pt[0], kind='nearest') ind_y = self.get_indice_on_axe(2, pt[1], kind='nearest') axe_x, axe_y = self.axe_x, self.axe_y if not (0 <= ind_x < len(axe_x) and 0 <= ind_y < len(axe_y)): raise ValueError("'x' ans 'y' values out of bounds") pt = np.array([[ind_x, ind_y]]*len(self.times), dtype=int) mask_times = np.zeros(len(self.times), dtype=bool) if isinstance(pt, pts.Points): mask_times = [time not in pt.v for time in self.times] mask_times = np.array(mask_times, dtype=bool) pt = [[self.get_indice_on_axe(1, pt.xy[i, 0], kind='nearest'), self.get_indice_on_axe(2, pt.xy[i, 1], kind='nearest')] for i in range(len(pt.xy))] pt = np.array(pt, dtype=int) if wanted_times is not None: if wanted_times[-1] <= wanted_times[0]: raise ValueError() mask_times = np.logical_or(self.times < wanted_times[0], mask_times) mask_times = np.logical_or(self.times > wanted_times[1], mask_times) # getting wanted time if necessary w_times_ind = np.arange(len(self.times))[~mask_times] # getting component values dim = len(w_times_ind) compo = np.empty(dim, dtype=float) masks = np.empty(dim, dtype=float) for i, time_ind in enumerate(w_times_ind): ind_x, ind_y = pt[i] compo[i] = self.fields[time_ind].__getattribute__(component)[ind_x, ind_y] masks[i] = self.fields[time_ind].mask[ind_x, ind_y] # gettign others datas time = self.times[w_times_ind] unit_time = self.unit_times unit_values = self.unit_values # getting position indices return prof.Profile(time, compo, masks, unit_x=unit_time, unit_y=unit_values)
[docs] def inject_time_profile(self, comp, pt, prof, ind=False): """ Overwrite the value at the given points with data from the time profile. Parameters ---------- comp : string Should be an attribute name of the stored fields. pt : 2x1 array of numbers, or pts.Points object Wanted position for the time profile, in axis units. prof : Profile object Profile used to overwrite data at point ind : boolean, optional If 'True', values are understood as indices. """ # check if not isinstance(comp, STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError("'comp' must be a string") if isinstance(pt, ARRAYTYPES): if ind: if pt[0] % 1 != 0 or pt[1] % 1 != 0: raise ValueError() ind_x = int(pt[0]) ind_y = int(pt[1]) else: ind_x = self.get_indice_on_axe(1, pt[0], kind='nearest') ind_y = self.get_indice_on_axe(2, pt[1], kind='nearest') axe_x, axe_y = self.axe_x, self.axe_y if not (0 <= ind_x < len(axe_x) and 0 <= ind_y < len(axe_y)): raise ValueError("'x' ans 'y' values out of bounds") pt = np.array([[ind_x, ind_y]]*len(self.times), dtype=int) mask_times = np.zeros(len(self.times), dtype=bool) if isinstance(pt, pts.Points): mask_times = [time not in pt.v for time in self.times] mask_times = np.array(mask_times, dtype=bool) pt = [[self.get_indice_on_axe(1, pt.xy[i, 0], kind='nearest'), self.get_indice_on_axe(2, pt.xy[i, 1], kind='nearest')] for i in range(len(pt.xy))] pt = np.array(pt, dtype=int) if len(prof) != len(self): raise ValueError() # do it for i in range(len(prof)): self.fields[i].__getattribute__(comp)[ind_x, ind_y] = prof.y[i]
[docs] def get_temporal_spectrum(self, component, pt, ind=False, wanted_times=None, welch_seglen=None, scaling='base', fill='linear', mask_error=True, detrend='constant'): """ Return a Profile object, with the temporal spectrum of 'component' on the point 'pt'. Parameters ---------- component : string . pt : 2x1 array of numbers . ind : boolean If true, 'pt' is read as indices, else, 'pt' is read as coordinates. wanted_times : 2x1 array, optional Time interval in which compute spectrum (default is all). welch_seglen : integer, optional If specified, welch's method is used (dividing signal into overlapping segments, and averaging periodogram) with the given segments length (in number of points). scaling : string, optional If 'base' (default), result are in component unit. If 'spectrum', the power spectrum is returned (in unit^2). If 'density', the power spectral density is returned (in unit^2/Hz) fill : string or float Specifies the way to treat missing values. A value for value filling. A string ('linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic, 'cubic' where 'slinear', 'quadratic' and 'cubic' refer to a spline interpolation of first, second or third order) for interpolation. mask_error : boolean If 'False', instead of raising an error when masked value appear on time profile, '(None, None)' is returned. detrend : string, optional Method used to detrend the profile. Can be 'none', 'constant' (default) or 'linear'. Returns ------- magn_prof : prof.Profile object Magnitude spectrum. """ # checking parameters coherence if not isinstance(pt, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'pt' must be a 2x1 array") if ind: pt = np.array(pt, dtype=int) else: pt = np.array(pt, dtype=float) if not pt.shape == (2,): raise ValueError("'pt' must be a 2x1 array") if ind and (not isinstance(pt[0], INTEGERTYPES) or not isinstance(pt[1], INTEGERTYPES)): raise TypeError("If 'ind' is True, 'pt' must be an array of two" " integers") if not isinstance(ind, bool): raise TypeError("'ind' must be a boolean") x = pt[0] y = pt[1] # getting time profile time_prof = self.get_time_profile(component, pt=[x, y], ind=ind, wanted_times=wanted_times) magn_prof = time_prof.get_spectrum(welch_seglen=welch_seglen, scaling=scaling, fill=fill, mask_error=mask_error, detrend=detrend) return magn_prof
[docs] def get_temporal_spectrum_over_area(self, component, intervx, intervy, ind=False, welch_seglen=None, scaling='base', fill='linear', detrend='constant'): """ Return a prof.Profile object, contening a mean spectrum of the given component, on all the points included in the given intervals. Parameters ---------- component : string Scalar component ('Vx', 'Vy', 'magnitude', ...). intervx, intervy : 2x1 arrays of numbers Defining the square on which averaging the spectrum. (in axes values) ind : boolean If true, 'pt' is read as indices, else, 'pt' is read as coordinates. welch_seglen : integer, optional If specified, welch's method is used (dividing signal into overlapping segments, and averaging periodogram) with the given segments length (in number of points). scaling : string, optional If 'base' (default), result are in component unit. If 'spectrum', the power spectrum is returned (in unit^2). If 'density', the power spectral density is returned (in unit^2/Hz) fill : string or float Specifies the way to treat missing values. A value for value filling. A string ('linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic, 'cubic' where 'slinear', 'quadratic' and 'cubic' refer to a spline interpolation of first, second or third order) for interpolation. detrend : string, optional Method used to detrend the profile. Can be 'none', 'constant' (default) or 'linear'. Returns ------- magn_prof : prof.Profile object Averaged magnitude spectrum. """ # checking parameters coherence if not isinstance(component, STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError("'component' must be a string") if not isinstance(intervx, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'intervx' must be an array") if not isinstance(intervy, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'intervy' must be an array") if not isinstance(intervx[0], NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("'intervx' must be an array of numbers") if not isinstance(intervy[0], NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("'intervy' must be an array of numbers") axe_x, axe_y = self.axe_x, self.axe_y # checking interval values and getting bound indices if ind: if not isinstance(intervx[0], int)\ or not isinstance(intervx[1], int)\ or not isinstance(intervy[0], int)\ or not isinstance(intervy[1], int): raise TypeError("'intervx' and 'intervy' must be arrays of" " integer if 'ind' is 'True'") if intervx[0] < 0 or intervy[0] < 0\ or intervx[-1] >= len(axe_x)\ or intervy[-1] >= len(axe_y): raise ValueError("intervals are out of bounds") ind_x_min = intervx[0] ind_x_max = intervx[1] ind_y_min = intervy[0] ind_y_max = intervy[1] else: axe_x_min = np.min(axe_x) axe_x_max = np.max(axe_x) axe_y_min = np.min(axe_y) axe_y_max = np.max(axe_y) if np.min(intervx) < axe_x_min\ or np.max(intervx) > axe_x_max\ or np.min(intervy) < axe_y_min\ or np.max(intervy) > axe_y_max: raise ValueError("intervals ({}) are out of bounds ({})" .format([intervx, intervy], [[axe_x_min, axe_x_max], [axe_y_min, axe_y_max]])) ind_x_min = self.get_indice_on_axe(1, intervx[0])[-1] ind_x_max = self.get_indice_on_axe(1, intervx[1])[0] ind_y_min = self.get_indice_on_axe(2, intervy[0])[-1] ind_y_max = self.get_indice_on_axe(2, intervy[1])[0] # Averaging ponctual spectrums magn = 0. nmb_fields = (ind_x_max - ind_x_min + 1)*(ind_y_max - ind_y_min + 1) real_nmb_fields = nmb_fields for i in np.arange(ind_x_min, ind_x_max + 1): for j in np.arange(ind_y_min, ind_y_max + 1): tmp_m = self.get_temporal_spectrum(component, [i, j], ind=True, welch_seglen=welch_seglen, scaling=scaling, fill=fill, mask_error=True, detrend=detrend) # check if the position is masked if tmp_m is None: real_nmb_fields -= 1 else: magn = magn + tmp_m if real_nmb_fields == 0: raise Exception("I can't find a single non-masked time profile" ", maybe you will want to try 'zero_fill' " "option") magn = magn/real_nmb_fields return magn
[docs] def get_spectrum_map(self, comp, welch_seglen=None, nmb_pic=1, spec_smooth=None, verbose=True): """ Return the temporal spectrum map. Parameters ---------- comp : string Component to get the spectrum from. welch_seglen : integer . nmb_pic : integer Number of succesive spectrum pic to detect spec_smooth : number . verbose : bool . Returns ------- map_freq_sf : . map_freq_quality_sf : . """ # check try: self.fields[0].__getattribute__(comp) except AttributeError(): raise ValueError() # prepare map_freq = [] map_freq_quality = [] map_freq_mask = np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=bool) for i in range(nmb_pic): map_freq.append(np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=float)) map_freq_quality.append(np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=float)) if verbose: PG = ProgressCounter(init_mess="Begin spectrum map computation on {}" .format(comp), nmb_max=self.shape[0]*self.shape[1], name_things="points") # loop on field points for i, x in enumerate(self.axe_x): for j, y in enumerate(self.axe_y): if verbose: PG.print_progress() # get local spectrum tmp_prof = self.get_time_profile(comp, [x, y]) # check if should be masked if np.sum(tmp_prof.mask)/float(len(tmp_prof)) > .5: map_freq_mask[i, j] = True continue spec = tmp_prof.get_spectrum(welch_seglen=welch_seglen) # smooth if necessary if spec_smooth is not None: spec.smooth(tos='gaussian', size=spec_smooth, inplace=True) # get maximale frequences for n in range(nmb_pic): spec_max = spec.max max_pos_ind = spec.get_value_position(spec_max, ind=True)[0] map_freq[n][i, j] = spec.x[max_pos_ind] # get spectrum 'quality' filt = np.logical_not(spec.mask) spec_var = np.mean((spec.y[filt] - np.mean(spec.y[filt]))**2)**.5 map_freq_quality[n][i, j] = (spec_max - spec.mean)/spec_var # remove this particular pic spec.mask[max_pos_ind] = True # store results maps_freq = [] maps_freq_quality = [] for i in range(nmb_pic): map_freq_sf = sf.ScalarField() map_freq_sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x=self.axe_x, axe_y=self.axe_y, values=map_freq[i], mask=map_freq_mask, unit_x=self.unit_x, unit_y=self.unit_y, unit_values=spec.unit_y) map_freq_quality_sf = sf.ScalarField() map_freq_quality_sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x=self.axe_x, axe_y=self.axe_y, values=map_freq_quality[i], mask=map_freq_mask, unit_x=self.unit_x, unit_y=self.unit_y, unit_values='') maps_freq.append(map_freq_sf) maps_freq_quality.append(map_freq_quality_sf) # return if nmb_pic == 1: return maps_freq[0], maps_freq_quality[0] else: return maps_freq, maps_freq_quality
def _get_comp_spectral_filtering(self, comp, fmin, fmax, order=2): """ Perform a temporal spectral filtering on the wanted component Parameters ---------- fmin, fmax : numbers Minimal and maximal frequencies order : integer, optional Butterworth filter order Returns ------- filt_tf : TemporalFields Filtered temporal field """ # check try: tf = self.__getattribute__("{}_as_sf".format(comp)) except AttributeError(): raise ValueError() # loop on space xys = [[x, y] for x in tf.axe_x for y in tf.axe_y] for x, y in xys: tmp_prof = tf.get_time_profile('values', [x, y]) filt_tmp_prof = tmp_prof.spectral_filtering(fmin, fmax, order=order) tf.inject_time_profile('values', [x, y], filt_tmp_prof) return tf
[docs] def get_recurrence_map(self, norm=2, verbose=False, bandwidth=None, normalized=False): """ Return the recurrence map associated with the 2-norm. Returns ------- rec_map : sf.ScalarField object . """ length = len(self.fields) rec_map = np.zeros((length, length)) if verbose: pc = ProgressCounter(init_mess="Begin recurence map computation", nmb_max=int(length**2/2. + length/2.), name_things='norms', perc_interv=1) if self.field_type == vf.VectorField: field_type = 0 nmb_val = self.shape[0]*self.shape[1]*2 elif self.field_type == sf.ScalarField: field_type = 1 nmb_val = self.shape[0]*self.shape[1] else: raise Exception() inv_norm = 1./norm if norm % 2 == 0: need_abs = False else: need_abs = True # norm if normalized: if field_type == 0: magnitude = self.get_mean_field().magnitude normalizer = np.sum(magnitude**norm)**inv_norm/nmb_val else: magnitude = self.get_mean_field().values normalizer = np.sum(magnitude**norm)**inv_norm/nmb_val # double loop for i in range(length): for j in range(length): if i > j: continue if i == j: rec_map[i, j] = 0 continue if bandwidth is not None: if np.abs(i - j) > bandwidth: rec_map[i, j] = np.nan rec_map[j, i] = np.nan continue if verbose: pc.print_progress() # get difference fields if field_type == 0: valuesx = self.fields[i].comp_x - self.fields[j].comp_x valuesy = self.fields[i].comp_y - self.fields[j].comp_y values = np.concatenate((valuesx, valuesy)) elif field_type == 1: values = self.fields[i].values - self.fields[j].values # get norm if need_abs: res = np.sum(np.abs(values)**norm)**inv_norm/nmb_val else: res = np.sum(values**norm)**inv_norm/nmb_val rec_map[i, j] = res rec_map[j, i] = res # normalize if normalized: rec_map /= normalizer # return rec_map_sf = sf.ScalarField() rec_map_sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x=self.times, axe_y=self.times, values=rec_map, unit_x=self.unit_times, unit_y=self.unit_times, unit_values=self.unit_values) return rec_map_sf
[docs] def extend(self, nmb_left=0, nmb_right=0, nmb_up=0, nmb_down=0, inplace=False): """ Add columns or lines of masked values at the fields. Parameters ---------- nmb_**** : integers Number of lines/columns to add in each direction. inplace : bool If 'False', return a new extended field, if 'True', modify the field inplace. Returns ------- Extended_field : TemporalFields object, optional Extended field. """ if inplace: tmp_tf = self else: tmp_tf = self.copy() # scale axis fld.Field.extend(tmp_tf, nmb_left=nmb_left, nmb_right=nmb_right, nmb_up=nmb_up, nmb_down=nmb_down, inplace=True) # scale fields for i, _ in enumerate(tmp_tf.fields): tmp_tf.fields[i].extend(nmb_left=nmb_left, nmb_right=nmb_right, nmb_up=nmb_up, nmb_down=nmb_down, inplace=True) # return if not inplace: return tmp_tf
[docs] def scale(self, scalex=None, scaley=None, scalev=None, scalet=None, inplace=False): """ Scale the Fields. Parameters ---------- scalex, scaley, scalev : numbers or Unum objects Scale for the axis and the values. inplace : boolean . """ if inplace: tmp_f = self else: tmp_f = self.copy() # scale the field (automaticly scale the fields axis) # for compatibility purpose if not hasattr(self, "xy_scale"): self.xy_scale = make_unit('') for field in self.fields: if not hasattr(field, "xy_scale"): field.xy_scale = self.xy_scale fld.Field.scale(tmp_f, scalex=scalex, scaley=scaley, inplace=True) # scale the values flds.Fields.scale(tmp_f, scalev=scalev, inplace=True) # scale the time if scalet is None: pass elif isinstance(scalet, NUMBERTYPES): tmp_f.times *= scalet elif isinstance(scalet, unum.Unum): new_unit = tmp_f.unit_times*scalet fact = new_unit.asNumber() new_unit /= fact tmp_f.unit_times = new_unit tmp_f.times *= fact else: raise TypeError() # returning if not inplace: return tmp_f
[docs] def make_evenly_spaced(self, interp='linear', res=1): """ Use interpolation to make the fields evenly spaced Parameters ---------- interp : {‘linear’, ‘cubic’, ‘quintic’}, optional The kind of spline interpolation to use. Default is ‘linear’. res : number Resolution of the resulting field. A value of 1 meaning a spatial resolution equal to the smallest space along the two axis for the initial field. """ # raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented yet') for field in self.fields: field.make_evenly_spaced(interp=interp, res=res) self._Field__axe_x = self.fields[0].axe_x self._Field__axe_y = self.fields[0].axe_y self.__mask = False
[docs] def change_unit(self, axe, new_unit): """ Change the unit of an axe. Parameters ---------- axe : string 'y' for changing the profile y axis unit 'x' for changing the profile x axis unit 'values' for changing values unit 'time' for changing time unit new_unit : Unum.unit object or string The new unit. """ if isinstance(new_unit, STRINGTYPES): new_unit = make_unit(new_unit) if not isinstance(new_unit, unum.Unum): raise TypeError() if not isinstance(axe, STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError() if axe in ['x', 'y', 'values']: for field in self.fields: field.change_unit(axe, new_unit) elif axe == 'time': old_unit = self.unit_times new_unit = old_unit.asUnit(new_unit) fact = new_unit.asNumber() self.times *= fact self.unit_times = new_unit/fact else: raise ValueError() if axe in ['x', 'y']: fld.Field.change_unit(self, axe, new_unit)
[docs] def add_field(self, field, time=0., unit_times="", copy=True): """ Add a field to the existing fields. Parameters ---------- field : vf.VectorField or sf.ScalarField object The field to add. time : number time associated to the field. unit_time : Unum object time unit. """ # TODO : pas de vérification de la cohérence des unités ! # checking parameters if not isinstance(field, (vf.VectorField, sf.ScalarField)): raise TypeError() if self.field_type is None: self.field_type = field.__class__ if not isinstance(field, self.field_type): raise TypeError() if not isinstance(time, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("'time' should be a number, not {}" .format(type(time))) if isinstance(unit_times, unum.Unum): if unit_times.asNumber() != 1: raise ValueError() elif isinstance(unit_times, STRINGTYPES): unit_times = make_unit(unit_times) else: raise TypeError() # if this is the first field if len(self.fields) == 0: self.axe_x = field.axe_x self.axe_y = field.axe_y self.unit_x = field.unit_x self.unit_y = field.unit_y self.unit_times = unit_times self.__times = np.asarray([time], dtype=float) self.field_type = field.__class__ # if not else: # checking field type if not isinstance(field, self.field_type): raise TypeError() # checking axis axe_x, axe_y = self.axe_x, self.axe_y vaxe_x, vaxe_y = field.axe_x, field.axe_y if not np.all(axe_x == vaxe_x) and np.all(axe_y == vaxe_y): raise ValueError("Axes of the new field must be consistent " "with current axes") # storing time time = (time*self.unit_times/unit_times).asNumber() self.__times = np.append(self.__times, time) # use default constructor flds.Fields.add_field(self, field, copy=copy) # sorting the field with time self.__sort_field_by_time()
[docs] def remove_fields(self, fieldnumbers): """ Remove field(s) of the existing fields. Parameters ---------- fieldnumber : integer or list of integers Velocity field(s) number(s) to remove. """ if isinstance(fieldnumbers, INTEGERTYPES): fieldnumbers = [fieldnumbers] for nmb in fieldnumbers: self.__times = np.delete(self.times, nmb) flds.Fields.remove_field(self, fieldnumbers)
[docs] def reduce_spatial_resolution(self, fact, inplace=False, verbose=False): """ Reduce the spatial resolution of the fields by a factor 'fact' Parameters ---------- fact : int Reducing factor. inplace : boolean, optional . """ if inplace: tmpfs = self else: tmpfs = self.copy() # verbose if verbose: pg = ProgressCounter(f"Reducing resolution by {fact}", len(self), name_things='fields') # for f in tmpfs.fields: f.reduce_spatial_resolution(fact=fact, inplace=True) pg.print_progress() # self.axe_x = self.fields[0].axe_x self.axe_y = self.fields[0].axe_y return tmpfs
[docs] def reduce_temporal_resolution(self, nmb_in_interval, mean=True, inplace=False): """ Return a TemporalVelocityFields, contening one field for each 'nmb_in_interval' field in the initial TFVS. Parameters ---------- nmb_in_interval : integer Length of the interval. (one field is kept for each 'nmb_in_interval fields) mean : boolean, optional If 'True', the resulting fields are average over the interval. Else, fields are taken directly. inplace : boolean, optional Returns ------- TVFS : TemporalVelocityFields """ # cehck parameters if not isinstance(nmb_in_interval, int): raise TypeError("'nmb_in_interval' must be an integer") if nmb_in_interval == 1: return self.copy() if nmb_in_interval >= len(self): raise ValueError("'nmb_in_interval' is too big") if not isinstance(mean, bool): raise TypeError("'mean' must be a boolean") # tmp_TFS = self.__class__() i = 0 times = self.times while True: tmp_f = self[i] time = times[i] if mean: for j in np.arange(i + 1, i + nmb_in_interval): tmp_f += self[j] time += times[j] tmp_f /= nmb_in_interval time /= nmb_in_interval tmp_TFS.add_field(tmp_f, time, self.unit_times) i += nmb_in_interval if i + nmb_in_interval >= len(self): break # returning if inplace: self.fields = tmp_TFS.fields self.times = tmp_TFS.times else: return tmp_TFS
[docs] def augment_temporal_resolution(self, fact=2, inplace=False): """ Augment the temporal resolution using temporal interpoalation. Parameters ---------- fact : integer Temporal resolution ratio. inplace : bool . """ # check assert type(fact) in [int], "TypeError" assert fact > 0, "ValueError" assert type(inplace) == bool, "TypeError" # fact = 1 (fool...) if fact == 1: if inplace: return None else: return self.copy() # get data if inplace: tf = self else: tf = self.copy() # get new times new_times = [] for i in range(len(tf.times) - 1): tmp_times = np.linspace(tf.times[i], tf.times[i + 1], fact + 1)[0:-1] new_times.append(tmp_times) new_times = np.array(new_times).flatten() new_times = np.append(new_times, tf.times[-1]) # loop on new times new_fields = [] for time in new_times: new_fields.append(tf.get_interpolated_field(time)) # store tf.fields = new_fields tf.times = new_times # returning if not inplace: return tf
[docs] def crop_masked_border(self, hard=False, inplace=False): """ Crop the masked border of the velocity fields in place. Parameters ---------- hard : boolean, optional If 'True', partially masked border are croped as well. inplace : boolean, optional If 'True', crop the F in place, else, return a croped TF. """ #get cumulated mask mask_cum = self.mask_cum # checking masked values presence if not np.any(mask_cum): return None # hard cropping if hard: if inplace: tmp_tf = self else: tmp_tf = self.copy() # remove trivial borders tmp_tf.crop_masked_border(hard=False, inplace=True) # until there is no more masked values while True: # getting mask masks = tmp_tf.mask mask = np.sum(masks, axis=0) mask = mask == len(tmp_tf.fields) # getting number of masked value on each border bd1 = np.sum(mask[0, :]) bd2 = np.sum(mask[-1, :]) bd3 = np.sum(mask[:, 0]) bd4 = np.sum(mask[:, -1]) # getting more masked border more_masked = np.argmax([bd1, bd2, bd3, bd4]) # check remaining masked values if [bd1, bd2, bd3, bd4][more_masked] == 0: break # deleting more masked border if more_masked == 0: len_x = len(tmp_tf.axe_x) tmp_tf.crop(intervx=[1, len_x], ind=True, inplace=True) elif more_masked == 1: len_x = len(tmp_tf.axe_x) tmp_tf.crop(intervx=[0, len_x - 2], ind=True, inplace=True) elif more_masked == 2: len_y = len(tmp_tf.axe_y) tmp_tf.crop(intervy=[1, len_y], ind=True, inplace=True) elif more_masked == 3: len_y = len(tmp_tf.axe_y) tmp_tf.crop(intervy=[0, len_y - 2], ind=True, inplace=True) if not inplace: return tmp_tf # soft cropping else: # getting positions to remove # (column or line with only masked values) axe_y_m = ~np.all(mask_cum, axis=0) axe_x_m = ~np.all(mask_cum, axis=1) # skip if nothing to do if not np.any(axe_y_m) or not np.any(axe_x_m): return None # getting indices where we need to cut axe_x_min = np.where(axe_x_m)[0][0] axe_x_max = np.where(axe_x_m)[0][-1] axe_y_min = np.where(axe_y_m)[0][0] axe_y_max = np.where(axe_y_m)[0][-1] # crop if inplace: self.crop(intervx=[axe_x_min, axe_x_max], intervy=[axe_y_min, axe_y_max], ind=True, inplace=True) else: tmp_tf = self.copy() tmp_tf.crop(intervx=[axe_x_min, axe_x_max], intervy=[axe_y_min, axe_y_max], ind=True, inplace=True) return tmp_tf
[docs] def mirroring(self, direction, position, inds_to_mirror='all', mir_coef=1., inplace=False, interp=None, value=[0, 0]): """ Return the fields with additional mirrored values. Parameters ---------- direction : integer Axe on which place the symetry plane (1 for x and 2 for y) position : number Position of the symetry plane along the given axe inds_to_mirror : integer Number of vector rows to symetrize (default is all) mir_coef : number or 2x1 array, optional Optional coefficient(s) applied only to the mirrored values. It can be an array first value is for 'comp_x' and second one to 'comp_y' (for vector fields) inplace : boolean, optional . interp : string, optional If specified, method used to fill the gap near the symetry plane by interpoaltion. 'value' : fill with the given value, 'nearest' : fill with the nearest value, 'linear' (default): fill using linear interpolation (Delaunay triangulation), 'cubic' : fill using cubic interpolation (Delaunay triangulation) value : array, optional Value at the symetry plane, in case of interpolation """ if inplace: tmp_tf = self else: tmp_tf = self.copy() # mirror fields for i in range(len(self.fields)): tmp_tf.fields[i].mirroring(direction=direction, position=position, inds_to_mirror=inds_to_mirror, mir_coef=mir_coef, inplace=True, interp=interp, value=value) # update field tmp_tf.__axe_x = self.fields[0].axe_x tmp_tf.__axe_y = self.fields[0].axe_y # return if not inplace: return tmp_tf
[docs] def remove_weird_fields(self, std_coef=3.29, treatment='interpolate', inplace=False): """ Look at the time evolution of spatial mean magnitude to identify and replace weird fields. Parameters ---------- std_coef : number Fields associated with mean magnitude outside the interval [mean - std_coef*std, mean - std_coef*std] are treated as weird fields. Default value of '3.29' corespond for a 99.9% interval. treatment : string in ['remove', 'interpolate'] Type of treatment for the weird fields (default is 'interpolate') inplace : bool . Returns ------- tf : TemporalField treated temporal field """ # get data if inplace: tmp_tf = self else: tmp_tf = self.copy() # get weird fields indices mean_magn = [] for field in tmp_tf.fields: mean_magn.append(np.sum(field.magnitude[~field.mask])) mean = np.mean(mean_magn) mean_eps = np.std(mean_magn)*std_coef filt = np.logical_or(mean_magn < mean - mean_eps, mean_magn > mean + mean_eps) weird_inds = np.arange(len(tmp_tf))[filt] # treat weird fields if treatment == 'interpolate': # replace weird fields with interpolations for weird_ind in weird_inds: eps = 1 while True: if (weird_ind + eps in weird_inds or weird_ind - eps in weird_inds): eps += 1 else: break tmp_tf.fields[weird_ind] = (tmp_tf.fields[weird_ind + eps] + tmp_tf.fields[weird_ind - eps])/2 elif treatment == 'remove': tmp_tf.remove_fields(weird_inds) else: raise ValueError() # return if not inplace: return tmp_tf
[docs] def crop(self, intervx=None, intervy=None, intervt=None, full_output=False, ind=False, inplace=False): """ Return a croped field in respect with given intervals. Parameters ---------- intervx : array, optional interval wanted along x intervy : array, optional interval wanted along y intervt : array, optional interval wanted along time full_output : boolean, optional If 'True', cutting indices are alson returned inplace : boolean, optional If 'True', fields are croped in place. """ # check parameters if intervt is not None: if not isinstance(intervt, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError() intervt = np.array(intervt, dtype=float) if intervt.shape != (2, ): raise ValueError() # get wanted times if intervt is not None: if not ind: if intervt[0] < self.times[0]: ind1 = 0 elif intervt[0] > self.times[-1]: raise ValueError() else: ind1 = np.where(intervt[0] <= self.times)[0][0] if intervt[1] > self.times[-1]: ind2 = len(self.times) - 1 elif intervt[1] < self.times[0]: raise ValueError() else: ind2 = np.where(intervt[1] >= self.times)[0][-1] intervt = [ind1, ind2] else: intervt = [int(intervt[0]), int(intervt[1])] # crop if inplace: cropfield = self else: cropfield = self.copy() # temporal if intervt is not None: cropfield.fields = cropfield.fields[intervt[0]:intervt[1] + 1] cropfield.times = cropfield.times[intervt[0]:intervt[1] + 1] # spatial fld.Field.crop(cropfield, intervx=intervx, intervy=intervy, ind=ind, inplace=True) for field in cropfield.fields: field.crop(intervx=intervx, intervy=intervy, ind=ind, inplace=True) # returning if not inplace: return cropfield
[docs] def set_origin(self, x=None, y=None): """ Modify the axis in order to place the origin at the actual point (x, y) Parameters ---------- x : number y : number """ fld.Field.set_origin(self, x, y)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a copy of the velocityfields """ return copy.deepcopy(self)
def __sort_field_by_time(self): if len(self.fields) in [0, 1]: return None ind_sort = np.argsort(self.times) self.times = self.times[ind_sort] self.fields = self.fields[ind_sort]
[docs] def display_multiple(self, component=None, kind=None, inds=None, sharecb=False, sharex=False, sharey=False, ncol=None, nrow=None, **plotargs): """ Display a component of the velocity fields. Parameters ---------- component : string, optional component to display kind : string, optional Kind of display wanted. fields_ind : array of indices Indices of fields to display. samecb : boolean, optional If 'True', the same color system is used for all the fields. You have to pass 'vmin' and 'vmax', to have correct results. ncol, nrow : int, optional Wanted number of columns and rows. If not specified, these values are computed so that ncol ~ nrow. plotargs : dict, optional Arguments passed to the function used to display the vector field. """ nmb_fields = len(inds) # getting values if component is None or component == 'V': try: values = [[self.fields[ind].comp_x, self.fields[ind].comp_y] for ind in inds] except AttributeError: values = [self.fields[ind].values for ind in inds] else: values = [self.fields[ind].__getattribute__(component) for ind in inds] # display if sharex or sharey: plotargs['adjustable'] = 'datalim' db = pplt.Displayer(x=[self.axe_x]*nmb_fields, y=[self.axe_y]*nmb_fields, values=values, kind=kind, **plotargs) plot = db.draw_multiple(inds=list(range(len(inds))), sharecb=sharecb, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey, ncol=ncol, nrow=nrow) return plot
[docs] def display(self, compo=None, kind=None, sharecb=True, buffer_size=100, **plotargs): """ Create a windows to display temporals field, controlled by buttons. Parameters ---------- compo: string Component to plot. kind: string Kind of plot to use. sharecb: boolean Do all the vector field serie has to share the same colorbar or not. buffer_size: number Number of displays to keep in memory (faster, but use memory). **plotargs : dic Arguments passed to the plot command. Display control --------------- The display can be controlled useing the button, but also the keyboard: space, right arrow or + : next field backspace, left arrow or - : previous field up arrow : last field down arrow : first field number + enter : goto a specific frame p : play the animated fields number + i : set the animation increment number + t : set the animation time interval (ms) q : close s : save an image """ nmb_fields = len(self.fields) # getting values if compo is None or compo == 'V': try: values = np.asarray([[field.comp_x, field.comp_y] for field in self.fields]) except AttributeError: values = np.asarray([field.values for field in self.fields]) else: values = np.asarray([field.__getattribute__(compo) for field in self.fields]) # check arguments for colorbar drawning if 'norm' in list(plotargs.keys()): sharecb = True normcb = plotargs['norm'] else: normcb = None # display db = pplt.Displayer(x=[self.axe_x]*nmb_fields, y=[self.axe_y]*nmb_fields, values=values, kind=kind, buffer_size=buffer_size, **plotargs) win = pplt.ButtonManager(db, xlabel="X " + self.unit_x.strUnit(), ylabel="Y " + self.unit_y.strUnit(), sharecb=sharecb, normcb=normcb) pplt.DataCursorTextDisplayer(db) return db
[docs] def display_animate(self, compo=None, interval=500, fields_inds=None, repeat=True, **plotargs): """ Display fields animated in time. Parameters ---------- compo : string Composante to display interval : number, optionnal interval between two frames in milliseconds. fields_ind : array of indices Indices of wanted fields. by default, all the fields are displayed repeat : boolean, optional if True, the animation is repeated infinitely. additional arguments can be passed (scale, vmin, vmax,...) """ from matplotlib import animation if fields_inds is None: fields_inds = len(self.fields) # getting data if self.field_type == vf.VectorField: if compo == 'V' or compo is None: comp = self.fields elif compo == 'magnitude': comp = self.magnitude_as_sf elif compo == 'x': comp = self.Vx_as_sf elif compo == 'y': comp = self.Vy_as_sf elif compo == 'mask': comp = self.mask_as_sf else: raise ValueError() elif self.field_type == sf.ScalarField: if compo == 'values' or compo is None: comp = self.values_as_sf elif compo == 'mask': comp = self.mask_as_sf else: raise ValueError() else: raise TypeError() if 'kind' in list(plotargs.keys()): kind = plotargs['kind'] else: kind = None # display a vector field (quiver) if isinstance(comp[0], vf.VectorField)\ and (kind is None or kind == "quiver"): fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() displ = comp[0].display(**plotargs) ttl = plt.title('') anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, self._update_vf, frames=fields_inds, interval=interval, blit=False, repeat=repeat, fargs=(fig, ax, displ, ttl, comp, compo, plotargs)) return anim, # display a scalar field (contour, contourf or imshow) or a streamplot elif isinstance(comp[0], sf.ScalarField)\ or isinstance(comp[0], vf.VectorField): fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() displ = comp[0].display(**plotargs) ttl = plt.suptitle('') anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, self._update_sf, frames=fields_inds, interval=interval, blit=False, repeat=repeat, fargs=(fig, ax, displ, ttl, comp, compo, plotargs)) return anim, else: raise ValueError("I don't know any '{}' composant".format(compo))
[docs] def record_animation(self, anim, filepath, kind='gif', fps=30, dpi=100, bitrate=50, imagemagick_path=None): """ Record an animation in a gif file. You must create an animation (using 'display_animate' for example) before calling this method. You may have to specify the path to imagemagick in orfer to use it. Parameters ---------- """ import matplotlib if imagemagick_path is None: imagemagick_path = r"C:\Program Files\ImageMagick\convert.exe" matplotlib.rc('animation', convert_path=imagemagick_path) if kind == 'gif': writer = matplotlib.animation.ImageMagickWriter(fps=fps, bitrate=bitrate), writer=writer, fps=fps, dpi=dpi) elif kind == 'mp4':, writer='fmpeg', fps=fps, bitrate=bitrate)
def _update_sf(self, num, fig, ax, displ, ttl, comp, compo, plotargs): ax.cla() displ = comp[num]._display(**plotargs) title = "{}, at t={:.3} {}"\ .format(compo, float(self.times[num]), self.unit_times.strUnit()) ttl.set_text(title) return displ, def _update_vf(self, num, fig, ax, displ, ttl, comp, compo, plotargs): ax.cla() displ = comp[num]._display(**plotargs) title = "{}, at t={:.2f} {}"\ .format(compo, float(self.times[num]), self.unit_times.strUnit()) ttl.set_text(title) return displ,