Source code for IMTreatment.core.field

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/bin/env python3

# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Gaby Launay

# Author: Gaby Launay  <>
# URL:
# Version: 1.0

# This file is part of IMTreatment.

# IMTreatment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# IMTreatment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
import unum
import copy
from ..utils import make_unit

[docs]class Field(object): def __init__(self): self.__axe_x = np.array([], dtype=float) self.__axe_y = np.array([], dtype=float) self.__unit_x = make_unit('') self.__unit_y = make_unit('') self.xy_scale = make_unit("") def __iter__(self): for i, x in enumerate(self.axe_x): for j, y in enumerate(self.axe_y): yield [i, j], [x, y] @property def axe_x(self): return self.__axe_x @axe_x.setter def axe_x(self, new_axe_x): if not isinstance(new_axe_x, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError() new_axe_x = np.array(new_axe_x, dtype=float) # if new_axe_x.shape == self.__axe_x.shape or len(self.__axe_x) == 0: self.__axe_x = new_axe_x # else: # raise ValueError() @axe_x.deleter def axe_x(self): raise Exception("Nope, can't do that") @property def dx(self): return self.axe_x[1] - self.axe_x[0] @property def axe_y(self): return self.__axe_y @axe_y.setter def axe_y(self, new_axe_y): if not isinstance(new_axe_y, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError() new_axe_y = np.array(new_axe_y, dtype=float) # if new_axe_y.shape == self.__axe_y.shape or len(self.__axe_y) == 0: self.__axe_y = new_axe_y # else: # raise ValueError() @axe_y.deleter def axe_y(self): raise Exception("Nope, can't do that") @property def dy(self): return self.axe_y[1] - self.axe_y[0] @property def unit_x(self): return self.__unit_x @unit_x.setter def unit_x(self, new_unit_x): if isinstance(new_unit_x, unum.Unum): if np.isclose(new_unit_x.asNumber(), 1): self.__unit_x = new_unit_x else: raise ValueError() elif isinstance(new_unit_x, STRINGTYPES): self.__unit_x = make_unit(new_unit_x) else: raise TypeError() @unit_x.deleter def unit_x(self): raise Exception("Nope, can't do that") @property def unit_y(self): return self.__unit_y @unit_y.setter def unit_y(self, new_unit_y): if isinstance(new_unit_y, unum.Unum): if np.isclose(new_unit_y.asNumber(), 1): self.__unit_y = new_unit_y else: raise ValueError() elif isinstance(new_unit_y, STRINGTYPES): self.__unit_y = make_unit(new_unit_y) else: raise TypeError() @unit_y.deleter def unit_y(self): raise Exception("Nope, can't do that") @property def shape(self): return self.__axe_x.shape[0], self.__axe_y.shape[0]
[docs] def check_consistency(self): """ Raise errors if the field show some incoherences. """ if not isinstance(self.axe_x, np.ndarray): raise Exception() if not isinstance(self.axe_y, np.ndarray): raise Exception() if not isinstance(self.unit_x, unum.Unum): raise Exception() if not isinstance(self.unit_y, unum.Unum): raise Exception() if not isinstance(self.xy_scale, unum.Unum): raise Exception()
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a copy of the Field object. """ return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def get_indice_on_axe(self, direction, value, kind='bounds'): """ Return, on the given axe, the indices representing the positions surrounding 'value'. if 'value' is exactly an axe position, return just one indice. Parameters ---------- direction : int 1 or 2, for axes choice. value : number kind : string If 'bounds' (default), return the bounding indices. if 'nearest', return the nearest indice if 'decimal', return a decimal indice (interpolated) Returns ------- interval : 2x1 or 1x1 array of integer """ if not isinstance(direction, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("'direction' must be a number.") if not (direction == 1 or direction == 2): raise ValueError("'direction' must be 1 or 2.") if not isinstance(value, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("'value' must be a number.") if direction == 1: axe = self.axe_x if value < axe[0] or value > axe[-1]: raise ValueError("'value' is out of bound.") else: axe = self.axe_y if value < axe[0] or value > axe[-1]: raise ValueError("'value' is out of bound.") if not isinstance(kind, STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError() if kind not in ['bounds', 'nearest', 'decimal']: raise ValueError() # getting the borning indices ind = np.searchsorted(axe, value) if axe[ind] == value: inds = [ind, ind] else: inds = [int(ind - 1), int(ind)] # returning bounds if kind == 'bounds': return inds # returning nearest elif kind == 'nearest': if inds[0] == inds[1]: return inds[0] if np.abs(axe[inds[0]] - value) < np.abs(axe[inds[1]] - value): ind = inds[0] else: ind = inds[1] return int(ind) # returning decimal elif kind == 'decimal': if inds[0] == inds[1]: return inds[0] value_1 = axe[inds[0]] value_2 = axe[inds[1]] delta = np.abs(value_2 - value_1) return (inds[0]*np.abs(value - value_2)/delta + inds[1]*np.abs(value - value_1)/delta)
[docs] def get_points_around(self, center, radius, ind=False): """ Return the list of points or the scalar field that are in a circle centered on 'center' and of radius 'radius'. Parameters ---------- center : array Coordonate of the center point (in axes units). radius : float radius of the cercle (in axes units). ind : boolean, optional If 'True', radius and center represent indices on the field. if 'False', radius and center are expressed in axis unities. Returns ------- indices : array Array contening the indices of the contened points. [(ind1x, ind1y), (ind2x, ind2y), ...]. You can easily put them in the axes to obtain points coordinates """ # checking parameters if not isinstance(center, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'center' must be an array") center = np.array(center, dtype=float) if not center.shape == (2,): raise ValueError("'center' must be a 2x1 array") if not isinstance(radius, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("'radius' must be a number") if not radius > 0: raise ValueError("'radius' must be positive") # getting indice data when 'ind=False' if not ind: dx = self.axe_x[1] - self.axe_x[0] dy = self.axe_y[1] - self.axe_y[0] delta = (dx + dy)/2. radius = radius/delta center_x = self.get_indice_on_axe(1, center[0], kind='decimal') center_y = self.get_indice_on_axe(2, center[1], kind='decimal') center = np.array([center_x, center_y]) # pre-computing somme properties radius2 = radius**2 radius_int = radius/np.sqrt(2) # isolating possibles indices inds_x = np.arange([0] - radius)),[0] + radius)) + 1) inds_y = np.arange([1] - radius)),[1] + radius)) + 1) inds_x, inds_y = np.meshgrid(inds_x, inds_y) inds_x = inds_x.flatten() inds_y = inds_y.flatten() # loop on possibles points inds = [] for i in np.arange(len(inds_x)): x = inds_x[i] y = inds_y[i] # test if the point is in the square 'compris' in the cercle if x <= center[0] + radius_int \ and x >= center[0] - radius_int \ and y <= center[1] + radius_int \ and y >= center[1] - radius_int: inds.append([x, y]) # test if the point is the center elif all([x, y] == center): pass # test if the point is in the circle elif ((x - center[0])**2 + (y - center[1])**2 <= radius2): inds.append([x, y]) return np.array(inds, subok=True)
[docs] def scale(self, scalex=None, scaley=None, inplace=False, output_reverse=False): """ Scale the Field. Parameters ---------- scalex, scaley : numbers or Unum objects Scale for the axis inplace : boolean . """ if inplace: tmp_f = self else: tmp_f = self.copy() # set xy_scale if scalex is not None and scaley is not None: tmp_f.xy_scale *= scalex/scaley elif scalex is not None: tmp_f.xy_scale *= scalex elif scaley is not None: tmp_f.xy_scale *= 1/scaley # x reversex = False if scalex is None: pass elif isinstance(scalex, NUMBERTYPES): tmp_f.axe_x *= scalex if scalex < 0: reversex = True elif isinstance(scalex, unum.Unum): new_unit = tmp_f.unit_x * scalex fact = new_unit.asNumber() new_unit /= fact tmp_f.unit_x = new_unit tmp_f.axe_x *= fact if fact < 0: reversex = True else: raise TypeError() if reversex: tmp_f.axe_x = tmp_f.axe_x[::-1] # y reversey = False if scaley is None: pass elif isinstance(scaley, NUMBERTYPES): tmp_f.axe_y *= scaley if scaley < 0: reversey = True elif isinstance(scaley, unum.Unum): new_unit = tmp_f.unit_y*scaley fact = new_unit.asNumber() new_unit /= fact tmp_f.unit_y = new_unit tmp_f.axe_y *= fact if fact < 0: reversey = True else: raise TypeError() if reversey: tmp_f.axe_y = tmp_f.axe_y[::-1] # returning if output_reverse: if inplace: return reversex, reversey else: return tmp_f, reversex, reversey else: if inplace: pass else: return tmp_f
[docs] def rotate(self, angle, inplace=False): """ Rotate the field. Parameters ---------- angle : integer Angle in degrees (positive for trigonometric direction). In order to preserve the orthogonal grid, only multiples of 90° are accepted (can be negative multiples). inplace : boolean, optional If 'True', Field is rotated in place, else, the function return a rotated field. Returns ------- rotated_field : Field object, optional Rotated field. """ # check params if not isinstance(angle, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError() if angle % 90 != 0: raise ValueError() if not isinstance(inplace, bool): raise TypeError() # get dat if inplace: tmp_field = self else: tmp_field = self.copy() # normalize angle angle = angle % 360 # rotate if angle == 0: pass elif angle == 90: tmp_field.__axe_x, tmp_field.__axe_y \ = tmp_field.axe_y[::-1], tmp_field.axe_x tmp_field.__unit_x, tmp_field.__unit_y \ = tmp_field.unit_y, tmp_field.unit_x elif angle == 180: tmp_field.__axe_x, tmp_field.__axe_y \ = tmp_field.axe_x[::-1], tmp_field.axe_y[::-1] elif angle == 270: tmp_field.__axe_x, tmp_field.__axe_y \ = tmp_field.axe_y, tmp_field.axe_x[::-1] tmp_field.__unit_x, tmp_field.__unit_y \ = tmp_field.unit_y, tmp_field.unit_x else: raise Exception() # correction non-crescent axis if tmp_field.axe_x[-1] < tmp_field.axe_x[0]: tmp_field.__axe_x = -tmp_field.axe_x if tmp_field.axe_y[-1] < tmp_field.axe_y[0]: tmp_field.__axe_y = -tmp_field.axe_y # returning if not inplace: return tmp_field
[docs] def change_unit(self, axe, new_unit): """ Change the unit of an Field. Parameters ---------- axe : string 'y' for changing the profile y axis unit 'x' for changing the profile x axis unit new_unit : Unum.unit object or string The new unit. """ if isinstance(new_unit, STRINGTYPES): new_unit = make_unit(new_unit) if not isinstance(new_unit, unum.Unum): raise TypeError() if not isinstance(axe, STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError() if axe == 'x': old_unit = self.unit_x new_unit = old_unit.asUnit(new_unit) fact = new_unit.asNumber() self.unit_x = new_unit/fact self.axe_x *= fact elif axe == 'y': old_unit = self.unit_y new_unit = old_unit.asUnit(new_unit) fact = new_unit.asNumber() self.unit_y = new_unit/fact self.axe_y *= fact else: raise ValueError()
[docs] def set_origin(self, x=None, y=None): """ Modify the axis in order to place the origin at the givev point (x, y) Parameters ---------- x : number y : number """ if x is not None: if not isinstance(x, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("'x' must be a number") self.axe_x -= x if y is not None: if not isinstance(y, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("'y' must be a number") self.axe_y -= y
[docs] def crop(self, intervx=None, intervy=None, full_output=False, ind=False, inplace=False): """ Crop the field in respect with given intervals. Parameters ---------- intervx : array, optional interval wanted along x intervy : array, optional interval wanted along y full_output : boolean, optional If 'True', cutting indices are alson returned ind : boolean, optional If 'True', intervals are understood as indices along axis. If 'False' (default), intervals are understood in axis units. inplace : boolean, optional If 'True', the field is croped in place. """ # default values axe_x, axe_y = self.axe_x, self.axe_y if intervx is None: if ind: intervx = [0, len(axe_x)] else: intervx = [axe_x[0], axe_x[-1]] if intervy is None: if ind: intervy = [0, len(axe_y)] else: intervy = [axe_y[0], axe_y[-1]] # checking parameters if not isinstance(intervx, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'intervx' must be an array of two numbers") intervx = np.array(intervx, dtype=float) if intervx.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("'intervx' must be an array of two numbers") if intervx.shape != (2,): raise ValueError("'intervx' must be an array of two numbers") if intervx[0] > intervx[1]: raise ValueError("'intervx' values must be crescent") if not isinstance(intervy, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'intervy' must be an array of two numbers") intervy = np.array(intervy, dtype=float) if intervy.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("'intervy' must be an array of two numbers") if intervy.shape != (2,): raise ValueError("'intervy' must be an array of two numbers") if intervy[0] > intervy[1]: raise ValueError("'intervy' values must be crescent") # checking crooping windows if ind: if intervx[0] < 0 or intervx[1] == 0 or \ intervy[0] < 0 or intervy[1] == 0: raise ValueError("Invalid cropping window") else: if np.all(intervx < axe_x[0]) or np.all(intervx > axe_x[-1])\ or np.all(intervy < axe_y[0]) \ or np.all(intervy > axe_y[-1]): raise ValueError("Invalid cropping window") # finding interval indices if ind: indmin_x = int(intervx[0]) indmax_x = int(intervx[1]) indmin_y = int(intervy[0]) indmax_y = int(intervy[1]) else: if intervx[0] <= axe_x[0]: indmin_x = 0 else: indmin_x = self.get_indice_on_axe(1, intervx[0])[-1] if intervx[1] >= axe_x[-1]: indmax_x = len(axe_x) - 1 else: indmax_x = self.get_indice_on_axe(1, intervx[1])[0] if intervy[0] <= axe_y[0]: indmin_y = 0 else: indmin_y = self.get_indice_on_axe(2, intervy[0])[-1] if intervy[1] >= axe_y[-1]: indmax_y = len(axe_y) - 1 else: indmax_y = self.get_indice_on_axe(2, intervy[1])[0] # cropping the field if inplace: axe_x = self.axe_x[indmin_x:indmax_x + 1] axe_y = self.axe_y[indmin_y:indmax_y + 1] self.__axe_x = axe_x self.__axe_y = axe_y if full_output: return indmin_x, indmax_x, indmin_y, indmax_y else: cropfield = self.copy() cropfield.__axe_x = self.axe_x[indmin_x:indmax_x + 1] cropfield.__axe_y = self.axe_y[indmin_y:indmax_y + 1] if full_output: return indmin_x, indmax_x, indmin_y, indmax_y, cropfield else: return cropfield
[docs] def extend(self, nmb_left=0, nmb_right=0, nmb_up=0, nmb_down=0, inplace=False): """ Add columns or lines of masked values at the field. Parameters ---------- nmb_**** : integers Number of lines/columns to add in each direction. inplace : bool If 'False', return a new extended field, if 'True', modify the field inplace. Returns ------- Extended_field : Field object, optional Extended field. """ new_axe_x = self.axe_x.copy() new_axe_y = self.axe_y.copy() if nmb_left != 0: dx = self.axe_x[1] - self.axe_x[0] x0 = self.axe_x[0] new_xs = np.arange(x0-dx*nmb_left, x0, dx) new_axe_x = np.concatenate((new_xs, new_axe_x)) if nmb_right != 0: dx = self.axe_x[-1] - self.axe_x[-2] x0 = self.axe_x[-1] new_xs = np.arange(x0 + dx, x0+dx*(nmb_right + 1), dx) new_axe_x = np.concatenate((new_axe_x, new_xs)) if nmb_down != 0: dy = self.axe_y[1] - self.axe_y[0] y0 = self.axe_y[0] new_ys = np.arange(y0-dy*nmb_down, y0, dy) new_axe_y = np.concatenate((new_ys, new_axe_y)) if nmb_up != 0: dy = self.axe_y[-1] - self.axe_y[-2] y0 = self.axe_y[-1] new_ys = np.arange(y0 + dy, y0+dy*(nmb_up + 1), dy) new_axe_y = np.concatenate((new_axe_y, new_ys)) if inplace: self.__axe_x = new_axe_x self.__axe_y = new_axe_y else: fi = self.copy() fi.__axe_x = new_axe_x fi.__axe_y = new_axe_y return fi
def __clean(self): self.__init__()