Source code for IMTreatment.boundary_layer.boundary_layer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/bin/env python3

# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Gaby Launay

# Author: Gaby Launay  <>
# URL:
# Version: 1.0

# This file is part of IMTreatment.

# IMTreatment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# IMTreatment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint, ode
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
import warnings
from .. import Profile, make_unit, ScalarField, VectorField, \
import scipy.integrate as spinteg

NUMBERTYPES = (int, float, int, np.float, np.float16, np.float32)
ARRAYTYPES = (list, np.ndarray)

[docs]class BlasiusBL(object): """ Class representing a Blasius-like boundary layer. Parameters ---------- Uinf : number Flown velocity away from the wall (m/s). nu : number Kinematic viscosity (m²/s). rho : number Density (kg/m^3) """ def __init__(self, Uinf, nu, rho): """ Class constructor. """ if not isinstance(Uinf, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("Uinf is not a number") if not isinstance(nu, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("nu is not a number") if not isinstance(rho, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("rho is not a number") self.Uinf = Uinf = nu self.rho = rho
[docs] def get_Rex(self, x): """ Return the Reynolds number based on the distance from the beginning of the plate. """ Re_x = self.Uinf*x/ if Re_x > 2e5: print('Warning : Turbulent BL') return Re_x
[docs] def get_BL_properties(self, x, allTurbulent=False, bl_perc="99"): """ Return the boundary layer properties according to blasius theory. Parameters ---------- x : number or array of number Position where the boundary layer thickness is computed (m) (can be a list). allTurbulent : bool, optional if True, the all boundary layer is considered turbulent. bl_perc : string in ['95', '99'] Percentage of maximum velocity defining the BL thickness Returns ------- delta : array of numbers Boundary layer thickness profile (m) delta2 : array of numbers Boundary layer momentum thickness (m) delta_star : array of numbers Boundary layer displacement thickness (m) H : array of numbers Shape factor Cf : array of numbers Friction coefficient profile Rex : array of numbers Reynolds number on the distance from the border. tau_w : array of numbers Wall shear stress (Pa) """ # check if not isinstance(x, (NUMBERTYPES, ARRAYTYPES)): raise TypeError("x is not a number or a list") if isinstance(x, NUMBERTYPES): x = np.array([x]) if not isinstance(allTurbulent, bool): raise TypeError("'allTurbulent' has to be a boolean") if bl_perc == "95": perc_coef_lam = 3.92 elif bl_perc == "99": perc_coef_lam = 4.91 else: raise ValueError() # Loop on c position delta = [] delta2 = [] delta_star = [] H = np.ones(len(x))*2.59 Cf = [] Rex = [] tau_w = [] for xpos in x: if xpos == 0: delta.append(0) delta2.append(0) delta_star.append(0) Cf.append(0) Rex.append(0) tau_w.append(0) else: Rex.append(self.Uinf*xpos/ if Rex[-1] < 5e5 and not allTurbulent: delta.append(xpos*perc_coef_lam/np.power(Rex[-1], 0.5)) delta2.append(0.664*(*xpos/self.Uinf)**.5) delta_star.append(delta2[-1]*2.59) Cf.append(0.664/np.power(Rex[-1], 0.5)) tau_w.append(Cf[-1]*1./2.*self.rho*self.Uinf**2) else: if bl_perc == '95': raise NotImplementedError() delta.append(xpos*0.3806/np.power(Rex[-1], 0.2)) delta2.append(0) delta_star.append(delta2[-1]*2.59) Cf.append(0.0592/np.power(Rex[-1], 0.2)) tau_w.append(Cf[-1]*1./2.*self.rho*self.Uinf**2) delta = np.array(delta) delta2 = np.array(delta2) delta_star = np.array(delta_star) H = np.array(H) Cf = np.array(Cf) Rex = np.array(Rex) tau_w = np.array(tau_w) return delta, delta2, delta_star, H, Cf, Rex, tau_w
[docs] def get_thickness_with_confinement(self, x, h, allTurbulent=False): """ Return the boundary layer thickness and the friction coefficient according to blasius theory and adapted for use with low water levels. (Only valid in laminar BL) Fonction -------- delta, Cf = BlasiusBL(allTurbulent=False) Parameters ---------- x : number or array of number Position where the boundary layer thickness is computed (m) (can be a list). h : number Water depth (m). allTurbulent : bool, optional if True, the all boundary layer is considered turbulent. Returns ------- delta : Profile object Boundary layer thickness profile (m) """ if not isinstance(x, (NUMBERTYPES, ARRAYTYPES)): raise TypeError("x is not a number or a list") if isinstance(x, NUMBERTYPES): x = np.array([x]) if isinstance(h, NUMBERTYPES): h = np.array([h]) delta_blas = self.get_BL_properties(x, allTurbulent=allTurbulent)[0] delta_perso = delta_blas*(1 - 0.26547*delta_blas/h) # returning delta = Profile(x, delta_perso, unit_x=make_unit('m'), unit_y=make_unit('m')) return delta
[docs] def get_profile(self, x, y=None, allTurbulent=False): """ Return a Blasius-like (laminar) profile at the given position. Parameters ---------- x : number Position of the profile along x axis y : array of numbers Point along y where to compute the profile (if not specified, 200 homogeneously placed points are used) allTurbulent : bool, optional if True, the boundary layer is considered turbulent. Returns ------- prof : Profile Object Wanted Blasius-like profile. """ # check if not isinstance(x, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError() # Not turbulent case if not allTurbulent: def f_deriv(F, theta): """ y' = dy/dx y'' = dy'/dx dy''/dx = -1/2*y*dy'/dx """ return [F[1], F[2], -1./2.*F[0]*F[2]] # profile initial values f0 = [0, 0, 0.332] # y values if y is None: theta = np.linspace(0, 10, 200) y = theta*np.sqrt(x)*np.sqrt( else: theta = y/(np.sqrt(x)*np.sqrt( # solving with scipy ode solver sol = odeint(f_deriv, f0, theta) # getting adimensionnale velocity u_over_U = sol[:, 1] # getting dimensionnal values u = u_over_U*self.Uinf # Turbulent case else: delta, _, _ = self.get_thickness(x, allTurbulent=True) if y is None: theta = np.linspace(0, 10, 200) y = theta*delta.y[0] else: theta = y/delta.y[0] u_over_U = np.power(theta, 1./7.) u_over_U[theta > 1] = 1. u = u_over_U*self.Uinf return Profile(y, u, unit_x=make_unit('m'), unit_y=make_unit('m/s'))
[docs] def get_profile_with_confinement(self, x, h, y=None, allTurbulent=False): """ Return a Blasius-like (laminar) profile at the given position, ajusted for confined BL. Parameters ---------- x : number Position of the profile along x axis h : number Pater level. y : array of numbers Point along y where to compute the profile (if not specified, 200 homogeneously placed points are used) allTurbulent : bool, optional if True, the boundary layer is considered turbulent. Returns ------- prof : Profile Object Wanted Blasius-like profile. """ # check if not isinstance(x, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError() if not isinstance(h, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError() # get delta = self.get_thickness_with_confinement(x, h, allTurbulent=allTurbulent) eq_x = self.get_x_from_delta(delta.y[0]) # return return self.get_profile(eq_x, y=y, allTurbulent=allTurbulent)
[docs] def get_x_from_delta(self, delta, allTurbulent=False): """ Return a the x value that give the wanted delta. """ # getting the laminar value of x xpos = (delta**2*self.Uinf)/(4.92**2* # checking if turbulent Re_x = self.get_Rex(xpos) if Re_x > 5e5 or allTurbulent: xpos = ((delta*self.Uinf**(.2))/(0.3806***(.2)))**(1./.8) return xpos
[docs]class FalknerSkanBL(object): def __init__(self, nu, m, c0, L): """ Represent a Boundary layer with a pressure gradient, according to Falkner-Skan. Parameters ---------- nu : number Viscosity m, c0 , L: integer and numbers Pressure gradient parameters. Such as U_e = c0*(x/L)^m. """ = nu self.m = m self.c0 = c0 self.L = L self.beta = (2*self.m)/(self.m + 1)
[docs] def get_u_e(self, x): """ Return the external velocity at position 'x'. """ return self.c0*(x/self.L)**self.m
[docs] def get_mu(self, x, y): """ return the \mu parameter at the position '(x, y)'. """ return y*(self.c0*(self.m + 1)/(2**self.L))**.5 * \ (x/self.L)**((self.m - 1)/2.)
[docs] def get_y(self, x, mu): """ Return the 'y' vaue associated with \mu parameter. """ return mu*(*x/self.get_u_e(x))**.5 return mu/((self.c0*(self.m + 1)/(2**self.L))**.5 * (x/self.L)**((self.m - 1)/2.))
[docs] def get_f_function(self, relerr=1e-5, max_it=1000, verbose=False): """ Return the 'f' function appearing in the Falkner-skan equation, and its derivatives. Notes ----- * Falkner-Skan equation : .. math:: f''' + ff'' + \\beta \\left( 1 - f'^2 \\right) = 0 f(0) = f'(0) = 0 \\: \\text{ and } \\: f'(\\infty) = 1 * Associated constants : .. math:: \\beta = \\frac{2m}{m + 1} -0.0905 \le m \le 2 * Remark on numerical resolution : The Falkner-Skan equation is a ODE system with BVP (boundary value problem). Classical ODE algorithm such as Runge-Kutta or Vode cannot take care of the :math:`f'(\\infty)=0`. This ODE system is so solved with a shooting method. """ import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('error') # Set mu values mu = np.linspace(0, 10, 100) # Implement Falkner-Skan equation def deriv(Y, t): Y_prime = [0, 0, 0] Y_prime[0] = Y[1] Y_prime[1] = Y[2] Y_prime[2] = - (self.m + 1)/2.*Y[0]*Y[2] - self.m*(1. - Y[1]**2) return Y_prime def deriv2(t, Y): return deriv(Y, t) # Create ODE system for resolution integrator = "lsoda" ode_maxsteps = 10000 ODE = ode(deriv2) ODE.set_integrator(integrator, nsteps=ode_maxsteps) # Prepare shooting method to solve BVP (boundary value problem) aimed_Y1p = 1. first_Y3_guess = 0.33 + 0.77*np.log(2.207*(self.m + 0.45696)) interval_Y3 = [first_Y3_guess - .33, first_Y3_guess + .33] # first guesses for f'''(0) tmp_Y3s = np.linspace(*interval_Y3, num=100) tmp_Y1ps = [] tmp_Y2ps = [] for tmpY3 in tmp_Y3s: ODE.set_initial_value([0, 0, tmpY3]) try: prof = ODE.integrate(mu[-1]) except RuntimeWarning: tmp_Y1ps.append(np.nan) tmp_Y2ps.append(np.nan) else: tmp_Y1ps.append(prof[1]) tmp_Y2ps.append(prof[2]) tmp_Y1ps = np.array(tmp_Y1ps) tmp_Y2ps = np.array(tmp_Y2ps)[~np.isnan(tmp_Y1ps)] tmp_Y3s = tmp_Y3s[~np.isnan(tmp_Y1ps)] tmp_Y1ps = tmp_Y1ps[~np.isnan(tmp_Y1ps)] # check if we get a cool interval with apropriate derivates resid = tmp_Y1ps - aimed_Y1p ind_min = np.argsort(np.abs(tmp_Y1ps - aimed_Y1p)) if np.min(resid)*np.max(resid) < 0: tmp_neg = resid[:-1]*resid[1::] ind1 = np.where(tmp_neg < 0)[0] ind2 = np.where(tmp_Y2ps[:-1]*tmp_Y2ps[1:] < 0)[0] ind = [ind1[i] for i in np.arange(len(ind1)) if ind1[i] == ind2[i]][0] interval_Y1p = [tmp_Y1ps[ind], tmp_Y1ps[ind + 1]] interval_Y3 = [tmp_Y3s[ind], tmp_Y3s[ind + 1]] # check if we get a lesser cool interval elif ind_min[0] in [0, len(tmp_Y1ps) - 1]: raise Exception("Guessing interval for f''(0) need to be enlarged" "\n tmp_Y1ps={}".format(tmp_Y1ps)) else: interval_Y1p = [tmp_Y1ps[ind_min[0]], tmp_Y1ps[ind_min[1]]] interval_Y3 = [tmp_Y3s[ind_min[0]], tmp_Y3s[ind_min[1]]] # Shooting method to solve iteratively boundary conditions nmb_it = 0 if verbose: print("+++ Shooting method iteration +++") mid_Y3 = 1e30 while True: new_mid_Y3 = ((interval_Y3[0]*np.abs(1 - interval_Y1p[1]) + interval_Y3[1]*np.abs(1 - interval_Y1p[0])) / (np.abs(1 - interval_Y1p[1]) + np.abs(1 - interval_Y1p[0]))) if np.abs(new_mid_Y3 - mid_Y3) < 1e-10: if verbose: print("+++ Can't do better than that " "(stuck in local minimum ?)") break mid_Y3 = new_mid_Y3 if verbose: print(("+++ ({}) new tested Y3 = {:.4f}" .format(nmb_it, mid_Y3))) # compute new Y1p at middle ODE.set_initial_value([0, 0, mid_Y3]) prof = ODE.integrate(mu[-1]) new_Y1p = prof[1] # replace interval with new values if (interval_Y1p[0] - aimed_Y1p)*(new_Y1p - aimed_Y1p) < 0: interval_Y1p[1] = new_Y1p interval_Y3[1] = mid_Y3 else: interval_Y1p[0] = new_Y1p interval_Y3[0] = mid_Y3 err = np.abs((new_Y1p - aimed_Y1p)/np.mean([new_Y1p, aimed_Y1p])) if verbose: print(("+++ err = {:.4f}".format(err))) # stopping test if nmb_it > max_it: if verbose: print("+++ Maximum number of iteration reached") break if err < relerr: if verbose: print(("+++ Converged in {} iterations !" .format(nmb_it))) break # incr nmb_it += 1 Y3 = mid_Y3 # Solve ODE with the new set of boundary conditions : f(0)=f'(0)= 0 and # f''(0) = Y3 sol = odeint(deriv, y0=[0, 0, Y3], t=mu) # Return return mu, sol
[docs] def get_profile(self, x, relerr=1e-5, max_it=1000, verbose=False): """ return the velocity profile at 'x' position. """ # solve ODE system using shooting method and Vode mu, sol = self.get_f_function(relerr=relerr, max_it=max_it, verbose=verbose) # get y values y = self.get_y(x, mu) # check solution dmu = mu[1] - mu[0] F0 = sol[:, 0] F1 = sol[:, 1] F2 = sol[:, 2] F3 = np.gradient(F2, dmu) res = np.mean(F3 + (self.m + 1)/2*F0*F2 + self.m*(1 - F1**2)) print("+++ Equation +++") print(("+++ should be zero : {:.4f}".format(res))) print("+++ Boundary conditions +++") print(("+++ f(0)={:.3f} (should be 0)".format(sol[0, 0]))) print(("+++ f'(0)={:.3f} (should be 0)".format(sol[0, 1]))) print(("+++ f'(inf)={:.3f} (should be 1)".format(sol[-1, 1]))) vx = sol[:, 1]*self.get_u_e(x) return y, vx
[docs]class ThwaitesBL(object): def __init__(self, u_e, nu=1.e-6): """ Represent a The solution of the boundary layer momentum equation using Thwaites solution. Parameters ---------- u_e : function External velocity, should take a distance in 'm' as argument and returning a velocity in 'm/s'. nu : number Viscosity (default to water, at 1e-6) """ = nu self.u_e = u_e # classical empirical coefficients self.emp_coef_1 = 0.441 self.emp_coef_2 = 5.68 # # adapted empirical coefficients # self.emp_coef_1 = 0.19199 # self.emp_coef_2 = 10.6612
[docs] def u_e_pow(self, x): """ Function u_e(x)**4.68 (used int numerical resolution) """ return self.u_e(x)**(self.emp_coef_2 - 1)
[docs] def get_momentum_thikness(self, x): """ Return the evolution of the boundary layer momentum thikness. Parameters ---------- x : number or array of numbers Position along the flat plan until where we want to solve the momentum equation. (has no influence on the resoluion accuracy) Returns ------- delta2 : position and value of momentum thicknesses """ if isinstance(x, NUMBERTYPES): res, eps = spinteg.quad(func=self.u_e_pow, a=0, b=x) denom = self.u_e(x)**self.emp_coef_2 if denom == 0: delta2 = None else: delta2 = (self.emp_coef_1**res)**.5 elif isinstance(x, ARRAYTYPES): x = np.array(x, dtype=float) delta2 = [] for xi in x: delta2.append(self.get_momentum_thikness(xi)) delta2 = np.array(delta2, dtype=float) else: raise TypeError() return np.array(delta2)
[docs] def get_BL_properties(self, x): """ Return the boundary layer properties for given values of x Parameters ---------- x : number or array of numbers Position along the flat plan until where we want to solve the momentum equation. (has no influence on the resoluion accuracy) Returns ------- lambda : array of numbers Dimensionless pressure gradient. (According to Kays and Crawford, a value of -0.082 is caracteristic of the separation phenomenon.) delta2 : array of numbers Boundary layer momentum thickness delta_star : array of numbers Boundary layer displacement thickness H : array of numbers H factor """ # get u_e and grad u_e u_e = np.array([self.u_e(xi) for xi in x]) d_u_e = np.gradient(u_e) # get delta2 delta2 = self.get_momentum_thikness(x) # get lambda lambd = delta2**2/*d_u_e # get H factor H = [] for lambdi in lambd: if lambdi >= 0 and lambdi < 0.1: H.append(2.61 - 3.75*lambdi + 5.24*lambdi**2) elif lambdi < 0 and lambdi > -0.1: H.append(2.088 + 0.0731/(lambdi + 0.14)) else: H.append(np.nan) H = np.array(H, dtype=float) # get delta_star delta_star = H*delta2 return lambd, delta2, delta_star, H
[docs]class WallLaw(object): """ Class representing a law of the wall profile. By default, the used liquid is water. Parameters ---------- h : number Water depth (m) tau : number The wall shear stress (Pa) visc_c : number, optional Kinematic viscosity (m²/s) rho : number, optional liquid density (kg/m^3) """ def __init__(self, h, tau, delta, visc_c=1e-6, rho=1000): """ Class constructor. """ if not isinstance(h, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("'h' has to be a number") if h <= 0: raise ValueError("'h' has to be positive") if not isinstance(tau, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("'tau' has to be a number") if not isinstance(delta, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("'delta' has to be a number") if tau < 0: raise ValueError("'tau' has to be a positive number") self.k = 0.4 self.A = 5.5 self.rho = rho self.tau = tau = delta self.Utau = np.sqrt(self.tau/self.rho) self.visc_c = visc_c self.visc_d = self.visc_c*self.rho self.h = h
[docs] def display(self, dy, **plotArgs): """ Display the velocity profile. Parameters ---------- dy : number Resolution along the water depth (m). Returns ------- fig : figure reference Reference to the displayed figure. """ if not isinstance(dy, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("'dy' has to be a number") if dy < 0: raise ValueError("'dy' has to be a positive number") if dy > self.h: raise ValueError("'dy' has to be smaller than the water depth") y = np.arange(0, self.h, dy) prof = self.get_profile(y) Umoy, _ = prof.get_integral() fig = prof.display(reverse=True, label=("tau={0:.4f} : " "Umoyen = {1:.4f}").format(self.tau, Umoy)) y5 = 5.*self.visc_c*np.sqrt(self.rho/self.tau) y30 = 30.*self.visc_c*np.sqrt(self.rho/self.tau) mini = prof.get_min() maxi = prof.get_max() plt.plot([mini, maxi], [y5, y5], 'r--') plt.plot([mini, maxi], [y30, y30], 'r--') plt.xlabel("Velocity (m/s)") plt.ylabel("y (m)") plt.title("velocity profile according to the log-defect law") return fig
[docs] def get_profile(self, y): """ Return a log-defect profile, according to the given parameters. Parameters ---------- y : array Value of y in which calculate the profile (m). Returns ------- prof : Profile object the profile for values of 'y' """ if not isinstance(y, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'y' has to be an array") if any(y < 0): raise ValueError("'y' has to be an array of positive number") if any(y > self.h): raise ValueError("'y' has to be smaller than the water depth") y = np.array(y) yplus = y*self.Utau/self.visc_c ylimscv = 11.63 ylimlog = 450. Ufin = [] for i, yp in enumerate(yplus): if yp < 0: Utmp = 0 elif yp <= ylimscv: Utmp = self._scv(yp)*self.Utau elif yp <= ylimlog: Utmp = self._inner_turb(yp)*self.Utau elif y[i] <= Utmp = self._outer_turb(yp)*self.Utau else: Utmp = self._undisturbed(yp)*self.Utau Ufin.append(Utmp) Ufin = Profile(y, Ufin, mask=False, unit_x=make_unit("m"), unit_y=make_unit("m/s")) return Ufin
[docs] def integral(self, x, y): return np.trapz(y, x)
def _scv(self, yp): """ Calculate u/Utau in the scv. """ return yp def _inner_turb(self, yp): """ Calculate u/Utau in the inner part of the bl. """ return 1./self.k*np.log(yp) + 5.1 def _outer_turb(self, yp): """ Calculate u/Utau in the outer part of the bl. """ return self._inner_turb(yp) def _undisturbed(self, yp): """ Calculate u/Utau outside of the bl """ return self._outer_turb(*self.Utau/self.visc_c)
[docs]class WakeLaw(WallLaw): """ Class representing a law of the wake profile using Coles theory. By default, the used liquid is water. Parameters ---------- h : number Water depth (m) tau : number The wall shear stress (Pa) delta : number The boundary layer thickness (m) Cc : number, optional The Coles parameters (n.u) (0.45 by default) visc_c : number, optional Kinematic viscosity (m²/s) (defaul = 1e-6) rho : number, optional liquid density (kg/m^3) (default = 1000) """ def _inner_turb(self, yp): """ Calculate u/Utau in the turbulent part of the bl. """ return self._wake_law(yp) def _outer_turb(self, yp): """ Calculate u/Utau outside of the bl. """ return self._wake_law(yp) def _wake_law(self, yp): """ Calculate the defect composante of the law. Take yp. Return u/Utau. """ y = yp/self.Utau*self.visc_c Cc = 0.55 return (1./self.k*np.log(self.Utau*y/self.visc_c) + 5.1 + 2.*Cc/self.k*np.sin(np.pi*y/(2.***2)
[docs]def get_bl_thickness(obj, direction=1, perc=0.95): """ Return a boundary layer thickness if 'obj' is a Profile. Return a profile of boundary layer thicknesses if 'obj' is a ScalarField. WARNING : the wall must be at x=0. Parameters ---------- obj : Profile or ScalarField object Vx field. direction : integer, optional If 'obj' is a ScalarField, determine the swept axis (1 for x and 2 for y). perc : float, optionnal Percentage used in the bl calculation (95% per default). Returns ------- BLT : float or profile Boundary layer thickness, in axe x unit. """ if isinstance(obj, Profile): maxi = obj.max if maxi is None: return 0 value = obj.get_interpolated_values(y=maxi*perc) return value[0] elif isinstance(obj, ScalarField): if direction == 1: axe = obj.axe_x else: axe = obj.axe_y profiles = [obj.get_profile(direction, x) for x in axe] values = [get_bl_thickness(prof, perc=perc) for prof in profiles] return Profile(axe, values, unit_x=obj.unit_x, unit_y=obj.unit_y) else: raise TypeError("Can't compute (yet ?) BL thickness on this kind of" " data : {}".format(type(obj)))
[docs]def get_clauser_thickness(obj, direction=1, rho=1000, nu=1e-6, tau=None): """ Return the profile Clauser's thickness defined in 'Clauser (1956)'. (Delta_star = integrale_0_h (u_top - u)/u_star dy) Parameters ---------- obj : Profile or ScalarField object direction : integer, optional If 'obj' is a ScalarField, determine the swept axis (1 for x and 2 for y). rho : number, optional Density of the fluid (default fo water : 1000 kg/m^3) nu : number, optional Kinematic viscosity for the fluid (default for water : 1e-6 m^2/s) tau : number, optional Wall shear stress, if not specified, 'get_shear_stress' is used to compute it. Returns ------- Delta_star : float or Profile Boundary layer Clauser thickness, in axe x unit. """ # if obj is a profile, getting Delta_star if isinstance(obj, Profile): # getting u_star if tau is None: tau = get_shear_stress(obj, direction=direction, nu=nu, rho=rho) tau.change_unit('y', 'kg/m/s**2') tau = tau.y[0] u_star = np.sqrt(tau/rho) # getting v_top v_top = obj.y[-1] Delta_star = get_displ_thickness(obj)*v_top/u_star return Delta_star # if obj is a scalarField elif isinstance(obj, ScalarField): if direction == 1: axe = obj.axe_x else: axe = obj.axe_y profiles = [obj.get_profile(direction, x) for x in axe] values = [get_clauser_thickness(prof, direction=direction, rho=rho, nu=nu) for prof, _ in profiles] return Profile(axe, values, unit_x=obj.unit_x, unit_y=obj.unit_y)
[docs]def get_displ_thickness(obj, direction=1): """ Return a displacement thickness if 'obj' is a Profile. Return a profile of displacement thicknesses if 'obj' is a Scalarfield. WARNING : the wall must be at x=0. Parameters ---------- obj : Profile or ScalarField object direction : integer, optional If 'obj' is a ScalarField, determine the swept axis (1 for x and 2 for y). Returns ------- delta : float or Profile Boundary layer displacement thickness, in axe x unit. """ if isinstance(obj, Profile): bl_perc = 0.95 # cut the profile in order to only keep the BL bl_thick = get_bl_thickness(obj, perc=bl_perc) if bl_thick == 0: return 0 obj = obj.crop([0, bl_thick]) # removing negative and masked points if isinstance(obj.y, mask = np.logical_and(obj.y.mask, obj.x < 0) obj.x = obj.x[~mask] obj.y = obj.y._data[~mask] # if there is no more value in the profile (all masked) if len(obj.x) == 0: return 0 # adding a x(0) value if necessary if obj.x[0] != 0: pos_x = np.append([0], obj.x) pos_y = np.append([0], obj.y) else: pos_x = obj.x pos_y = obj.y # computing bl displacement thickness fonct = 1 - pos_y/np.max(pos_y) delta = np.trapz(fonct, pos_x) return delta elif isinstance(obj, ScalarField): if direction == 1: axe = obj.axe_x else: axe = obj.axe_y profiles = [obj.get_profile(direction, x) for x in axe] values = [get_displ_thickness(prof) for prof in profiles] return Profile(axe, values, unit_x=obj.unit_x, unit_y=obj.unit_y) else: raise TypeError("Can't compute (yet ?) BL displacement thickness on" "this kind of data : {}".format(type(obj)))
[docs]def get_momentum_thickness(obj, direction=1): """ Return a momentum thickness if 'obj' is a Profile. Return a profile of momentum thicknesses if 'obj' is a Scalarfield. WARNING : the wall must be at x=0. Parameters ---------- obj : Profile or ScalarField object direction : integer, optional If 'obj' is a ScalarField, determine the swept axis (1 for x and 2 for y). Returns ------- delta : float or Profile Boundary layer momentum thickness, in axe x unit. """ if isinstance(obj, Profile): bl_perc = 0.95 # cut the profile in order to only keep the BL bl_thick = get_bl_thickness(obj, perc=bl_perc) if bl_thick == 0: return 0 obj = obj.crop([0, bl_thick]) # removing negative and masked points if isinstance(obj.y, mask = np.logical_and(obj.y.mask, obj.x < 0) obj.x = obj.x[~mask] obj.y = obj.y._data[~mask] # if there is no more profile (all masked) if len(obj.x) == 0: return 0 # adding a x(0) value if obj.x[0] != 0: pos_x = np.append([0], obj.x) pos_y = np.append([0], obj.y) else: pos_x = obj.x pos_y = obj.y # computing bl momentum thickness fonct = pos_y/np.max(pos_y)*(1 - pos_y/np.max(pos_y)) delta = np.trapz(fonct, pos_x) return delta elif isinstance(obj, ScalarField): if direction == 1: axe = obj.axe_x else: axe = obj.axe_y profiles = [obj.get_profile(direction, x) for x in axe] values = [get_momentum_thickness(prof) for prof in profiles] return Profile(axe, values, unit_x=obj.unit_x, unit_y=obj.unit_y) else: raise TypeError("Can't compute (yet ?) BL momentum thickness on" "this kind of data")
[docs]def get_shape_factor(obj, direction=1): """ Return a shape factor if 'obj' is a Profile. Return a profile of shape factors if 'obj' is a Scalarfield. WARNING : the wall must be at x=0. Parameters ---------- obj : Profile or ScalarField object direction : integer, optional If 'obj' is a ScalarField, determine the swept axis (1 for x and 2 for y). Returns ------- delta : float or Profile Boundary layer shape factor, in axe x unit. """ displ = get_displ_thickness(obj, direction) mom = get_momentum_thickness(obj, direction) shape_factor = displ/mom if isinstance(shape_factor, Profile): shape_factor.mask = np.logical_or(shape_factor.mask, mom.y <= 0) return shape_factor
[docs]def get_shear_stress(obj, direction=1, method='simple', respace=False, tau_w_guess=1e-6, rho=1000., nu=1.e-6): """ Return the wall shear stress. If velocities values are missing near the wall, an extrapolation (bad accuracy) is used. Warning : the wall must be at x=0 Parameters ---------- obj : Profile or ScalarField object . viscosity : number, optional Dynamic viscosity (default to water : 1e-3) direction : integer, optional If 'obj' is a ScalarField, determine the swept axis (1 for x and 2 for y). method : string, optional 'simple' (default) : use simple gradient computation 'wall_law_lin' : use the linear part of the 'law of the wall' model (need some points in the viscous sublayer) 'wall_law_log' : use the log part of the 'law of the wall' model (only valid in the log layer) respace : bool, optional Use linear interpolation to create an evenly spaced profile. tau_w_guess : number, optional For 'Wall_law_log' method, initial guess for tau_w resolution. rho : number, optional Density of the fluid (default fo water : 1000 kg/m^3) nu : number, optional Kinematic viscosity for the fluid (default for water : 1e-6 m^2/s) """ unit_visc = make_unit('m^2/s') unit_rho = make_unit('kg/m^3') # check parameters if not isinstance(nu, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError() if nu <= 0: raise ValueError() if direction not in [1, 2]: raise ValueError() # if obj is a profile if isinstance(obj, Profile): if method == 'simple': # respace if asked if respace: obj = obj.evenly_space('linear') # compute gradients and return shear stress tmp_prof = obj.get_gradient()*nu*rho*unit_visc*unit_rho return tmp_prof elif method == 'wall_law_lin': new_x = obj.x[obj.x > 0] new_y = obj.y[obj.x > 0]/new_x*nu*rho new_unit_y = obj.unit_y/obj.unit_x*unit_visc*unit_rho mask = obj.mask[obj.x > 0] return Profile(x=new_x, y=new_y, mask=mask, unit_x=obj.unit_x, unit_y=new_unit_y, elif method == 'wall_law_log': # getting data import scipy.optimize as spopt x = obj.x[obj.x > 0] y = obj.y[obj.x > 0] mask = obj.mask[obj.x > 0] # log law of the wall def func(u_star, U, rho, y, nu): u_star = u_star[0] k = 0.41 C = 5.1 # compute residual if u_star < 0: res = -(U/u_star - 1./k*np.log(np.abs(y*u_star/nu)) - C) elif u_star == 0: res = U/u_star - 1./k*np.log(-1e5) - C else: res = U/u_star - 1./k*np.log(y*u_star/nu) - C return res # solving u_stars = np.zeros(len(x)) for i in np.arange(len(u_stars)): u_stars[i] = spopt.fsolve(func, (1e-6,), (y[i], rho, x[i], nu)) tau_w = rho*np.array(u_stars)**2 unit_tau = obj.unit_y/obj.unit_x*unit_visc*unit_rho # returning return Profile(x=x, y=tau_w, mask=mask, unit_x=obj.unit_x, unit_y=unit_tau, else: raise ValueError() elif isinstance(obj, ScalarField): # get axis if direction == 1: axe = obj.axe_x else: axe = obj.axe_y # get profiles profiles = [obj.get_profile(direction, pos_ind, ind=True) for pos_ind in range(len(axe))] # get shear stresses values = np.zeros(obj.shape) for i in range(len(profiles)): if direction == 1: values[i, :] = get_shear_stress(profiles[i], direction=1, method=method, respace=False, tau_w_guess=tau_w_guess, rho=rho, nu=nu).y else: values[:, i] = get_shear_stress(profiles[i], direction=1, method=method, respace=False, tau_w_guess=tau_w_guess, rho=rho, nu=nu).y # returning mask = np.isnan(values) unit_values = profiles[0].unit_y tau_w = ScalarField() tau_w.import_from_arrays(obj.axe_x, obj.axe_y, values, mask=mask, unit_x=obj.unit_x, unit_y=obj.unit_y, unit_values=unit_values) return tau_w else: raise TypeError()
[docs]def get_separation_position(obj, wall_direction, wall_position, interval=None, nmb_lines=4): """ Compute and return the separation points position. Separation points position is computed by searching zero streamwise velocities on surrounding field lines and by extrapolating at the wanted 'wall_position'. If specified, 'interval' must include separation points on the 4 nearest field line. If multiples changments of streamwise velocity are found, return the mean positions of those points. Parameters ---------- obj : ScalarField, VectorField, VectorField or TemporalVelocityField If 'VectorField' or 'VectorField', wall_direction is used to determine the interesting velocity component. wall_direction : integer 1 for a wall at a given value of x, 2 for a wall at a given value of y. wall_position : number Position of the wall. interval : 2x1 array of numbers, optional Optional interval in which search for the detachment points. nmb_lines : int Number of lines to take into account to make the extrapolation. (default is 4) """ # checking parameters coherence if not isinstance(obj, (ScalarField, VectorField, TemporalVectorFields)): raise TypeError("Unknown type for 'obj' : {}".format(type(obj))) if not isinstance(wall_direction, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("'wall_direction' must be a number") if wall_direction != 1 and wall_direction != 2: raise ValueError("'wall_direction' must be 1 or 2") if not isinstance(wall_position, NUMBERTYPES): raise ValueError("'wall_position' must be a number") axe_x, axe_y = obj.axe_x, obj.axe_y if interval is None: if wall_direction == 2: interval = [np.min(axe_x), np.max(axe_x)] else: interval = [np.min(axe_y), np.max(axe_y)] if not isinstance(interval, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'interval' must be a array") # Get data according to 'obj' type if isinstance(obj, ScalarField): # checking masked values if np.any(obj.mask): warnings.warn("I can give weird results if masked values remains") V = obj.values_as_sf if wall_direction == 1: axe = axe_x else: axe = axe_y elif isinstance(obj, VectorField): if np.any(obj.mask): warnings.warn("I can give weird results if masked values remains") if wall_direction == 1: V = obj.comp_y_as_sf axe = axe_x else: V = obj.comp_x_as_sf axe = axe_y elif isinstance(obj, TemporalVectorFields): if np.any(obj.fields[0].mask): warnings.warn("I can give weird results if masked values remains") pts = [] times = obj.times if wall_direction == 1: unit_axe = obj.unit_y else: unit_axe = obj.unit_x for field in obj.fields: pts.append(get_separation_position(field, wall_direction=wall_direction, wall_position=wall_position, interval=interval)) return Profile(times, pts, unit_x=obj.unit_times, unit_y=unit_axe) else: raise ValueError("Unknown type for 'obj'") # Getting separation position # Getting lines around wall if wall_position < axe[0]: lines_pos = axe[0:nmb_lines] elif wall_position > axe[-1]: lines_pos = axe[-nmb_lines-1:-1] else: inds = V.get_indice_on_axe(wall_direction, wall_position) if len(inds) == 1: inds = [inds[0], inds[0] + 1] if inds[0] - nmb_lines/2 < 0: lines_pos = axe[0:nmb_lines] elif inds[-1] + nmb_lines/2 > len(axe): lines_pos = axe[-nmb_lines-1:-1] else: lines_pos = axe[inds[0] - nmb_lines/2:inds[1] + nmb_lines/2] # Getting separation points on surrounding lines seps = np.array([]) new_lines_pos = np.array([]) for lp in lines_pos: # extraction one line tmp_profile = V.get_profile(wall_direction, lp) # getting the velocity sign changment on the line values = tmp_profile.get_interpolated_values(y=0) values = np.array(values) # masking with 'interval' values = values[np.logical_and(values > interval[0], values < interval[1])] if len(values) == 0: continue seps = np.append(seps, np.mean(values)) new_lines_pos = np.append(new_lines_pos, lp) if len(seps) == 0: raise Exception("Can't find sign chagment on the given interval") elif len(seps) != nmb_lines: warnings.warn("extrapolation done on only {} points" " instead of {}".format(len(seps), nmb_lines)) lines_pos = new_lines_pos # Deleting lines where no separation points were found if np.any(np.isnan(seps)): warnings.warn("I can't find a separation points on one (or more)" " line(s). You may want to change 'interval' values") seps = seps[~np.isnan(seps)] lines_pos = lines_pos[~np.isnan(seps)] interp = UnivariateSpline(lines_pos, seps, k=1) return float(interp(wall_position))