Source code for IMTreatment.vortex_detection.vortex_detection

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/bin/env python3

# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Gaby Launay

# Author: Gaby Launay  <>
# URL:
# Version: 1.0

# This file is part of IMTreatment.

# IMTreatment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# IMTreatment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

from ..core import Points, OrientedPoints, Profile, ScalarField, VectorField,\
from ..utils import ProgressCounter, make_unit
from ..vortex_criterions import get_kappa, get_gamma, get_iota, \
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
import warnings
import unum
import copy
from .. import plotlib as pplt

from multiprocess import Pool

[docs]def velocityfield_to_vf(vectorfield, time): """ Create a VF object from a VectorField object. """ # extracting data vx = np.transpose(vectorfield.comp_x) vy = np.transpose(vectorfield.comp_y) ind_x, ind_y = vectorfield.axe_x, vectorfield.axe_y mask = np.transpose(vectorfield.mask) theta = np.transpose(vectorfield.theta) # TODO : add the following when fill will be optimized # THETA.fill() # using VF methods to get cp position vf = VF(vx, vy, ind_x, ind_y, mask, theta, time) return vf
[docs]class VF(object): def __init__(self, vx, vy, axe_x, axe_y, mask, theta, time): self.vx = np.array(vx) self.vy = np.array(vy) self.mask = np.array(mask) self.theta = np.array(theta) self.time = time self._min_win_size = 3 self.shape = self.vx.shape self.axe_x = axe_x self.axe_y = axe_y
[docs] def export_to_velocityfield(self): """ Return the field as VectorField object. """ tmp_vf = VectorField() vx = np.transpose(self.vx) vy = np.transpose(self.vy) mask = np.transpose(self.mask) tmp_vf.import_from_arrays(self.axe_x, self.axe_y, vx, vy, mask) return tmp_vf
[docs] def get_cp_cell_position(self): """ Return critical points cell positions and their associated PBI. (PBI : Poincarre_Bendixson indice) Positions are returned in axis unities (axe_x and axe_y) at the center of a cell. Returns ------- pos : 2xN array position (x, y) of the detected critical points. type : 1xN array type of CP : ==== =============== ind CP type ==== =============== 0 saddle point 1 unstable focus 2 stable focus 3 unstable node 4 stable node ==== =============== """ # get axe data delta_x = self.axe_x[1] - self.axe_x[0] delta_y = self.axe_y[1] - self.axe_y[0] vx_sup_0 = np.array(self.vx > 0, dtype=int) vy_sup_0 = np.array(self.vy > 0, dtype=int) # check if any masks if np.any(self.mask): mask = self.mask mask = np.logical_or(np.logical_or(mask[0:-1, 0:-1], mask[1::, 0:-1]), np.logical_or(mask[0:-1, 1::], mask[1::, 1::])) else: mask = np.zeros((self.mask.shape[0] - 1, self.mask.shape[1] - 1)) # fast first check to see where 0-levelset pass signx = (vx_sup_0[0:-1, 0:-1] + vx_sup_0[1::, 0:-1] + vx_sup_0[0:-1, 1::] + vx_sup_0[1::, 1::]) signy = (vy_sup_0[0:-1, 0:-1] + vy_sup_0[1::, 0:-1] + vy_sup_0[0:-1, 1::] + vy_sup_0[1::, 1::]) lsx = np.logical_and(signx != 0, signx != 4) lsy = np.logical_and(signy != 0, signy != 4) filt_0ls = np.logical_and(lsx, lsy) filt = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(mask), filt_0ls) # loop on filtered cells positions = [] cp_types = [] I, J = np.meshgrid(np.arange(self.shape[0] - 1), np.arange(self.shape[1] - 1), indexing='ij') Is, Js = I[filt], J[filt] for n in np.arange(len(Is)): i, j = Is[n], Js[n] # create tmp_vf object tmp_vx = self.vx[i:i + 2, j:j + 2] tmp_vy = self.vy[i:i + 2, j:j + 2] tmp_theta = self.theta[i:i + 2, j:j + 2] tmp_axe_x = self.axe_x[j:j + 2] tmp_axe_y = self.axe_y[i:i + 2] tmp_vf = VF(vx=tmp_vx, vy=tmp_vy, axe_x=tmp_axe_x, axe_y=tmp_axe_y, mask=[[False, False], [False, False]], theta=tmp_theta, time=self.time) # check struct number nmb_struct = tmp_vf._check_struct_number() # if there is nothing if nmb_struct == (0, 0): continue else: positions.append((tmp_vf.axe_x[0] + delta_x/2., tmp_vf.axe_y[0] + delta_y/2.)) # getting CP type if tmp_vf.pbi_x[1] == -1: cp_types.append(0) else: jac = _get_jacobian_matrix(tmp_vf.vx, tmp_vf.vy) eigvals, eigvects = np.linalg.eig(jac) tau = np.real(eigvals[0]) mu = np.sum(np.abs(np.imag(eigvals))) if mu != 0: if jac[1, 0] < 0: cp_types.append(1) else: cp_types.append(2) elif tau >= 0 and mu == 0: cp_types.append(3) elif tau < 0 and mu == 0: cp_types.append(4) else: raise Exception() # returning return np.array(positions), np.array(cp_types)
[docs] def get_cp_position(self, thread=1): """ Return critical points positions and their associated PBI using bilinear interpolation. (PBI : Poincarre_Bendixson indice) Positions are returned in axis unities (axe_x and axe_y). Parameters ---------- thread : integer or 'all' Number of thread to use (multiprocessing). Returns ------- pos : 2xN array position (x, y) of the detected critical points. pbis : 1xN array PBI (1 indicate a node, -1 a saddle point) Note ---- Using the work of : [1]F. Effenberger and D. Weiskopf, “Finding and classifying critical points of 2D vector fields: a cell-oriented approach using group theory,” Computing and Visualization in Science, vol. 13, no. 8, pp. 377–396, Dec. 2010. """ # get the cell position positions, cp_types = self.get_cp_cell_position() axe_x = self.axe_x axe_y = self.axe_y Vx = self.vx Vy = self.vy mask = self.mask real_dx = axe_x[1] - axe_x[0] real_dy = axe_y[1] - axe_y[0] # import linear interpolation levelset solutions (computed with sympy) from .levelset_data import get_sol sol = get_sol() # function to get the position in a cell detected by # get_cp_cell_position def get_cp_position_in_cell(pos): tmp_x = pos[0] tmp_y = pos[1] # get the cell indices ind_x = np.where(tmp_x < axe_x)[0][0] - 1 ind_y = np.where(tmp_y < axe_y)[0][0] - 1 # get data Vx_bl = Vx[ind_y:ind_y + 2, ind_x:ind_x + 2] Vy_bl = Vy[ind_y:ind_y + 2, ind_x:ind_x + 2] # check if masked values mask_bl = mask[ind_y:ind_y + 2, ind_x:ind_x + 2] if np.any(mask_bl): res_pos = pos return pos # check if null values nmb_zeros = np.sum(Vx_bl + Vy_bl == 0) if nmb_zeros == 1: inds = np.array(np.where(Vx_bl + Vy_bl == 0)).reshape(2) res_pos = np.array([axe_x[ind_x + inds[0]], axe_y[ind_y + inds[1]]]) return res_pos elif nmb_zeros > 1: res_pos = pos return res_pos # check if zero values if np.any(Vx_bl == 0) or np.any(Vy_bl == 0): # if only one point filt = np.logical_and(Vx_bl == 0, Vy_bl == 0) if np.sum(filt) == 1: tmp_inds = np.argwhere(filt) return np.array([tmp_inds[0] + axe_x[ind_x], tmp_inds[1] + axe_y[ind_y]]) # else raise warning warnings.warn("There is a point with zero velocity, it's" "a particular case not implemented yet. " "Skipping this cell (there will be missing CP).") return np.array([np.nan, np.nan]) # solve to get the zero velocity point tmp_dic = {'Vx_1': Vx_bl[0, 0], 'Vx_2': Vx_bl[0, 1], 'Vx_3': Vx_bl[1, 0], 'Vx_4': Vx_bl[1, 1], 'Vy_1': Vy_bl[0, 0], 'Vy_2': Vy_bl[0, 1], 'Vy_3': Vy_bl[1, 0], 'Vy_4': Vy_bl[1, 1], 'dx': real_dx, 'dy': real_dy, 'sqrt': lambda x: x**.5} x_sols = [] y_sols = [] for j in np.arange(len(sol)): # if error such as 'Division by zero' occur, the zero velocity # point is at the cell center try: x_sols.append(eval(sol[j][0], {"__builtins__": {}}, tmp_dic)) y_sols.append(eval(sol[j][1], {"__builtins__": {}}, tmp_dic)) except RuntimeWarning: print(("bad point : \n ({}, {})".format(tmp_x, tmp_y))) x_sols.append(real_dx/2.) y_sols.append(real_dy/2.) # delete the points outside the cell tmp_sol = [] for j in np.arange(len(x_sols)): if np.iscomplex(x_sols[j]): x_sols[j] = x_sols[j].as_real_imag()[0] if np.iscomplex(y_sols[j]): y_sols[j] = y_sols[j].as_real_imag()[0] if (x_sols[j] < 0 or x_sols[j] > real_dx or y_sols[j] < 0 or y_sols[j] > real_dy): continue tmp_sol.append([x_sols[j], y_sols[j]]) # if no more points if len(tmp_sol) == 0: res_pos = np.array([tmp_x, tmp_y]) # if multiple points elif len(tmp_sol) != 1: tmp_sol = np.array(tmp_sol) tmp_sol = [t for t in tmp_sol if not np.any(np.isnan(t))] if not np.all(tmp_sol[0] == tmp_sol): tmp_sol = [np.mean(tmp_sol, axis=0)] tmp_sol = tmp_sol[0] res_pos = np.array([tmp_sol[0] + axe_x[ind_x], tmp_sol[1] + axe_y[ind_y]]) # if one point (ok case) else: tmp_sol = tmp_sol[0] res_pos = np.array([tmp_sol[0] + axe_x[ind_x], tmp_sol[1] + axe_y[ind_y]]) return res_pos # use multiprocessing to get cp position on cell if asked if thread != 1: if thread == 'all': pool = Pool() else: pool = Pool(thread) new_positions = pool.map_async(get_cp_position_in_cell, positions) pool.close() pool.join() new_positions = new_positions.get() else: new_positions = [get_cp_position_in_cell(pos) for pos in positions] new_positions = np.array(new_positions) # clean Nan if len(new_positions) > 0: filt1d = ~np.sum(np.isnan(new_positions), axis=1, dtype=bool) cp_types = cp_types[filt1d] new_positions = new_positions[filt1d, :] # returning return new_positions, cp_types
[docs] def get_pbi(self, direction): """ Return the PBI along the given axe. """ theta = self.theta.copy() if direction == 'y': theta = np.rot90(theta, 3) pbi = np.zeros(theta.shape[1]) for i in np.arange(1, theta.shape[1]): # getting and concatening profiles thetas_border = np.concatenate((theta[::-1, 0], theta[0, 0:i], theta[:, i], theta[-1, i:0:-1]), axis=0) delta_thetas = np.concatenate((thetas_border[1::] - thetas_border[0:-1], thetas_border[0:1] - thetas_border[-1::]), axis=0) # particular points treatment delta_thetas[delta_thetas > np.pi] -= 2*np.pi delta_thetas[delta_thetas < -np.pi] += 2*np.pi # Stockage pbi[i] = np.sum(delta_thetas)/(2.*np.pi) if direction == 'y': pbi = pbi[::-1] return np.array(np.round(pbi))
[docs] def get_field_around_pt(self, xy, nmb_lc): """ Return a field around the point given by x and y. nm_lc give the number of line and column to take around the point. """ # getting data delta_x = self.axe_x[1] - self.axe_x[0] delta_y = self.axe_y[1] - self.axe_y[0] nmb_lc_2 = np.ceil(nmb_lc/2.) # getting bornes x_min = xy[0] - nmb_lc_2*delta_x x_max = xy[0] + nmb_lc_2*delta_x y_min = xy[1] - nmb_lc_2*delta_y y_max = xy[1] + nmb_lc_2*delta_y # getting masks mask_x = np.logical_and(self.axe_x > x_min, self.axe_x < x_max) mask_y = np.logical_and(self.axe_y > y_min, self.axe_y < y_max) # cropping original field vx = self.vx[mask_y, :] vx = vx[:, mask_x] vy = self.vy[mask_y, :] vy = vy[:, mask_x] axe_x = self.axe_x[mask_x] axe_y = self.axe_y[mask_y] mask = self.mask[mask_y, :] mask = mask[:, mask_x] theta = self.theta[mask_y, :] theta = theta[:, mask_x] time = self.time if len(axe_x) == 0 or len(axe_y) == 0: raise ValueError() return VF(vx, vy, axe_x, axe_y, mask, theta, time)
# def _find_arbitrary_cut_positions(self): # """ # Return the position along x and y where the field can be cut. # (at middle positions along each axes) # """ # if np.any(self.shape <= 4): # return None, None # len_x = self.shape[1] # len_y = self.shape[0] # grid_x = [0, np.round(len_x/2.), len_x] # grid_y = [0, np.round(len_y/2.), len_y] # return grid_x, grid_y def _calc_pbi(self): """ Compute the pbi along the two axis (if not already computed, and store them. """ try: self.pbi_x self.pbi_y except AttributeError: self.pbi_x = self.get_pbi(direction='x') self.pbi_y = self.get_pbi(direction='y') def _check_struct_number(self): """ Return the possible number of structures in the field along each axis. """ if self.shape == (2, 2): pbi_x = self.get_pbi(1) self.pbi_x = pbi_x self.pbi_y = pbi_x poi_x = pbi_x[1::] - pbi_x[0:-1] num_x = len(poi_x[poi_x != 0]) return num_x, num_x else: self._calc_pbi() # finding points of interest (where pbi change) poi_x = self.pbi_x[1::] - self.pbi_x[0:-1] poi_y = self.pbi_y[1::] - self.pbi_y[0:-1] # computing number of structures num_x = len(poi_x[poi_x != 0]) num_y = len(poi_y[poi_y != 0]) return num_x, num_y
[docs]class CritPoints(object): """ Class representing a set of critical point associated to a VectorField. Parameters ---------- unit_time : string or Unit object Unity for the time. """ def __init__(self, unit_time='s'): # check parameters self.foc = np.array([]) self.foc_traj = None self.foc_c = np.array([]) self.foc_c_traj = None self.node_i = np.array([]) self.node_i_traj = None self.node_o = np.array([]) self.node_o_traj = None self.sadd = np.array([]) self.sadd_traj = None self.times = np.array([]) self.unit_time = unit_time self.unit_x = make_unit('') self.unit_y = make_unit('') self.colors = ['#E24A33', '#348ABD', '#988ED5', '#777777', '#FBC15E', '#8EBA42', '#FFB5B8'] self.cp_types = ['foc', 'foc_c', 'node_i', 'node_o', 'sadd'] self.current_epsilon = None def __add__(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, CritPoints): if len(obj.times) == 0: return self if len(self.times) == 0: return obj if not self.unit_time == obj.unit_time: raise ValueError() if not self.unit_x == obj.unit_x: raise ValueError() if not self.unit_y == obj.unit_y: raise ValueError() tmp_CP = CritPoints(unit_time=self.unit_time) tmp_CP.unit_x = self.unit_x tmp_CP.unit_y = self.unit_y tmp_CP.unit_time = self.unit_time tmp_CP.foc = np.append(self.foc, obj.foc) tmp_CP.foc_c = np.append(self.foc_c, obj.foc_c) tmp_CP.node_i = np.append(self.node_i, obj.node_i) tmp_CP.node_o = np.append(self.node_o, obj.node_o) tmp_CP.sadd = np.append(self.sadd, obj.sadd) tmp_CP.times = np.append(self.times, obj.times) tmp_CP._sort_by_time() # test if there is double for i, t in enumerate(tmp_CP.times[0:-1]): if t == tmp_CP.times[i+1]: raise ValueError() # returning return tmp_CP else: raise TypeError() def __eq__(self, obj): if not isinstance(obj, CritPoints): return False for attr in ['foc', 'foc_c', 'node_i', 'node_o', 'sadd']: if not np.all(obj.__getattribute__(attr) == self.__getattribute__(attr)): return False attr2 = '{}_traj'.format(attr) if not np.all(obj.__getattribute__(attr2) == self.__getattribute__(attr2)): return False for attr in ['unit_time', 'unit_x', 'unit_y']: if obj.__getattribute__(attr) != self.__getattribute__(attr): return False for attr in ['times', 'colors', 'cp_types']: if not np.all(obj.__getattribute__(attr) == self.__getattribute__(attr)): return False return True @property def unit_x(self): return self.__unit_x @unit_x.setter def unit_x(self, new_unit_x): if isinstance(new_unit_x, STRINGTYPES): new_unit_x = make_unit(new_unit_x) if not isinstance(new_unit_x, unum.Unum): raise TypeError() self.__unit_x = new_unit_x # for kind in self.iter: # for i in np.arange(len(kind)): # kind[i].unit_x = new_unit_x # for kind in self.iter_traj: # if kind is None: # continue # for i in np.arange(len(kind)): # kind[i].unit_x = new_unit_x @property def unit_y(self): return self.__unit_y @unit_y.setter def unit_y(self, new_unit_y): if isinstance(new_unit_y, STRINGTYPES): new_unit_y = make_unit(new_unit_y) if not isinstance(new_unit_y, unum.Unum): raise TypeError() self.__unit_y = new_unit_y # for kind in self.iter: # for i in np.arange(len(kind)): # kind[i].unit_y = new_unit_y # for kind in self.iter_traj: # if kind is None: # continue # for i in np.arange(len(kind)): # kind[i].unit_y = new_unit_y @property def unit_time(self): return self.__unit_time @unit_time.setter def unit_time(self, new_unit_time): if isinstance(new_unit_time, STRINGTYPES): new_unit_time = make_unit(new_unit_time) if not isinstance(new_unit_time, unum.Unum): raise TypeError() self.__unit_time = new_unit_time # for kind in self.iter: # for i in np.arange(len(kind)): # kind[i].unit_v = new_unit_time # for kind in self.iter_traj: # if kind is None: # continue # for i in np.arange(len(kind)): # kind[i].unit_v = new_unit_time @property def iter(self): return [self.foc, self.foc_c, self.node_i, self.node_o, self.sadd] @property def iter_traj(self): return [self.foc_traj, self.foc_c_traj, self.node_i_traj, self.node_o_traj, self.sadd_traj]
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a copy of the CritPoints object. """ return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def compute_traj(self, epsilon=None, close_traj=False): """ Compute cp trajectory from cp positions. Parameters ---------- epsilon : number, optional Maximal distance between two successive points. default value is Inf. close_traj : bool If 'True', try to close the trajectories (better to get the cp fusion position) """ # check parameters if epsilon is None: epsilon = np.inf elif isinstance(epsilon, NUMBERTYPES): pass elif isinstance(epsilon, unum.Unum): fact = epsilon/self.unit_x unit_fact = fact.strUnit() if unit_fact != '[]': raise ValueError() epsilon = fact.asNumber() else: raise TypeError() self.current_epsilon = epsilon # get points together with v as time focs = np.array([]) for i, pts in enumerate(self.foc): if len(pts) == 0: continue pts.v = [self.times[i]]*len(pts) focs = np.append(focs, pts.decompose()) focs_c = np.array([]) for i, pts in enumerate(self.foc_c): if len(pts) == 0: continue pts.v = [self.times[i]]*len(pts) focs_c = np.append(focs_c, pts.decompose()) nodes_i = np.array([]) for i, pts in enumerate(self.node_i): if len(pts) == 0: continue pts.v = [self.times[i]]*len(pts) nodes_i = np.append(nodes_i, pts.decompose()) nodes_o = np.array([]) for i, pts in enumerate(self.node_o): if len(pts) == 0: continue pts.v = [self.times[i]]*len(pts) nodes_o = np.append(nodes_o, pts.decompose()) sadds = np.array([]) for i, pts in enumerate(self.sadd): if len(pts) == 0: continue pts.v = [self.times[i]]*len(pts) sadds = np.append(sadds, pts.decompose()) # getting trajectories self.foc_traj = self._get_cp_time_evolution(focs, times=self.times, epsilon=epsilon, close_traj=close_traj) self.foc_c_traj = self._get_cp_time_evolution(focs_c, times=self.times, epsilon=epsilon, close_traj=close_traj) self.node_i_traj = self._get_cp_time_evolution(nodes_i, times=self.times, epsilon=epsilon, close_traj=close_traj) self.node_o_traj = self._get_cp_time_evolution(nodes_o, times=self.times, epsilon=epsilon, close_traj=close_traj) self.sadd_traj = self._get_cp_time_evolution(sadds, times=self.times, epsilon=epsilon, close_traj=close_traj)
# # close the trajectories if asked # if close_traj: # # loop on trajectories # for i, traj_kind in enumerate(self.iter_traj): # for j, traj in enumerate(traj_kind): # ending_time = traj.v[-1] # ind_time = np.where(ending_time == self.times)[0][0] # after_time = self.times[ind_time + 1]
[docs] def get_points_density(self, kind, bw_method=None, resolution=100, output_format='normalized'): """ Return the presence density map for the given point type. Parameters ---------- kind : string Type of critical point for the density map (can be 'foc', 'foc_c', 'sadd', 'node_i', 'node_o') bw_method : str, scalar or callable, optional The method used to calculate the estimator bandwidth. This can be 'scott', 'silverman', a scalar constant or a callable. If a scalar, this will be used as std (it should aprocimately be the size of the density node you want to see). If a callable, it should take a gaussian_kde instance as only parameter and return a scalar. If None (default), 'scott' is used. See Notes for more details. resolution : integer or 2x1 tuple of integers, optional Resolution for the resulting field. Can be a tuple in order to specify resolution along x and y. output_format : string, optional 'normalized' (default) : give position probability (integral egal 1). 'absolute' : sum of integral over all points density egal 1. 'ponderated' : give position probability ponderated by the number or points (integral egal number of points). 'concentration' : give local concentration (in point per surface). """ # getting wanted points if kind == 'foc': pts = self.foc elif kind == 'foc_c': pts = self.foc_c elif kind == 'sadd': pts = self.sadd elif kind == 'node_i': pts = self.node_i elif kind == 'node_o': pts = self.node_o else: raise ValueError() # concatenate tot = Points() for pt in pts: tot += pt # getting density map absolute = False if output_format == 'absolute': absolute = True output_format = 'normalized' dens = tot.get_points_density(bw_method=bw_method, resolution=resolution, output_format=output_format, raw=False) if absolute: nmb_pts = np.sum([len(pt.xy) for pt in pts])*1. nmb_tot_pts = np.sum([np.sum([len(pt.xy) for pt in ptsb]) for ptsb in self.iter])*1. dens *= nmb_pts/nmb_tot_pts # returning return dens
[docs] def display_traj_len_repartition(self): """ display profiles with trajectories length repartition (usefull to choose the right epsilon) """ # get traj length typ_lens = [] for i, typ in enumerate(self.iter_traj): lens = [] for traj in typ: lens.append(len(traj.xy)) typ_lens.append(lens) # display fig = plt.figure() plt.hist(typ_lens, bins=np.arange(np.min(np.min(typ_lens)) - 0.5, np.max(np.max(typ_lens)) + 1.5, 1), stacked=True, histtype='barstacked', color=self.colors[0:5], label=self.cp_types) plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Trajectories size') plt.ylabel('Number of trajectories') # returning return fig
[docs] def get_traj_direction_changement(self, cp_type, direction, smoothing=None): """ Return the position of trajectories direction changement. Parameters ---------- cp_type : string in ['foc', 'foc_c', 'node_i', 'node_o', 'sadd'] CP type to use direction: string in ['x', 'y'] Direction along which look smoothing : number, optional Smoothing size (performed on value before gradient search). Returns ------- chg_pts_1, chg_pts_2 : Points objects . """ if cp_type not in self.cp_types: raise ValueError() # get trajectories trajs = np.array(self.iter_traj)[cp_type == np.array(self.cp_types)][0] # get changement points res_min = Points(unit_x=trajs[0].unit_x, unit_y=trajs[0].unit_y, unit_v=trajs[0].unit_v) res_max = Points(unit_x=trajs[0].unit_x, unit_y=trajs[0].unit_y, unit_v=trajs[0].unit_v) for traj in trajs: # skip too short trajs if len(traj) <= 2: continue # get data prof_x = Profile(traj.v, traj.xy[:, 0], unit_x=traj.unit_v, unit_y=traj.unit_x) prof_y = Profile(traj.v, traj.xy[:, 1], unit_x=traj.unit_v, unit_y=traj.unit_y) prof_t = Profile(traj.v, traj.v, unit_x=traj.unit_v, unit_y=traj.unit_v) # smooth if necessary if smoothing is not None: prof_x.smooth(tos='gaussian', size=smoothing, inplace=True) prof_y.smooth(tos='gaussian', size=smoothing, inplace=True) prof_t.smooth(tos='gaussian', size=smoothing, inplace=True) # get directionnal data if direction == 'x': prof_a = prof_x elif direction == 'y': prof_a = prof_y else: raise ValueError() # get 0-gradient position ind_min, ind_max = prof_a.get_extrema_position(smoothing=None, ind=True) x_min = prof_x.get_interpolated_values(x=ind_min, ind=True) y_min = prof_y.get_interpolated_values(x=ind_min, ind=True) t_min = prof_t.get_interpolated_values(x=ind_min, ind=True) x_min = np.array(x_min).flatten() y_min = np.array(y_min).flatten() t_min = np.array(t_min).flatten() x_max = prof_x.get_interpolated_values(x=ind_max, ind=True) y_max = prof_y.get_interpolated_values(x=ind_max, ind=True) t_max = prof_t.get_interpolated_values(x=ind_max, ind=True) x_max = np.array(x_max).flatten() y_max = np.array(y_max).flatten() t_max = np.array(t_max).flatten() for i in range(len(x_min)): res_min.add([x_min[i], y_min[i]], v=t_min[i]) for i in range(len(x_max)): res_max.add([x_max[i], y_max[i]], v=t_max[i]) # returning return res_min, res_max
[docs] def break_trajectories(self, x=None, y=None, smooth_size=5, inplace=False): """ Break the trajectories in pieces. Usefull to do before using 'get_mean_trajectory' Parameters ---------- x, y : number Position of breaking If not specified, break the trajectories where dx/dv=0 smooth_size : number Smoothing used for the dx/dv=0 detection """ if inplace: tmp_cp = self else: tmp_cp = self.copy() # decompose each traj of each kind new_trajs = [] for traj_type in tmp_cp.iter_traj: tmp_trajs = [] for traj in traj_type: # if trajectory too short, just keep it if len(traj) <= 2: tmp_trajs.append(traj) continue # if x specified, find breaking indice if x is not None: x_prof = traj.export_to_profile(axe_x='v', axe_y='x') dv = x_prof.x[1] - x_prof.x[0] ind_brk = x_prof.get_value_position(x, ind=False) elif y is not None: y_prof = traj.export_to_profile(axe_x='v', axe_y='y') dv = y_prof.x[1] - y_prof.x[0] ind_brk = y_prof.get_value_position(y, ind=False) else: x_prof = traj.export_to_profile(axe_x='v', axe_y='x') dv = x_prof.x[1] - x_prof.x[0] ind_brk, _ = x_prof.get_extrema_position( smoothing=smooth_size) # if nothing in ind_min if len(ind_brk) == 0: tmp_trajs.append(traj) continue # else, break the trajectory ind_brk = np.concatenate(([-np.inf], ind_brk, [np.inf])) for i, ind in enumerate(ind_brk[0:-1]): tmp_trajs.append(traj.crop(intervv=[ind_brk[i], ind_brk[i+1] + dv], inplace=False)) new_trajs.append(tmp_trajs) # store for i, type_name in enumerate(tmp_cp.cp_types): tmp_cp.__dict__['{}_traj'.format(type_name)] = new_trajs[i] # return if not inplace: return tmp_cp
[docs] def get_mean_trajectory(self, cp_type, min_len=20, min_nmb_to_avg=10, rel_diff_epsilon=0.03, rel_len_epsilon=0.25, verbose=False): """ Return a mean trajectory (based on a set of trajectories) Parameters ---------- cp_type : string in ['foc', 'foc_c', 'node_i', 'node_o', 'sadd'] or a set of trajectories Trajectory type to average. min_len : number Ignore trajectories with length smaller. min_nmb_to_avg : number Minimum number of values necessary to make an average rel_diff_epsilon : number Maximum relative difference used to determine the different mean trajectories. rel_len_epsilon : number Maximum relative length difference used to determine the different mean trajectories. Returns ------- mean_traj : MeanTrajectory object . skipped_traj : tuple of Points objects Skipped trajectories Notes ----- -You may want to separate your lonf trajectories with 'break_trajectories' before using this function -Checking trajectory resemblance ake into account length of the trajectories and integrale of their differences. """ # check if cp_type not in ['foc', 'foc_c', 'node_i', 'node_o', 'sadd']: trajs = cp_type else: trajs = self.__dict__['{}_traj'.format(cp_type)] # loop for each mean trajectory mean_trajs = [] used = np.zeros((len(trajs)), dtype=bool) nmb_mean_traj = 0 nmb_too_short = 0 nmb_too_diff = 0 skipped_trajs = [] while True: nmb_traj_used = 0 av_x = None av_y = None av_t = None used_traj_inds = [] used_trajs = [] # concatenate all the trajectories # we make multiples loops to be sure that the result is not # dependant on the initial trajectory choice old_used = -1 while True: # break if no modification on the run if np.sum(used) == old_used: break else: old_used = np.sum(used) for i, traj in enumerate(trajs): # skip if already used if used[i]: continue # remove from the set if trajectory length is too low if len(traj) < min_len: used[i] = True nmb_too_short += 1 continue # get the parameters evolution with time tmp_x = traj.export_to_profile(axe_x="v", axe_y="x") tmp_y = traj.export_to_profile(axe_x="v", axe_y="y") tmp_t = traj.export_to_profile(axe_x="v", axe_y="v") tmp_x.x -= tmp_x.x[0] tmp_y.x -= tmp_y.x[0] tmp_t.x -= tmp_t.x[0] # store first trajectory (referential) if av_x is None: tmp_x_base = tmp_x.copy() av_x = tmp_x.copy() av_y = tmp_y.copy() av_t = tmp_t.copy() used[i] = True used_traj_inds.append(i) used_trajs.append(traj) nmb_traj_used += 1 continue # actualize reference tmp_x_base = av_x.remove_doublons(method="average", inplace=False) tmp_y_base = av_y.remove_doublons(method="average", inplace=False) # if trajectories length are too different, skip len_min, len_max = np.sort([len(tmp_x_base), len(tmp_x)]) diff = (len_max - len_min)/float(len_max) if diff > rel_len_epsilon: continue # if trajectory is too different from the referential one, # skip tmp_conv_x = tmp_x.get_convolution_of_difference( tmp_x_base, normalized=True) tmp_conv_y = tmp_y.get_convolution_of_difference( tmp_y_base, normalized=True) tmp_conv = (tmp_conv_x*tmp_conv_y)**.5 if tmp_conv.min > rel_diff_epsilon: continue # else, shift the trajectory and add it to the set shift = tmp_conv.x[min(list(range(len(tmp_conv))), key=lambda i: tmp_conv.y[i])] dx = tmp_x.x[1] - tmp_x.x[0] shift = np.floor(shift/dx)*dx # not allow quarter-dx tmp_x.x += shift tmp_y.x += shift tmp_t.x += shift av_x.add_points(tmp_x) av_y.add_points(tmp_y) av_t.add_points(tmp_t) used[i] = True used_traj_inds.append(i) used_trajs.append(traj) nmb_traj_used += 1 # if no remaining trajectories, end the While loop if av_x is None: break # averaging the set of trajectories on each time step tmp_av_x = av_x.remove_doublons(method="average", inplace=False) av_x_norm = (sum(av_x.x**2)/len(av_x))**.5 # Get std for each points new_x = [] new_y = [] new_t = [] assoc_real_times = [] assoc_std_x = [] assoc_std_y = [] for t in tmp_av_x.x: filt = abs(av_x.x - t)/av_x_norm < 1e-6 if np.sum(filt) < min_nmb_to_avg: continue new_x.append(np.mean(av_x.y[filt])) new_y.append(np.mean(av_y.y[filt])) new_t.append(t) assoc_std_x.append(np.std(av_x.y[filt])) assoc_std_y.append(np.std(av_y.y[filt])) assoc_real_times.append(av_t.y[filt]) # skipping if no remaining points if len(new_x) == 0: nmb_too_diff += nmb_traj_used for ind in used_traj_inds: skipped_trajs.append(trajs[ind]) continue nmb_mean_traj += 1 # storing the mean trajectory xy = list(zip(new_x, new_y)) mean_traj = MeanTrajectory(xy=xy, time=new_t, assoc_real_times=assoc_real_times, assoc_std_x=assoc_std_x, assoc_std_y=assoc_std_y, nmb_traj_used=nmb_traj_used, unit_x=self.unit_x, unit_y=self.unit_y, unit_times=self.unit_time, name='', base_trajs=used_trajs,) mean_traj.sort(ref='v', inplace=True) mean_trajs.append(mean_traj) # sort the mean_traj by decreasing number of used trajectories ind_sort = np.argsort([traj.nmb_traj_used for traj in mean_trajs]) mean_trajs = [mean_trajs[ind] for ind in ind_sort[::-1]] # echo some stats if verbose: pad = len("{}".format(len(trajs))) print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") print("+++ Mean trajectories computation +++") print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") print(("+++ {:>{pad}} Trajectories in the set" .format(len(trajs), pad=pad))) print(("+++ {:>{pad}} Mean Trajectories defined :" .format(nmb_mean_traj, pad=pad))) for i, traj in enumerate(mean_trajs): print(("+++ {:>{pad}} trajectories used for MT{}" .format(traj.nmb_traj_used, i, pad=pad))) print(("+++ {:>{pad}} Trajectories skipped" .format(nmb_too_short + nmb_too_diff, pad=pad))) print(("+++ {:>{pad}} too short" .format(nmb_too_short, pad=pad))) print(("+++ {:>{pad}} too different" .format(nmb_too_diff, pad=pad))) # plot cycler = plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle']() colors = [['color'] for i in range(40)] fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True)[0]) filt = [cp_type == 'foc', cp_type == 'foc_c', cp_type == 'node_i', cp_type == 'node_o', cp_type == 'sadd'] self.display_traj('x', filt=filt, color='k', marker=None) for i, mtraj in enumerate(mean_trajs): for traj in mtraj.base_trajs: traj.display(kind='plot', axe_x='x', axe_y='v', color=colors[i])[1]) for i, traj in enumerate(mean_trajs): traj.display(kind='plot', color=colors[i], marker='o', label='{}'.format(i)) for i, mtraj in enumerate(mean_trajs): for traj in mtraj.base_trajs: traj.display(kind='plot', ls='none', marker='o', mfc='w', mec='k', zorder=0) plt.legend(loc=0) plt.tight_layout() # return the set of mean trajectories return mean_trajs, skipped_trajs
[docs] def add_point(self, foc=None, foc_c=None, node_i=None, node_o=None, sadd=None, time=None): """ Add a new point to the CritPoints object. Parameters ---------- foc, foc_c, node_i, node_o, sadd : Points objects Representing the critical points at this time. time : number Time. """ # check parameters diff_pts = [foc, foc_c, node_i, node_o, sadd] for pt in diff_pts: if pt is not None: if not isinstance(pt, Points): raise TypeError() if not isinstance(time, NUMBERTYPES): raise ValueError() if np.any(self.times == time): raise ValueError() # first point if len(self.times) == 0: for pt in diff_pts: if pt is not None: self.unit_x = pt.unit_x self.unit_y = pt.unit_y break # set default values for i, pt in enumerate(diff_pts): if pt is None: diff_pts[i] = Points(unit_x=self.unit_x, unit_y=self.unit_y, unit_v=self.unit_time) # check units for pt in diff_pts: if pt.unit_x != self.unit_x: raise ValueError() if pt.unit_y != self.unit_y: raise ValueError() # store data self.foc = np.append(self.foc, diff_pts[0].copy()) self.foc_c = np.append(self.foc_c, diff_pts[1].copy()) self.node_i = np.append(self.node_i, diff_pts[2].copy()) self.node_o = np.append(self.node_o, diff_pts[3].copy()) self.sadd = np.append(self.sadd, diff_pts[4].copy()) self.times = np.append(self.times, time) self._sort_by_time() # trajectories are obsolete self._remove_trajectories()
[docs] def remove_point(self, time=None, indice=None): """ Remove some critical points. Parameters ---------- time : number, optional If specified, critical points associated to this time are removed. indice : integer, optional If specified, critical points associated to this indice are removed. """ # check parameters if time is None and indice is None: raise Exception() if time is not None and indice is not None: raise Exception() # remove by time if time is not None: indice = self._get_indice_from_time(time) # remove by indice self.foc = np.delete(self.foc, indice) self.foc_c = np.delete(self.foc_c, indice) self.node_i = np.delete(self.node_i, indice) self.node_o = np.delete(self.node_o, indice) self.sadd = np.delete(self.sadd, indice) self.times = np.delete(self.times, indice) # trajectories are obsolete self._remove_trajectories()
[docs] def set_origin(self, x=None, y=None): if x is None and y is None: return None for pts in self.iter: for pt in pts: pt.set_origin(x=x, y=y) for trajs in self.iter_traj: for traj in trajs: traj.set_origin(x=x, y=y)
[docs] def change_unit(self, axe, new_unit): """ Change the unit of an axe. Parameters ---------- axe : string 'y' for changing the y axis unit 'x' for changing the x axis unit 'time' for changing the time unit new_unit : Unum.unit object or string The new unit. """ if isinstance(new_unit, STRINGTYPES): new_unit = make_unit(new_unit) if not isinstance(new_unit, unum.Unum): raise TypeError() if not isinstance(axe, STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError() if axe in ['x', 'y']: for kind in self.iter: for pt in kind: pt.change_unit(axe, new_unit) for kind in self.iter_traj: if kind is not None: for pt in kind: pt.change_unit(axe, new_unit) if axe == 'x': self.unit_x = new_unit else: self.unit_y = new_unit elif axe == 'time': for kind in self.iter: for pt in kind: pt.change_unit('v', new_unit) for kind in self.iter_traj: for pt in kind: pt.change_unit('v', new_unit) old_unit = self.unit_time new_unit = old_unit.asUnit(new_unit) fact = new_unit.asNumber() self.times *= fact self.unit_time = new_unit/fact else: raise ValueError()
[docs] def scale(self, scalex=1., scaley=1., scalev=1., inplace=False): """ Change the scale of the axis. Parameters ---------- scalex, scaley, scalev : numbers or Unum objects scales along x, y and v inplace : boolean, optional If 'True', scaling is done in place, else, a new instance is returned. """ # check params if not isinstance(scalex, NUMBERTYPES + (unum.Unum, )): raise TypeError() if not isinstance(scaley, NUMBERTYPES + (unum.Unum, )): raise TypeError() if not isinstance(scalev, NUMBERTYPES + (unum.Unum, )): raise TypeError() if not isinstance(inplace, bool): raise TypeError() if inplace: tmp_cp = self else: tmp_cp = self.copy() # scale self v new_unit = tmp_cp.unit_time*scalev fact = new_unit.asNumber() new_unit /= fact tmp_cp.times *= fact tmp_cp.unit_time = new_unit # scale self x new_unit = tmp_cp.unit_x*scalex fact = new_unit.asNumber() new_unit /= fact tmp_cp.unit_x = new_unit # scale self y new_unit = tmp_cp.unit_y*scaley fact = new_unit.asNumber() new_unit /= fact tmp_cp.unit_y = new_unit # loop to scale pts for pt_type in tmp_cp.iter: for i, pts in enumerate(pt_type): pt_type[i].scale(scalex=scalex, scaley=scaley, scalev=scalev, inplace=True) # loop to scale traj (if necessary) for traj in tmp_cp.iter_traj: if traj is None: continue for i, pts in enumerate(traj): traj[i].scale(scalex=scalex, scaley=scaley, scalev=scalev, inplace=True) # returning if not inplace: return tmp_cp
[docs] def crop(self, intervx=None, intervy=None, intervt=None, ind=False, inplace=False): """ crop the point field. """ # inplace if inplace: tmp_cp = self else: tmp_cp = self.copy() # temporal cropping if intervt is not None: if ind: filt = np.zeros(shape=(len(tmp_cp.times)), dtype=bool) filt[intervt[0]:intervt[1]] = True else: filt = np.logical_and(tmp_cp.times >= intervt[0], tmp_cp.times <= intervt[1]) tmp_cp.times = tmp_cp.times[filt] tmp_cp.foc = tmp_cp.foc[filt] tmp_cp.foc_c = tmp_cp.foc_c[filt] tmp_cp.sadd = tmp_cp.sadd[filt] tmp_cp.node_i = tmp_cp.node_i[filt] tmp_cp.node_o = tmp_cp.node_o[filt] for traj_type in self.iter_traj: [traj.crop(intervv=intervt, ind=ind, inplace=True) for traj in traj_type] self._remove_void_trajectories() # spatial cropping if intervx is not None or intervy is not None: for kind in tmp_cp.iter: for pts in kind: pts.crop(intervx=intervx, intervy=intervy, inplace=True) # make trajectories obsolete tmp_cp._remove_trajectories() # returning if not inplace: return tmp_cp
# def trim_time(self, intervtime, ind=False, inplace=False): # """ # Trim the points field # """ # # inplace # if inplace: # tmp_cp = self # else: # tmp_cp = self.copy() # # trajectories are obsolete # tmp_cp._remove_trajectories() # # trim the things... # if ind: # filt = np.zeros(shape=(len(tmp_cp.times)), dtype=bool) # filt[intervtime[0]:intervtime[1]] = True # else: # filt = np.logical_and(tmp_cp.times >= intervtime[0], # tmp_cp.times <= intervtime[1]) # tmp_cp.times = tmp_cp.times[filt] # tmp_cp.foc = tmp_cp.foc[filt] # tmp_cp.foc_c = tmp_cp.foc_c[filt] # tmp_cp.sadd = tmp_cp.sadd[filt] # tmp_cp.node_i = tmp_cp.node_i[filt] # tmp_cp.node_o = tmp_cp.node_o[filt] # # returning # if not inplace: # return tmp_cp
[docs] def clean_traj(self, min_nmb_in_traj): """ Remove some isolated points. Parameters ---------- min_nmb_in_traj : integer Trajectories that have less than this amount of points are deleted. Associated points are also deleted. """ if self.current_epsilon is None: raise Exception("You must calculate trajectories" "before cleaning them") # clean trajectories trajs = ['foc_traj', 'foc_c_traj', 'node_i_traj', 'node_o_traj', 'sadd_traj'] for j in range(len(trajs)): tmp_type_traj = self.__getattribute__(trajs[j]) for i in np.arange(len(tmp_type_traj) - 1, -1, -1): traj = tmp_type_traj[i] if len(traj.xy) < min_nmb_in_traj: tmp_type_traj = np.delete(tmp_type_traj, i) self.__setattr__(trajs[j], tmp_type_traj) # extend deleting to points self._traj_to_pts()
[docs] def smooth_traj(self, tos='uniform', size=None): """ Smooth the CP trajectories. Parameters ---------- tos : string, optional Type of smoothing, can be 'uniform' (default) or 'gaussian' (See ndimage module documentation for more details) size : number, optional Size of the smoothing (is radius for 'uniform' and sigma for 'gaussian'). Default is 3 for 'uniform' and 1 for 'gaussian'. """ # loop on trajectories for typ in self.iter_traj: for traj in typ: traj.smooth(tos=tos, size=size, inplace=True)
[docs] def topo_simplify(self, dist_min, kind='replacement'): """ Simplify the topological points field. Parameters ---------- dist_min : number Minimal distance between two points in the simplified field. kind : string, optional Algorithm used to simplify the field, can be 'replacement'(default) for iterative replacement with center of mass or 'only_delete' to eliminate only the first order associates. Returns ------- simpl_CP : CritPoints object Simplified topological points field. """ simpl_CP = CritPoints(unit_time=self.unit_time) for i in np.arange(len(self.times)): TP = TopoPoints() TP.import_from_CP(self, i) TP = TP.simplify(dist_min, kind=kind) xy = TP.xy[TP.types == 1] foc = Points(xy=xy, v=[self.times[i]]*len(xy), unit_x=self.unit_x, unit_y=self.unit_y, unit_v=self.unit_time) xy = TP.xy[TP.types == 2] foc_c = Points(xy=xy, v=[self.times[i]]*len(xy), unit_x=self.unit_x, unit_y=self.unit_y, unit_v=self.unit_time) xy = TP.xy[TP.types == 3] sadd = Points(xy=xy, v=[self.times[i]]*len(xy), unit_x=self.unit_x, unit_y=self.unit_y, unit_v=self.unit_time) xy = TP.xy[TP.types == 4] node_i = Points(xy=xy, v=[self.times[i]]*len(xy), unit_x=self.unit_x, unit_y=self.unit_y, unit_v=self.unit_time) xy = TP.xy[TP.types == 5] node_o = Points(xy=xy, v=[self.times[i]]*len(xy), unit_x=self.unit_x, unit_y=self.unit_y, unit_v=self.unit_time) simpl_CP.add_point(foc=foc, foc_c=foc_c, sadd=sadd, node_i=node_i, node_o=node_o, time=self.times[i]) return simpl_CP
[docs] def refine_cp_position(self, cp_type, fields, inplace=True, verbose=True, extrema='max'): """ Refine the position of the critical points by putting them on the given scalar field extrema. Parameters ---------- cp_type : string in ['foc', 'foc_c', 'sadd', 'node_i', 'node_o'] Critical points type to refine. fields : TemporalScalarFields object fields where to search for extrema. extrema : string in ['min', 'max'] If 'max', cp are displaced on field maxima, if 'min', cp are displaced on field minima. inplace : boolean . verbose : boolean . """ # check if cp_type not in ['foc', 'foc_c', 'sadd', 'node_i', 'node_o']: raise ValueError() if not isinstance(fields, TemporalScalarFields): raise TypeError() if not np.all(self.times == fields.times): raise ValueError() times = self.times if not isinstance(inplace, bool): raise TypeError() # get cp pts if cp_type == 'foc': cp_pts = self.foc elif cp_type == 'foc_c': cp_pts = self.foc_c elif cp_type == 'sadd': cp_pts = self.sadd elif cp_type == 'node_i': cp_pts = self.node_i elif cp_type == 'node_o': cp_pts = self.node_o new_cp_pts = [] # Loop on time PG = ProgressCounter(init_mess="Begin '{}' points refinment" .format(cp_type), nmb_max=len(cp_pts)) for i in np.arange(len(times)): PG.print_progress() # check if there is point to refine if len(cp_pts[i]) == 0: new_cp_pts.append(cp_pts[i].copy()) continue # getting pt and field associated with the current time iteration new_pt = cp_pts[i].copy() tmp_field = fields[fields.times == times[i]][0] # getting new cp position new_pt.xy = tmp_field.get_nearest_extrema(cp_pts[i].xy, extrema=extrema) new_cp_pts.append(new_pt) # store new positions if inplace: tmp_traj = self else: tmp_traj = self.copy() if cp_type == 'foc': tmp_traj.foc = new_cp_pts elif cp_type == 'foc_c': tmp_traj.foc_c = new_cp_pts elif cp_type == 'sadd': tmp_traj.sadd = new_cp_pts elif cp_type == 'node_i': tmp_traj.node_i = new_cp_pts elif cp_type == 'node_o': tmp_traj.node_o = new_cp_pts # make trajectories obsolete tmp_traj._remove_trajectories() # return if not inplace: return tmp_traj
def _remove_trajectories(self): """ Delete the computed trajectories. This method is called when some points are modified (deleted or added). """ self.current_epsilon = None for i in range(len(self.iter_traj)): self.iter_traj[i] = None def _remove_void_trajectories(self): """ Delete the empty trajectories. """ for traj_type in self.cp_types: traj_type = "{}_traj".format(traj_type) trajs = self.__getattribute__(traj_type) filt = np.array([len(traj) != 0 for traj in trajs]) self.__setattr__(traj_type, trajs[filt]) def _sort_by_time(self): """ Sort the cp by increasing times. """ indsort = np.argsort(self.times) for pt in self.iter: pt[:] = pt[indsort] self.times[:] = self.times[indsort] def _get_indice_from_time(self, time): """ Return the indice associated to the given number. """ # check parameters if not isinstance(time, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError() # get indice indice = np.argwhere(self.times == time) if indice.shape[0] == 0: raise ValueError() indice = indice[0][0] return indice def _traj_to_pts(self): """ Define new set of points based on the trajectories. """ # loop on each point type for i, traj_type in enumerate(self.iter_traj): # concatenate tot = Points(unit_x=self.unit_x, unit_y=self.unit_y, unit_v=self.unit_time) for traj in traj_type: tot += traj # replace exising points self.iter[i] = np.empty((len(self.times),), dtype=object) for j, time in enumerate(self.times): filt = tot.v == time self.iter[i][j] = Points(tot.xy[filt], v=tot.v[filt], unit_x=tot.unit_x, unit_y=tot.unit_y, unit_v=tot.unit_v) @staticmethod def _get_cp_time_evolution(points, times=None, epsilon=None, close_traj=False): """ Compute the temporal evolution of each critical point from a set of points at different times. (Points objects must each contain only one and point time must be specified in 'v' argument of points). Parameters ---------- points : tuple of Points objects. . times : array of numbers Times. If 'None' (default), only times represented by at least one point are taken into account (can create wrong link between points). epsilon : number, optional Maximal distance between two successive points. default value is Inf. Returns ------- traj : tuple of Points object . """ if len(points) == 0: return [] if not isinstance(points, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'points' must be an array of Points objects") if times is not None: if not isinstance(times, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'times' must be an array of numbers") if not isinstance(points[0], Points): raise TypeError("'points' must be an array of Points objects") # local class to store the point field class PointField(object): """ Class representing an orthogonal set of points, defined by a position and a time. """ def __init__(self, pts_tupl, epsilon, times): if not isinstance(pts_tupl, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'pts' must be a tuple of Point objects") for pt in pts_tupl: if not isinstance(pt, Points): raise TypeError("'pts' must be a tuple of Point" "objects") if not len(pt) == len(pt.v): raise Exception("v has not the same dimension as " "xy") # store the points in a more convenient way uns_xs = [] uns_ys = [] uns_times = [] for pts in pts_tupl: uns_xs += list(pts.xy[:, 0]) uns_ys += list(pts.xy[:, 1]) uns_times += list(pts.v) # sort them by times self.times = times self.epsilon = epsilon self.epsilon2 = float(epsilon**2) self.points = [] for time in self.times: tmp_points = [Point(uns_xs[i], uns_ys[i], time=time) for i in range(len(uns_times)) if time == uns_times[i]] self.points.append(tmp_points) # store in Point objects del uns_xs, uns_ys, uns_times # get unities self.unit_x = pts_tupl[0].unit_x self.unit_y = pts_tupl[0].unit_y self.unit_v = pts_tupl[0].unit_v # prepare some storage for lines self.closed_lines = [] self.open_lines = [] self.curr_time = 0 def get_points_at_time(self, time): """ Return all the points for a given time. If 'init' is True, get the points from the initial points field. """ return self.points[time] def get_first_lines(self): """ Construct some lines for the first time step """ for pt in self.get_points_at_time(0): self.open_lines.append(Line(pt)) def make_one_step(self): """ Use the points from the next step to fill the Lines """ # get points to add new_pts = self.get_points_at_time(self.curr_time + 1) # get distances matrix dist2_mat = np.empty(shape=(len(new_pts), len(self.open_lines))) for i in range(len(new_pts)): pt = new_pts[i] for j in range(len(self.open_lines)): last_pt = self.open_lines[j].points[-1] dist2_mat[i, j] = pt.dist2(last_pt) # track used pt and lines used_lines = np.zeros(len(self.open_lines), dtype=bool) used_pts = np.zeros(len(new_pts), dtype=bool) # check dist2 matrix size if dist2_mat.shape[0] != 0 and dist2_mat.shape[1] != 0: usable_mat = True else: usable_mat = False # loop over min values of dist2_mat while usable_mat: indmin_pt, indmin_line \ = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(dist2_mat), dist2_mat.shape) # if dist to big or nothing remaining, we stop if (dist2_mat[indmin_pt, indmin_line] > epsilon or dist2_mat[indmin_pt, indmin_line] == np.inf): break # append pt to Line self.open_lines[indmin_line].add_point(new_pts[indmin_pt]) # remove pt and line from dist2_mat dist2_mat[indmin_pt, :] = np.inf dist2_mat[:, indmin_line] = np.inf used_lines[indmin_line] = True used_pts[indmin_pt] = True # close the lines that have not a new pt for i in range(len(used_lines))[::-1]: if not used_lines[i]: self.closed_lines.append(self.open_lines[i]) del self.open_lines[i] # create new line for remaining points new_pts = np.asarray(new_pts) for pt in new_pts[np.logical_not(used_pts)]: self.open_lines.append(Line(init_pt=pt)) # ready for the next step self.curr_time += 1 def make_all_steps(self): """ Put all points into the Lines. """ # create the first lines self.get_first_lines() # make times steps for i in range(len(self.times) - 1): self.make_one_step() # close all remaining Lines for line in self.open_lines: self.closed_lines.append(line) self.open_lines = [] def get_trajectories(self): """ return the trajectories under the form of sorted Points objects """ # compute Lines self.make_all_steps() # export Lines to Points objects pts = [] for line in self.closed_lines: pts.append(line.export_to_Points(unit_x=self.unit_x, unit_y=self.unit_y, unit_v=self.unit_v)) # sort trajectories by length if len(pts) > 1: lengths = [len(pt.xy) for pt in pts] ind_sort = np.argsort(lengths)[::-1] pts = np.asarray(pts) pts = pts[ind_sort] return pts @staticmethod def get_closer_point(pt, pts): """ """ pts = np.asarray(pts) dist2 = [pt.dist2(opt) for opt in pts] ind_min = np.argmin(dist2) return ind_min, dist2[ind_min] # local class line to store vortex center evolution line class Line(object): """ Class representing a line, defined by a set of ordened points. """ def __init__(self, init_pt): self.points = [init_pt] def add_point(self, pts): """ Add a new point to the line. """ self.points.append(pts) def export_to_Points(self, unit_x, unit_y, unit_v): """ Export the current line to a Points object. """ xy = [] v = [] for pt in self.points: xy.append([pt.x, pt.y]) v.append(pt.time) points = Points(xy, v=v, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_v=unit_v) return points # local class point to store one point class Point(object): """ Class representing a point with a value on it. """ def __init__(self, x, y, time): self.x = x self.y = y self.time = time def __repr__(self): return "{}, {}".format(self.x, self.y) def dist2(self, pt): return (self.x - pt.x)**2 + (self.y - pt.y)**2 # Getting the vortex centers trajectory PF = PointField(points, epsilon, times) pts = PF.get_trajectories() return pts
[docs] def display_arch(self, indice=None, time=None, field=None, cpkw={}, lnkw={}): """ Display some critical points. Parameters ---------- time : number, optional If specified, critical points associated to this time are displayed. indice : integer, optional If specified, critical points associated to this indice are displayed. field : VectorField object, optional If specified, critical points are displayed on the given field. critical lines are also computed and displayed """ # check parameters if time is None and indice is None: if len(self.times) == 1: time = self.times[0] else: raise ValueError("You should specify a time or an indice") if time is not None and indice is not None: raise ValueError() if time is not None: indice = self._get_indice_from_time(time) elif indice is not None: if not isinstance(indice, int): raise TypeError() if field is not None: if not isinstance(field, VectorField): raise TypeError() # Set default params if 'color' in list(cpkw.keys()): colors = [cpkw.pop('color')]*len(self.colors) else: colors = self.colors if "marker" in list(cpkw.keys()): pass else: cpkw['marker'] = 'o' # display the critical lines if (field is not None and len(self.sadd[indice].xy) != 0 and isinstance(self.sadd[indice], OrientedPoints)): if 'color' not in list(lnkw.keys()): lnkw['color'] = colors[4] streams = self.sadd[indice]\ .get_streamlines_from_orientations( field, reverse_direction=[True, False], interp='cubic') for stream in streams: stream._display(kind='plot', **lnkw) # loop on the points types for i, pt in enumerate(self.iter): if pt[indice] is None: continue pt[indice].display(kind='plot', color=colors[i], linestyle='none', axe_x='x', axe_y='y', **cpkw)
[docs] def display(self, fields=None, cpkw={}, lnkw={}, display_traj=False, buffer_size=100, **kwargs): """ Display some critical points. Parameters ---------- fields : TemporalVectorFields object, optional If specified, critical points are displayed on the given field. critical lines are also computed and displayed """ # check parameters if fields is not None: if len(self.times) == 1: if isinstance(fields, TemporalVectorFields): if len(fields.fields) != 1: raise ValueError() else: if not isinstance(fields, VectorField): raise TypeError() fields = [fields] else: if not isinstance(fields, TemporalVectorFields): raise TypeError() fields = fields.fields # Set default params if 'color' in list(cpkw.keys()): colors = [cpkw.pop('color')]*len(self.colors) else: colors = self.colors if "marker" in list(cpkw.keys()): pass else: cpkw['marker'] = 'o' dbs = [] # If trajectories are also asked if display_traj: # check if trajectorie are computed if self.iter_traj[0] is None: raise Exception("You need to compute trajectory first," " with 'compute_trajectory' method") # TODO : Absolutely not optimized times = self.times for i, kind in enumerate(self.iter_traj): color = np.array(mpl.colors.colorConverter.to_rgb(colors[i])) color = color + (1 - color)*.5 args = {'color': color, 'kind': 'plot', 'marker': None, 'lw': 3} for traj in kind: if len(traj.xy) == 0: print('pb here') continue xs = [] ys = [] x = traj.xy[:, 0] y = traj.xy[:, 1] for time in times: if time in traj.v: xs.append(x) ys.append(y) else: xs.append([]) ys.append([]) dbs.append(pplt.Displayer(xs, ys, **args)) # create lines if necessary if fields is not None and isinstance(self.sadd[0], OrientedPoints): # getting the streamlines for field, opts in zip(fields, self.sadd): if len(opts.xy) == 0: continue v = opts.v[0] tmp_stream = opts.get_streamlines_from_orientations( field, reverse_direction=[False, True], interp='cubic') if "color" in list(lnkw.keys()): tmp_color = lnkw.pop('color') else: tmp_color = colors[2] for st in tmp_stream: data_streamx = [[]]*len(fields) data_streamy = [[]]*len(fields) ind_time = np.where(v == self.times)[0][0] data_streamx[ind_time] = st.xy[:, 0] data_streamy[ind_time] = st.xy[:, 1] tmp_db = pplt.Displayer(data_streamx, data_streamy, color=tmp_color, kind='plot', **lnkw) dbs.append(tmp_db) # display points for i, pt in enumerate(self.iter): # get data color = colors[i] x = [list(tmp_pt.xy[:, 0]) for tmp_pt in pt] y = [list(tmp_pt.xy[:, 1]) for tmp_pt in pt] # check if there is data if len(np.concatenate(x)) == 0: continue # default args args = {'mfc': color, 'kind': 'plot', 'mec': 'k', 'ls': 'none'} if 'kind' in list(cpkw.keys()): if cpkw['kind'] != 'plot': args = {} args.update(cpkw) dbs.append(pplt.Displayer(x, y, buffer_size=buffer_size, **args)) # plot if len(self.times) == 1: for db in dbs: db.draw(0, rescale=False) else: pplt.ButtonManager(dbs) return dbs
[docs] def display_traj(self, data='default', filt=None, **kw): """ Display the stored trajectories. Parameters ---------- data : string If 'default', trajectories are plotted in a 2-dimensional plane. If 'x', x position of cp are plotted against time. If 'y', y position of cp are plotted against time. filt : array of boolean Filter on CP types. kw : dict, optional Arguments passed to plot. """ # check if some trajectories are computed if self.current_epsilon is None: raise Exception("you must compute trajectories before " "displaying them") if filt is None: filt = np.ones((5,), dtype=bool) if not isinstance(filt, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError() filt = np.array(filt, dtype=bool) # display if 'color' in list(kw.keys()): colors = [kw.pop('color')]*len(self.colors) else: colors = self.colors if 'marker' not in list(kw.keys()): kw['marker'] = 'o' if 'linestyle' not in list(kw.keys()) and "ls" not in list(kw.keys()): kw['linestyle'] = '-' if data == 'default': for i, trajs in enumerate(self.iter_traj): color = colors[i] if trajs is None or not filt[i]: continue if 'kind' not in list(kw.keys()): kw['kind'] = 'plot' for traj in trajs: traj.display(color=color, **kw) plt.xlabel('x {}'.format(self.unit_x.strUnit())) plt.ylabel('y {}'.format(self.unit_y.strUnit())) elif data == 'x': for i, trajs in enumerate(self.iter_traj): color = colors[i] if trajs is None or not filt[i]: continue for traj in trajs: plt.plot(traj.xy[:, 0], traj.v[:], color=color, **kw) plt.xlabel('x {}'.format(self.unit_x.strUnit())) plt.ylabel('time {}'.format(self.unit_time.strUnit())) elif data == 'y': for i, trajs in enumerate(self.iter_traj): color = colors[i] if trajs is None or not filt[i]: continue for traj in trajs: plt.plot(traj.v[:], traj.xy[:, 1], color=color, **kw) plt.ylabel('time {}'.format(self.unit_time.strUnit())) plt.xlabel('y {}'.format(self.unit_y.strUnit())) else: raise Exception()
[docs] def display_3D(self, xlabel='', ylabel='', zlabel='', title='', **plotargs): """ """ # loop on the points types for i, kind in enumerate(self.iter): for pts in kind: if pts is None: continue pts.display3D(kind='plot', marker='o', linestyle='none', color=self.colors[i], **plotargs)
[docs] def display_traj_3D(self, xlabel='', ylabel='', zlabel='', title='', **plotargs): """ """ # loop on the points types for i, kind in enumerate(self.iter_traj): for pts in kind: if pts is None: continue pts.display3D(kind='plot', marker=None, linestyle='-', color=self.colors[i], **plotargs)
[docs] def display_animate(self, TF, **kw): """ Display an interactive windows with the velocity fields from TF and the critical points. TF : TemporalFields . kw : dict, optional Additional arguments for 'TF.display()' """ return TF.display(suppl_display=self.__update_cp, **kw)
def __update_cp(self, ind): self.display(indice=ind)
[docs]class TopoPoints(object): """ Represent a topological points field. (only for topo simplification, in fact, should be merged with CritPoints) Parameters ---------- xy : Nx2 array of numbers Points positions types : Nx1 array of integers Type code (1:focus, 2:focus_c, 3:saddle, 4:node_i, 5:node_o) """ # TODO : +++ Implement orientation conservation and computation +++s def __init__(self): self.xy = [] self.types = [] self.pbis = [] self.dim = 0 self.dist2 = []
[docs] def import_from_arrays(self, xy, types): # check parameters try: xy = np.array(xy, dtype=float) types = np.array(types, dtype=int) except ValueError: raise TypeError() if xy.ndim != 2: raise ValueError() if types.ndim != 1: raise ValueError() if xy.shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError() if not xy.shape[0] != types.shape: raise ValueError() # storing self.xy = xy self.types = types self.pbis = np.zeros(self.types.shape) self.pbis[self.types == 1] = 1 self.pbis[self.types == 2] = 1 self.pbis[self.types == 3] = -1 self.pbis[self.types == 4] = 1 self.pbis[self.types == 5] = 1 self.dim = self.xy.shape[0] # get dist grid self.dist2 = self._get_dist2()
[docs] def import_from_CP(self, CP_obj, wanted_ind): """ Import from a CritPoints object, the critical points from the time associated with the given indice. """ # check params if not isinstance(CP_obj, CritPoints): raise TypeError() if not isinstance(wanted_ind, int): raise TypeError() if wanted_ind > len(CP_obj.foc) - 1: raise ValueError() # get data xy = [] types = [] for i, typ in enumerate([CP_obj.foc, CP_obj.foc_c, CP_obj.sadd, CP_obj.node_i, CP_obj.node_o]): for pt in typ[wanted_ind].xy: xy.append(pt) types.append(i + 1) self.import_from_arrays(xy, types)
def _get_dist2(self): # initialize array dist2 = np.zeros((self.dim, self.dim), dtype=float) dist2.fill(np.inf) # loop on points for i in np.arange(self.dim - 1): for j in np.arange(self.dim)[i + 1::]: dist2[i, j] = np.sum((self.xy[i] - self.xy[j])**2) return dist2
[docs] def simplify(self, dist_min, kind='replacement'): """ Simplify the topological points field. Parameters ---------- dist_min : number Minimal distance between two points in the simplified field. kind : string, optional Algorithm used to simplify the field, can be 'replacement'(default) for iterative replacement with center of mass or 'only_delete' to eliminate only the first order associates. Returns ------- simpl_TP : TopoPoints object Simplified topological points field. """ # check params try: dist_min = float(dist_min) except ValueError: raise TypeError() if kind not in ['replacement', 'only_delete']: raise ValueError() # get dist2 dist_min2 = dist_min**2 dist2 = self.dist2.copy() xy = self.xy.copy() weight = np.ones(xy.shape, dtype=int) filt = np.ones(self.dim, dtype=bool) types = self.types.copy() types = [[typ] for typ in types] pbis = self.pbis.copy() # simplication loop while True: # get min position amin = np.argmin(dist2) ind_1 = int(amin/self.dim) ind_2 = amin % self.dim # check if we can stop simplification if dist2[ind_1, ind_2] > dist_min2: break # ignore the points and search others if kind == 'only_delete': if pbis[ind_1] + pbis[ind_2] == 0: filt[ind_1] = False filt[ind_2] = False dist2[ind_1, :] = np.inf dist2[:, ind_1] = np.inf dist2[ind_2, :] = np.inf dist2[:, ind_2] = np.inf else: dist2[ind_1, ind_2] = np.inf dist2[ind_2, ind_1] = np.inf # add a new point at the center of the two else elif kind == 'replacement': new_coord = ((xy[ind_1]*weight[ind_1] + xy[ind_2]*weight[ind_2]) / (weight[ind_1] + weight[ind_2])) # remove the pooints filt[ind_1] = False filt[ind_2] = False dist2[ind_1, :] = np.inf dist2[:, ind_1] = np.inf dist2[ind_2, :] = np.inf dist2[:, ind_2] = np.inf # compute new distance new_dists = np.zeros((self.dim), dtype=float) new_dists.fill(np.inf) for i in np.arange(self.dim): if filt[i]: new_dists[i] = np.sum((xy[i] - new_coord)**2) # store new distance and other properties filt[ind_1] = True xy[ind_1] = new_coord weight[ind_1] = weight[ind_1] + weight[ind_2] types[ind_1] = types[ind_1] + types[ind_2] pbis[ind_1] = pbis[ind_1] + pbis[ind_2] dist2[ind_1, :] = new_dists dist2[:, ind_1] = new_dists # remove useless lines xy = xy[filt] types = [types[i] for i in np.arange(len(types)) if filt[i]] pbis = pbis[filt] # remove the points if they are equivalent to uniform flow pbi_filt = pbis != 0 xy = xy[pbi_filt] types = [types[i] for i in np.arange(len(types)) if pbi_filt[i]] pbis = pbis[pbi_filt] # try to get informations on equivalent points type new_types = [] if 'replacement': for i, typ in enumerate(types): if len(typ) == 1: new_types.append(typ[0]) elif pbis[i] not in [-1, 1]: print("simplification radius too big," " equivalent pbi too high") new_types.append(0) elif pbis[i] == -1: new_types.append(3) else: nmb_1 = np.sum(np.array(typ) == 1) nmb_2 = np.sum(np.array(typ) == 2) nmb_4 = np.sum(np.array(typ) == 4) nmb_5 = np.sum(np.array(typ) == 5) ind_typ = np.argmax([nmb_1, nmb_2, 0, nmb_4, nmb_5]) new_types.append(ind_typ + 1) types = new_types # return new_tp = TopoPoints() new_tp.import_from_arrays(xy, types) return new_tp
[docs] def NL_simplifiy(self, window_size): """ Simplify the topological field using Non-local criterions. Parameters ---------- window_size : number Window size used to compute non-local criterions. """
[docs] def display(self): plt.figure() plt.scatter(self.xy[:, 0], self.xy[:, 1], c=self.types, vmax=6, vmin=0, s=50) plt.colorbar()
[docs]class MeanTrajectory(Points): def __init__(self, xy=np.empty((0, 2), dtype=float), time=[], assoc_real_times=[], assoc_std_x=[], assoc_std_y=[], nmb_traj_used=0, base_trajs=[], unit_x='', unit_y='', unit_times='', name=''): """ Representing an averaged trajecory (mean trajectory over a set of trajectories) Parameters ---------- xy : nx2 array. Representing the coordinates of each point of the set (n points). time : n array, optional Representing time at each points. assoc_real_times : nxm array Representing the real times (of the original trajectories) associated with the mean trajectory points. assoc_std : nx1 array Representing the std at each mean trajectory points nmb_traj_used : number Number of trajectories used to average base_trajs : tuple of Points objects Trajectories used to compute this mean trajectory unit_x : Unit object, optional X unit. unit_y : Unit object, optional Y unit. unit_times : Unit object, optional time unit. name : string, optional Name of the points set """ super(MeanTrajectory, self).__init__(xy=xy, v=time, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_v=unit_times, name=name) # check if not isinstance(assoc_real_times, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError() if not len(assoc_real_times) == len(xy): raise ValueError() self.assoc_real_times = assoc_real_times self.assoc_std_x = np.array(assoc_std_x, dtype=float) self.assoc_std_y = np.array(assoc_std_y, dtype=float) self.nmb_traj_used = int(nmb_traj_used) self.base_trajs = base_trajs @property def time(self): return self.v @time.setter def time(self, values): self.v = values @property def unit_times(self): return self.unit_v @unit_times.setter def unit_times(self, unit): self.unit_v = unit @property def used_traj_number(self): return float(len(self.base_trajs)) @property def used_pts_number(self): return float(np.sum([len(tr) for tr in self.base_trajs]))
[docs] def crop(self, intervx=None, intervy=None, intervt=None, inplace=True, ind=False): """ Crop the points cloud. Parameters ---------- intervx : 2x1 tuple Interval on x axis intervy : 2x1 tuple Interval on y axis intervt : 2x1 tuple Interval on time Returns ------- tmp_pts : Points object croped version of the point cloud. """ if inplace: tmp_pts = self else: tmp_pts = self.copy() # Getting cropping mask if ind: if intervx is not None or intervy is not None: raise ValueError() mask = np.ones(len(self.xy), dtype=bool) mask[intervt[0]:intervt[1]] = False else: mask = np.zeros(len(self.xy), dtype=bool) if intervx is not None: out_zone = np.logical_or(tmp_pts.xy[:, 0] < intervx[0], tmp_pts.xy[:, 0] > intervx[1]) mask = np.logical_or(mask, out_zone) if intervy is not None: out_zone = np.logical_or(tmp_pts.xy[:, 1] < intervy[0], tmp_pts.xy[:, 1] > intervy[1]) mask = np.logical_or(mask, out_zone) if intervt is not None and len(tmp_pts.v) != 0: out_zone = np.logical_or(tmp_pts.v < intervt[0], tmp_pts.v > intervt[1]) mask = np.logical_or(mask, out_zone) # crop tmp_pts.assoc_real_times = [tmp_pts.assoc_real_times[i] for i in range(len(tmp_pts. assoc_real_times)) if not mask[i]] tmp_pts.assoc_std_x = tmp_pts.assoc_std_x[~mask] tmp_pts.assoc_std_y = tmp_pts.assoc_std_y[~mask] # crop mean_traj super(MeanTrajectory, tmp_pts).crop(intervx=intervx, intervy=intervy, intervv=intervt, inplace=True, ind=ind) # DO NOT crop base fields # return if not inplace: return tmp_pts
[docs] def scale(self, scalex=1., scaley=1., scalet=1., inplace=False): if inplace: tmp_mt = self else: tmp_mt = self.copy() # scaling base trajectories for i in range(len(tmp_mt.base_trajs)): tmp_mt.base_trajs[i].scale(scalex=scalex, scaley=scaley, scalev=scalet, inplace=True) # scaling associated values if isinstance(scalex, unum.Unum): new_unit = scalex*self.unit_x tmp_scalex = new_unit.asNumber() else: tmp_scalex = scalex if isinstance(scaley, unum.Unum): new_unit = scaley*self.unit_y tmp_scaley = new_unit.asNumber() else: tmp_scaley = scaley if isinstance(scalet, unum.Unum): new_unit = scalet*self.unit_v tmp_scalet = new_unit.asNumber() else: tmp_scalet = scalet for i in range(len(tmp_mt.assoc_real_times)): tmp_mt.assoc_real_times[i] *= tmp_scalet tmp_mt.assoc_std_x = np.array(tmp_mt.assoc_std_x)*tmp_scalex tmp_mt.assoc_std_y = np.array(tmp_mt.assoc_std_y)*tmp_scaley # sclaing points attributes super(MeanTrajectory, tmp_mt).scale(scalex=scalex, scaley=scaley, scalev=scalet, inplace=True) # returning if not inplace: return tmp_mt
def _display(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(MeanTrajectory, self)._display(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def display(self, *args, **kwargs): return super(MeanTrajectory, self).display(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def display_error_bars(self, kind='bar', **kwargs): """ Display the error bar according to the trajectories used to compute the mean trajectory. Parameters ---------- kind : string in ['bar', 'envelope'] If 'bar', display error bar, if 'envelope', display envelope around trajectory """ # get data if "axe_x" in list(kwargs.keys()): axe = kwargs.pop("axe_x") if axe == "x": axe_x = self.xy[:, 0] axe_x_err = self.assoc_std_x elif axe == "y": axe_x = self.xy[:, 1] axe_x_err = self.assoc_std_y elif axe in ["v", 'time']: axe_x = self.v axe_x_err = None else: raise ValueError() else: axe_x = self.xy[:, 0] axe_x_err = self.assoc_std_x if "axe_y" in list(kwargs.keys()): axe = kwargs.pop("axe_y") if axe == "x": axe_y = self.xy[:, 0] axe_y_err = self.assoc_std_x elif axe == "y": axe_y = self.xy[:, 1] axe_y_err = self.assoc_std_y elif axe in ["v", 'time']: axe_y = self.v axe_y_err = None else: raise ValueError() else: axe_y = self.xy[:, 1] axe_y_err = self.assoc_std_y # set default properties if kind == 'bar': if 'fmt' not in list(kwargs.keys()): kwargs['fmt'] = 'none' if 'color' in list(kwargs.keys()): kwargs['ecolor'] = kwargs.pop('color') if 'ecolor' not in list(kwargs.keys()): kwargs['ecolor'] = 'k' plt.errorbar(axe_x, axe_y, xerr=axe_x_err, yerr=axe_y_err, **kwargs) elif kind == 'envelope': if 'alpha' in list(kwargs.keys()): alpha = kwargs.pop('alpha') else: alpha = np.inf pts = Points() for x, y, epsx, epsy in zip(axe_x, axe_y, axe_x_err, axe_y_err): pts.add([x + epsx, y + epsy]) pts.add([x + epsx, y - epsy]) pts.add([x - epsx, y + epsy]) pts.add([x - epsx, y - epsy]) env = pts.get_envelope(alpha=alpha) env.display(**kwargs) else: raise ValueError()
[docs] def reconstruct_fields(self, TF): """ Do a conditionnal averaging based on the CP positions. Parameters ---------- TF : TemporalFields . """ fin_tf = TF.__class__() for av_t, real_ts in zip(self.time, self.assoc_real_times): # get real times indices for this averaged time inds = [] for real_t in real_ts: inds.append(np.where(TF.times == real_t)[0][0]) # sum the fields on those inds to make conditionnal averaging tmp_field = TF.fields[inds[0]] for ind in inds[1::]: tmp_field += TF.fields[ind] tmp_field /= len(inds) # add this conditionnal averaged field to the set fin_tf.add_field(tmp_field, time=av_t, unit_times=self.unit_times) # return return fin_tf
[docs]def get_critical_points(obj, time=0, unit_time='', window_size=4, kind='pbi', mirroring=None, mirror_interp='linear', smoothing_size=0, verbose=False, thread=1): """ For a VectorField of a TemporalVectorField object, return the critical points positions and informations on their type. Parameters ---------- obj : VectorField or TemporalVectorFields objects Base vector field(s) time : number, optional if 'obj' is a VectorField, 'time' is the time associated to the field. unit_time : string or Unum.units object Unit for 'time' window_size : integer, optional Size of the interrogation windows for the computation of critical point position (defaut : 4). kind : string, optional Method used to compute the critical points position. can be : 'pbi_cell' for simple (fast) Poincarre-Bendixson sweep. 'pbi' for PB sweep and bi-linear interpolation inside cells. 'pbi_crit' for PB sweep and use of non-local criterions. 'gam_vort' for gamma criterion extremum detection (only detect vortex). mirroring : array of numbers If specified, use mirroring to get the critical points on the eventual walls. should be an array of '[direction ('x' or 'y'), position]*N'. mirror_interp : string, optional Method used to fill the gap at the wall. ‘value’ : fill with the given value, ‘nearest’ : fill with the nearest value, ‘linear’ (default): fill using linear interpolation (Delaunay triangulation), ‘cubic’ : fill using cubic interpolation (Delaunay triangulation) smoothing_size : number, optional If specified, a gaussian smoothing of the wanted size is used before detecting the CP. verbose : boolean, optional If 'True', display message on CP detection advancement. thread : integer or 'all' Number of thread to use (multiprocessing). (Only implemented for 'kind = 'pbi'') Notes ----- If the fields have masked values, saddle streamlines ar not computed. """ # check parameters if not isinstance(time, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError() if not isinstance(unit_time, STRINGTYPES + (unum.Unum,)): raise TypeError() if not isinstance(window_size, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError() window_size = int(window_size) if not isinstance(kind, STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError() if kind not in ['pbi', 'pbi_crit', 'pbi_cell', 'gam_vort']: raise ValueError() if mirroring is not None: if not isinstance(mirroring, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError() if len(mirroring) == 0: mirroring = None else: if np.array(mirroring).ndim != 2: raise ValueError() if np.array(mirroring).shape[1] != 2: raise ValueError() if mirror_interp is not None: if not isinstance(mirror_interp, STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError() if mirror_interp not in ['linear', 'value', 'nearest', 'cubic']: raise ValueError() if not isinstance(smoothing_size, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError() if smoothing_size < 0: raise ValueError() if not isinstance(thread, int): if thread not in ['all']: raise ValueError() # check if mask (not fully supported yet) if np.any(obj.mask): raise ValueError("Should not have masked values") # if obj is a vector field if isinstance(obj, VectorField): # mirroring if necessary if mirroring is not None: tmp_vf = obj.copy() for direction, position in mirroring: if kind == 'pbi_crit': tmp_vf.mirroring(direction, position, inds_to_mirror=window_size*2, inplace=True, interp=mirror_interp, value=[0, 0]) else: tmp_vf.mirroring(direction, position, inds_to_mirror=2, inplace=True, interp=mirror_interp, value=[0, 0]) else: tmp_vf = obj # smoothing if necessary if smoothing_size != 0: tmp_vf.smooth(tos='gaussian', size=smoothing_size, inplace=True) # get cp positions if kind == 'pbi': res = _get_cp_pbi_on_VF(tmp_vf, time=time, unit_time=unit_time, window_size=window_size, thread=thread) elif kind == 'pbi_cell': res = _get_cp_cell_pbi_on_VF(tmp_vf, time=time, unit_time=unit_time, window_size=window_size) elif kind == 'pbi_crit': res = _get_cp_crit_on_VF(tmp_vf, time=time, unit_time=unit_time, window_size=window_size) elif kind == 'gam_vort': res = _get_gamma2_vortex_center_on_VF(tmp_vf, time=time, unit_time=unit_time, radius=window_size) else: raise ValueError # removing critical points outside of the field if mirroring is not None: x_median = (tmp_vf.axe_x[-1] + tmp_vf.axe_x[0])/2. y_median = (tmp_vf.axe_y[-1] + tmp_vf.axe_y[0])/2. intervx = np.array([-np.inf, np.inf]) intervy = np.array([-np.inf, np.inf]) axe_x, axe_y = tmp_vf.axe_x, tmp_vf.axe_y for direction, position in mirroring: if direction == 'x': if position < x_median and position > intervx[0]: ind = tmp_vf.get_indice_on_axe(1, position)[0] intervx[0] = axe_x[ind - 1] elif position < intervx[1]: ind = tmp_vf.get_indice_on_axe(1, position)[1] intervx[1] = axe_x[ind + 1] else: if position < y_median and position > intervy[0]: ind = tmp_vf.get_indice_on_axe(2, position)[0] intervy[0] = axe_y[ind - 1] elif position < intervy[1]: ind = tmp_vf.get_indice_on_axe(2, position)[1] intervy[1] = axe_y[ind + 1] res.crop(intervx=intervx, intervy=intervy, ind=False, inplace=True) # if obj is vector fields elif isinstance(obj, TemporalVectorFields): res = CritPoints(unit_time=obj.unit_times) PG = ProgressCounter(init_mess="Begin CP detection", end_mess='Done', nmb_max=len(obj.fields), name_things='fields') # function o ge cp on one field (used for multiprocessing) def get_cp_on_one_field(args): if verbose: PG.print_progress() field, time = args res = get_critical_points(field, time=time, unit_time=obj.unit_times, window_size=window_size, kind=kind, mirroring=mirroring, smoothing_size=smoothing_size, thread=1) return res # Mapping with multiprocess or not if thread == 1: for i in np.arange(len(obj.fields)): res += get_cp_on_one_field((obj.fields[i], obj.times[i])) else: if thread == 'all': pool = Pool() else: pool = Pool(thread) res = pool.map_async(get_cp_on_one_field, list(zip(obj.fields, obj.times))) pool.close() pool.join() res = res.get() res = np.sum(res) else: raise TypeError() return res
[docs]def get_vortex_position(obj, criterion=get_residual_vorticity, criterion_args={}, threshold=0.5, rel=True): """ Return the position of the vortex (according to the given criterion) on vector field(s). Parameters ---------- vectorfield : VectorField or TemporalVectorFields object . criterion : function Criterion used to highlight vortex position. Should be a function, taking a VectorField object and returning a ScalarField object. criterion_args : dict Additional arguments to give to the criterion function threshold : number Threshold value determining the vortex zone. rel : Boolean If 'rel' is 'True' (default), 'threshold' is relative to the extremum values of the field. If 'rel' is 'False', 'threshold' is treated like an absolut values. """ # vectorfield if isinstance(obj, VectorField): vort_c, vort = _get_vortex_position_on_VF( obj, criterion=criterion, criterion_args=criterion_args, threshold=threshold, rel=rel) cp = CritPoints(unit_time='') cp.add_point(foc=vort, foc_c=vort_c, time=0) return cp elif isinstance(obj, TemporalVectorFields): cp = CritPoints(unit_time=obj.unit_times) # loop on fields for i, field in enumerate(obj.fields): tmp_vort_c, tmp_vort = _get_vortex_position_on_VF( field, criterion=criterion, criterion_args=criterion_args, threshold=threshold, rel=rel) cp.add_point(foc=tmp_vort, foc_c=tmp_vort_c, time=obj.times[i]) # returning return cp else: raise TypeError()
def _get_vortex_position_on_VF(vectorfield, criterion=get_residual_vorticity, criterion_args={}, threshold=0.5, rel=True): """ Return the vortex positions on a vector field, using the given criterion. Parameters ---------- vectorfield : VectorField object . criterion : function Criterion used to highlight vortex position. Should be a function, taking a VectorField object and returning a ScalarField object. criterion_args : dict Additional arguments to give to the criterion function threshold : number Threshold value determining the vortex zone. rel : Boolean If 'rel' is 'True' (default), 'threshold' is relative to the extremum values of the field. If 'rel' is 'False', 'threshold' is treated like an absolut values. """ # check if not isinstance(vectorfield, VectorField): raise TypeError() try: threshold = float(threshold) except: raise TypeError() if threshold < 0: raise ValueError() if not isinstance(rel, bool): raise TypeError() if rel and threshold > 1: raise ValueError() try: sf = criterion(vectorfield, **criterion_args) sf.crop_masked_border(inplace=True, hard=False) except: raise TypeError() if not isinstance(sf, ScalarField): raise TypeError() # get vortex positions val_max = np.max(np.abs(sf.values[~sf.mask])) if rel: threshold *= val_max # make sure the max value is superior to the threshold if val_max > threshold: bornes_n = [-val_max, -threshold] bornes_p = [threshold, val_max] else: bornes_n = [-threshold*1.1, -threshold] bornes_p = [threshold, threshold*1.1] vort = sf.get_zones_centers(bornes=bornes_n, rel=False, kind='ponderated') vort_c = sf.get_zones_centers(bornes=bornes_p, rel=False, kind='ponderated') return vort, vort_c def _get_cp_pbi_on_VF(vectorfield, time=0, unit_time=make_unit(""), window_size=4, thread=1): """ For a VectorField object, return the critical points positions and their PBI (Poincarre Bendixson indice) Parameters ---------- vectorfield : a VectorField object. . time : number, optional Time unit_time : units object, optional Time unit. window_size : integer, optional Minimal window size for PBI detection. Smaller window size allow detection where points are dense. Default is 4 (smallest is 2). thread : integer or 'all' Number of thread to use (multiprocessing). Returns ------- pts : CritPoints object Containing all critical points position """ # checking parameters coherence if not isinstance(vectorfield, VectorField): raise TypeError("'vectorfield' must be a VectorField") if isinstance(unit_time, STRINGTYPES): unit_time = make_unit(unit_time) if np.any(vectorfield.mask): sadd_ori = False else: sadd_ori = True # using VF methods to get cp position and types field = velocityfield_to_vf(vectorfield, time) pos, cp_types = field.get_cp_position(thread=thread) if sadd_ori: sadd = OrientedPoints(unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_v=unit_time) else: sadd = Points(unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_v=unit_time) foc = Points(unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_v=unit_time) foc_c = Points(unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_v=unit_time) node_i = Points(unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_v=unit_time) node_o = Points(unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_v=unit_time) for i, t in enumerate(cp_types): if t == 0: if sadd_ori: tmp_pos = pos[i] ori = np.array(_get_saddle_orientations(vectorfield, tmp_pos)) sadd.add(tmp_pos, orientations=ori, v=time) else: sadd.add(pos[i], v=time) elif t == 1: foc_c.add(pos[i], v=time) elif t == 2: foc.add(pos[i], v=time) elif t == 3: node_o.add(pos[i], v=time) elif t == 4: node_i.add(pos[i], v=time) else: raise Exception() # returning pts = CritPoints(unit_time=unit_time) pts.add_point(foc=foc, foc_c=foc_c, node_i=node_i, node_o=node_o, sadd=sadd, time=time) return pts def _get_cp_cell_pbi_on_VF(vectorfield, time=0, unit_time=make_unit(""), window_size=1): """ For a VectorField object, return the critical points positions and their PBI (Poincarre Bendixson indice) Parameters ---------- vectorfield : a VectorField object. . time : number, optional Time unit_time : units object, optional Time unit. window_size : integer, optional Minimal window size for PBI detection. Smaller window size allow detection where points are dense. Default is smallest (1). Returns ------- pts : CritPoints object Containing all critical points position """ # checking parameters coherence if not isinstance(vectorfield, VectorField): raise TypeError("'vectorfield' must be a VectorField") if isinstance(unit_time, STRINGTYPES): unit_time = make_unit(unit_time) if np.any(vectorfield.mask): sadd_ori = False else: sadd_ori = True # using VF methods to get cp position and types field = velocityfield_to_vf(vectorfield, time) pos, cp_types = field.get_cp_cell_position() if sadd_ori: sadd = OrientedPoints(unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_v=unit_time) else: sadd = Points(unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_v=unit_time) foc = Points(unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_v=unit_time) foc_c = Points(unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_v=unit_time) node_i = Points(unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_v=unit_time) node_o = Points(unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_v=unit_time) for i, t in enumerate(cp_types): if t == 0: if sadd_ori: tmp_pos = pos[i] ori = np.array(_get_saddle_orientations(vectorfield, tmp_pos)) sadd.add(tmp_pos, orientations=ori) else: sadd.add(pos[i]) elif t == 1: foc_c.add(pos[i]) elif t == 2: foc.add(pos[i]) elif t == 3: node_o.add(pos[i]) elif t == 4: node_i.add(pos[i]) else: raise Exception() # returning pts = CritPoints(unit_time=unit_time) pts.add_point(foc=foc, foc_c=foc_c, node_i=node_i, node_o=node_o, sadd=sadd, time=time) return pts def _get_cp_crit_on_VF(vectorfield, time=0, unit_time=make_unit(""), window_size=4): """ For a VectorField object, return the position of critical points. This algorithm use the PBI algorithm, then a method based on criterion to give more accurate results. Parameters ---------- vectorfield : a VectorField object. . time : number, optional Time unit_time : units object, optional Time unit. window_size : integer, optional Minimal window size for PBI detection. Smaller window size allow detection where points are dense. Default is 4 (smallest is 2). Returns ------- pts : CritPoints object Containing all critical points Notes ----- In the CritPoints object, the saddles points (CritPoints.sadd) have associated principal orientations (CritPoints.sadd[0].orientations). These orientations are the eigenvectors of the velocity jacobian. """ if not isinstance(vectorfield, VectorField): raise TypeError("'VF' must be a VectorField") if isinstance(unit_time, STRINGTYPES): unit_time = make_unit(unit_time) if np.any(vectorfield.mask): sadd_ori = False else: sadd_ori = True # Getting pbi cp position and fields around ### VF_field = velocityfield_to_vf(vectorfield, time) cp_positions, cp_types = VF_field.get_cp_cell_position() radius = window_size/4. # creating velocityfields around critical points # and transforming into VectorField objects VF_tupl = [] for i, cp_pos in enumerate(cp_positions): tmp_vf = VF_field.get_field_around_pt(cp_pos, window_size + 1) tmp_vf = tmp_vf.export_to_velocityfield() # treating small fields axe_x, axe_y = tmp_vf.axe_x, tmp_vf.axe_y if (len(axe_x) <= window_size + 1 or len(axe_y) <= window_size + 1 or np.any(tmp_vf.mask)): pass else: tmp_vf.PBI = int(cp_types[i] != 0) tmp_vf.assoc_ind = i VF_tupl.append(tmp_vf) # Sorting by critical points type ### VF_focus = [] VF_nodes = [] VF_saddle = [] for VF in VF_tupl: # node or focus if VF.PBI == 1: # checking if node or focus VF.gamma1 = get_gamma(VF, radius=radius, ind=True) VF.kappa1 = get_kappa(VF, radius=radius, ind=True) max_gam = np.max([abs(VF.gamma1.max), abs(VF.gamma1.min)]) max_kap = np.max([abs(VF.kappa1.max), abs(VF.kappa1.min)]) if max_gam > max_kap: VF_focus.append(VF) else: VF_nodes.append(VF) # saddle point elif VF.PBI == -1: VF_saddle.append(VF) # Computing focus positions (rotatives and contrarotatives) ### if len(VF_focus) != 0: for VF in VF_focus: tmp_gam = VF.gamma1 min_gam = tmp_gam.min max_gam = tmp_gam.max # rotative vortex if abs(max_gam) > abs(min_gam): pts = _min_detection(-1.*tmp_gam) if pts is not None: if pts.xy[0][0] is not None and len(pts) == 1: cp_positions[VF.assoc_ind] = pts.xy[0] cp_types[VF.assoc_ind] = 2 # contrarotative vortex else: pts = _min_detection(tmp_gam) if pts is not None: if pts.xy[0][0] is not None and len(pts) == 1: cp_positions[VF.assoc_ind] = pts.xy[0] cp_types[VF.assoc_ind] = 1 # Computing nodes points positions (in or out) ### if len(VF_nodes) != 0: for VF in VF_nodes: tmp_kap = VF.kappa1 min_kap = tmp_kap.min max_kap = tmp_kap.max # out nodes if abs(max_kap) > abs(min_kap): pts = _min_detection(-1.*tmp_kap) if pts is not None: if pts.xy[0][0] is not None and len(pts) == 1: cp_positions[VF.assoc_ind] = pts.xy[0] cp_types[VF.assoc_ind] = 3 # in nodes else: pts = _min_detection(tmp_kap) if pts is not None: if pts.xy[0][0] is not None and len(pts) == 1: cp_positions[VF.assoc_ind] = pts.xy[0] cp_types[VF.assoc_ind] = 4 # Computing saddle points positions and direction ### if len(VF_saddle) != 0: for VF in VF_saddle: tmp_iot = get_iota(VF, radius=radius, ind=True) pts = _min_detection(np.max(tmp_iot.values) - tmp_iot) if pts is not None: if pts.xy[0][0] is not None and len(pts) == 1: cp_positions[VF.assoc_ind] = pts.xy[0] cp_types[VF.assoc_ind] = 0 # creating the CritPoints object for returning focus = Points(unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_v=unit_time) focus_c = Points(unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_v=unit_time) nodes_i = Points(unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_v=unit_time) nodes_o = Points(unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_v=unit_time) if sadd_ori: sadd = OrientedPoints(unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_v=unit_time) else: sadd = Points(unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_v=unit_time) for i, t in enumerate(cp_types): if t == 0: if sadd_ori: tmp_pos = cp_positions[i] ori = np.array(_get_saddle_orientations(vectorfield, tmp_pos)) sadd.add(tmp_pos, orientations=ori) else: sadd.add(cp_positions[i]) elif t == 1: focus_c.add(cp_positions[i]) elif t == 2: focus.add(cp_positions[i]) elif t == 3: nodes_o.add(cp_positions[i]) elif t == 4: nodes_i.add(cp_positions[i]) else: raise Exception() pts = CritPoints(unit_time=unit_time) pts.add_point(focus, focus_c, nodes_i, nodes_o, sadd, time=time) return pts def _get_gamma2_vortex_center_on_VF(vectorfield, time=0, unit_time=make_unit(""), radius=4): """ For a VectorField object, return the position of the vortex centers. This algorithm use extremum detection on gamma fields. Parameters ---------- vectorfield : a VectorField object. . time : number, optional Time unit_time : units object, optional Time unit. radius : integer, optional Default is 4. Returns ------- pts : CritPoints object Containing all critical points """ if not isinstance(vectorfield, VectorField): raise TypeError("'VF' must be a VectorField") if isinstance(unit_time, STRINGTYPES): unit_time = make_unit(unit_time) # get gamma field gamma = get_gamma(vectorfield, radius=radius, ind=True, kind='gamma1') gamma.crop_masked_border(hard=True, inplace=True) # get zones centers centers_c = gamma.get_zones_centers(bornes=[-1., -2/np.pi], rel=False) centers_cv = gamma.get_zones_centers(bornes=[2/np.pi, 1.], rel=False) # return pts = CritPoints(unit_time=unit_time) pts.add_point(foc=centers_cv, foc_c=centers_c, time=time) return pts def _min_detection(SF): """ Only for use in 'get_cp_crit'. """ # interpolation on the field if np.any(SF.mask): SF.crop_masked_border(inplace=True) if np.any(SF.mask): raise Exception("should not have masked values") axe_x, axe_y = SF.axe_x, SF.axe_y values = SF.values interp = RectBivariateSpline(axe_x, axe_y, values, s=0, ky=3, kx=3) # extended field (resolution x100) x = np.linspace(axe_x[0], axe_x[-1], 100) y = np.linspace(axe_y[0], axe_y[-1], 100) values = interp(x, y) ind_min = np.argmin(values) ind_x, ind_y = np.unravel_index(ind_min, values.shape) pos = (x[ind_x], y[ind_y]) return Points([pos], unit_x=SF.unit_x, unit_y=SF.unit_y) #def _gaussian_fit(SF): # """ # Only for use in 'get_cp_crit'. # """ # # gaussian fitting # def gaussian(height, center_x, center_y, width_x, width_y): # """ # Returns a gaussian function with the given parameters # """ # width_x = float(width_x) # width_y = float(width_y) # return lambda x, y: height*np.exp( # -(((center_x-x)/width_x)**2+((center_y-y)/width_y)**2)/2) # # def moments(data): # """ # Returns (height, x, y, width_x, width_y) # the gaussian parameters of a 2D distribution by calculating its # moments # """ # total = data.sum() # X, Y = np.indices(data.shape) # x = (X*data).sum()/total # y = (Y*data).sum()/total # col = data[:, int(y)] # width_x = np.sqrt(abs((np.arange(col.size)-y)**2*col).sum()/col.sum()) # row = data[int(x), :] # width_y = np.sqrt(abs((np.arange(row.size)-x)**2*row).sum()/row.sum()) # height = data.max() # return height, x, y, width_x, width_y # # def fitgaussian(data): # """ # Returns (height, x, y, width_x, width_y) # the gaussian parameters of a 2D distribution found by a fit # """ # params = moments(data) # errorfunction = lambda p: np.ravel(gaussian(*p) # (*np.indices(data.shape)) - # data) # p, success = optimize.leastsq(errorfunction, params) # return p # axe_x, axe_y = SF.axe_x, SF.axe_y # values = SF.values # params = fitgaussian(values) # delta_x = axe_x[1] - axe_x[0] # delta_y = axe_y[1] - axe_y[0] # x = SF.axe_x[0] + delta_x*params[1] # y = SF.axe_y[0] + delta_y*params[2] # return Points([(x, y)]) def _get_saddle_orientations(vectorfield, pt): """ Return the orientation of a saddle point. """ # smooth to avoid wrong orientations # vectorfield = vectorfield.smooth(tos='gaussian', size=1, inplace=False) # get data axe_x, axe_y = vectorfield.axe_x, vectorfield.axe_y dx = vectorfield.axe_x[1] - vectorfield.axe_x[0] dy = vectorfield.axe_y[1] - vectorfield.axe_y[0] Vx = vectorfield.comp_x Vy = vectorfield.comp_y # get surrounding points inds_x = vectorfield.get_indice_on_axe(1, pt[0], kind='bounds') inds_y = vectorfield.get_indice_on_axe(2, pt[1], kind='bounds') inds_x_2 = np.arange(-1, 3) + inds_x[0] inds_y_2 = np.arange(-1, 3) + inds_y[0] # check if surrounding gradients are available if (np.any(inds_x_2 > len(axe_x) - 1) or np.any(inds_x_2 < 0) or np.any(inds_y_2 > len(axe_y) - 1) or np.any(inds_y_2 < 0)): return [[0, 0], [0, 0]] # get surounding gradients inds_X_2, inds_Y_2 = np.meshgrid(inds_x_2, inds_y_2) local_Vx = Vx[inds_X_2, inds_Y_2] local_Vy = Vy[inds_X_2, inds_Y_2] # get jacobian eignevalues jac = _get_jacobian_matrix(local_Vx, local_Vy, dx, dy, pt) eigvals, eigvects = np.linalg.eig(jac) if eigvals[1] < eigvals[0]: orient1 = np.real(eigvects[:, 0]) orient2 = np.real(eigvects[:, 1]) else: orient1 = np.real(eigvects[:, 1]) orient2 = np.real(eigvects[:, 0]) return np.real(orient1), np.real(orient2) def _get_jacobian_matrix(Vx, Vy, dx=1., dy=1, pt=None): """ Return the jacobian matrix at the center of 4 points. """ # check params if not isinstance(Vx, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError() if not isinstance(Vy, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError() Vx = np.array(Vx) Vy = np.array(Vy) if not Vx.shape == Vy.shape: raise ValueError() # compute gradients Vx_dx, Vx_dy = np.gradient(Vx.transpose(), dx, dy) Vy_dx, Vy_dy = np.gradient(Vy.transpose(), dx, dy) axe_x = np.arange(0, Vx.shape[0]*dx, dx) axe_y = np.arange(0, Vx.shape[1]*dy, dy) if pt is None: pt = [np.mean(axe_x), np.mean(axe_y)] # get interpolated gradient at the point Vx_dx2 = np.mean(Vx_dx) Vx_dy2 = np.mean(Vx_dy) Vy_dx2 = np.mean(Vy_dx) Vy_dy2 = np.mean(Vy_dy) # # More robust way of doing it ??? ### # if Vx.shape[0] == 2 or Vx.shape[1] == 2: # k = 1 # else: # k = 2 # Vx_dx2 = RectBivariateSpline(axe_x, axe_y, Vx_dx, kx=k, ky=k, s=0) # Vx_dx2 = Vx_dx2(*pt)[0][0] # Vx_dy2 = RectBivariateSpline(axe_x, axe_y, Vx_dy, kx=k, ky=k, s=0) # Vx_dy2 = Vx_dy2(*pt)[0][0] # Vy_dx2 = RectBivariateSpline(axe_x, axe_y, Vy_dx, kx=k, ky=k, s=0) # Vy_dx2 = Vy_dx2(*pt)[0][0] # Vy_dy2 = RectBivariateSpline(axe_x, axe_y, Vy_dy, kx=k, ky=k, s=0) # Vy_dy2 = Vy_dy2(*pt)[0][0] ### # get jacobian eignevalues jac = np.array([[Vx_dx2, Vx_dy2], [Vy_dx2, Vy_dy2]], subok=True) return jac