Points class

class IMTreatment.core.points.Points(xy=array([], shape=(0, 2), dtype=float64), v=[], unit_x='', unit_y='', unit_v='', name='')[source]

Bases: object

add(pt, v=None)[source]

Add a new point.

  • pt (2x1 array of numbers) – Point to add.
  • v (number, optional) – Value of the point (needed if other points have values).
augment_resolution(fact=2, interp='linear', inplace=False)[source]

Augment the temporal resolution of the points. Only have sense if points are sorted to set some kind of trajectory.

  • fact (integer) – Resolution augmentation needed (default is ‘2’, for a result profile with twice more points)
  • interp (string in ['linear', 'nearest', slinear', 'quadratic, 'cubic']) – Specifies the kind of interpolation as a string (Default is ‘linear’). slinear’, ‘quadratic’ and ‘cubic’ refer to a spline interpolation of first, second or third order.
  • bool (inplace) –



If masked values are present, they are interpolated as well, using the surrounding values.

change_unit(axe, new_unit)[source]

Change the unit of an axe.

  • axe (string) – ‘y’ for changing the profile y axis unit ‘x’ for changing the profile x axis unit ‘v’ for changing the profile values unit
  • new_unit (Unum.unit object or string) – The new unit.

Return a copy of the Points object.

crop(intervx=None, intervy=None, intervv=None, inplace=True, ind=False)[source]

Crop the points cloud.

  • intervx (2x1 tuple) – Interval on x axis
  • intervy (2x1 tuple) – Interval on y axis
  • intervv (2x1 tuple) – Interval on v values

tmp_pts – croped version of the point cloud.

Return type:

Points object

cut(intervx=None, intervy=None)[source]

Return a point cloud where the given area has been removed.

  • intervx (2x1 tuple) – Interval on x axis
  • intervy (2x1 tuple) – Interval on y axis

tmp_pts – Cutted version of the point cloud.

Return type:

Points object


return a tuple of Points object, with only one point per object.

display(kind=None, axe_x=None, axe_y=None, axe_color=None, **plotargs)[source]

Display the set of points.

  • kind (string, optional) – Can be ‘plot’ (default if points have not values). or ‘scatter’ (default if points have values). or ‘colored_plot’.
  • axe_y, axe_color (axe_x,) – To determine wich value has to be plotted along which axis, and whith value is used to color the scattered points. Default plot ‘y’ to ‘x’ with colors from ‘v’.
  • **plotargs (dic) – Additionnal arguments sent to ‘plot’ or ‘scatter’
display3D(kind='plot', xlabel='', ylabel='', zlabel='', title='', **plotargs)[source]

Display the points on a 3D graph.

  • kind (string, optional) – Kind of graph to use, can be ‘plot’ or ‘surf’.
  • ylabel, zlabel (xlabel,) – Label fo each axis (respectively ‘x’, ‘y’, and ‘v’)
  • title (strin, optional) – Title
  • **plotargs – Additional parameters feeded to matplotlib
export_to_profile(axe_x='x', axe_y='y')[source]

Export the unsorted point object to a sorted Profile object.

Parameters:axe_y (axe_x,) – Which value used to construct the profile
fit(kind='polynomial', order=2, simplify=False)[source]

Return the parametric coefficients of the fitting curve on the points.

  • kind (string, optional) – The kind of fitting used. Can be ‘polynomial’ or ‘ellipse’.
  • order (integer) – Approximation order for the fitting.
  • Simplify (boolean or string, optional) – Can be False (default), ‘x’ or ‘y’. Perform a simplification (see Points.Siplify()) before the fitting.

  • p (array, only for polynomial fitting) – Polynomial coefficients, highest power first
  • radii (array, only for ellipse fitting) – Ellipse demi-axes radii.
  • center (array, only for ellipse fitting) – Ellipse center coordinates.
  • alpha (number) – Angle between the x axis and the major axis.

get_clusters(eps, min_samples=5)[source]

Perform DBSCAN clustering from vector array or distance matrix. (see sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN)


DBSCAN - Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise. Finds core samples of high density and expands clusters from them. Good for data which contains clusters of similar density.


Return the convex or concave hull (if alpha specified) for the set of points.

Parameters:alpha (number) – maximum distance between two points of the hull.


Credit to mlaloux (https://github.com/mlaloux/Python–alpha-shape_concave_hull)

get_evolution_on_sf(SF, axe_x=None)[source]

Return the evolution of the value represented by a scalar field, on the path of the trajectory.

  • SF (ScalarField object) –
  • axe_x (string, optional) – What put in the x axis (can be ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘v’). default is ‘v’ when available and ‘x’ else.


Return type:

Profile object

get_evolution_on_tsf(TSF, axe_x=None)[source]

Return the evolution of the value represented by scalar fields, on the path of the trajectory. Timse of the TSF must be consistent with the times of the Points.

  • TSF (tsf.TemporalScalarField object) –
  • axe_x (string, optional) – What put in the x axis (can be ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘v’). default is ‘v’ (associated with time)


Return type:

Profile object

get_points_density(bw_method=None, resolution=100, output_format='normalized', raw=False)[source]

Return a ScalarField with points density.

  • bw_method (str, scalar or callable, optional) – The method used to calculate the estimator bandwidth. This can be ‘scott’, ‘silverman’, a scalar constant or a callable. If a scalar, this will be used as percent of the data std. If a callable, it should take a gaussian_kde instance as only parameter and return a scalar. If None (default), ‘scott’ is used.
  • resolution (integer, optional) – Resolution for the resulting field.
  • output_format (string, optional) –
    ‘normalized’ (default) : give position probability
    (integral egal 1).
    ’ponderated’ : give position probability ponderated by the number
    or points (integral egal number of points).

    ’concentration’ : give local concentration (in point per surface).

  • raw (boolean, optional) – If ‘False’ (default), return a ScalarField object, if ‘True’, return numpy array.

density – Return ‘None’ if there is not enough points in the cloud.

Return type:

array, ScalarField object or None

get_points_density2(res, subres=None, raw=False, ponderated=False)[source]

Return a ScalarField with points density.

  • res (number or 2x1 array of numbers) – fdensity field number of subdivision. Can be the same number for both axis, or one number per axis (need to give a tuple).
  • raw (boolean, optional) – If ‘False’ (default), return a ScalarField object, if ‘True’, return numpy array.
  • ponderated (boolean, optiona) – If ‘True’, values associated to points are used to ponderate the density field. Default is ‘False’.
  • subres (odd integer, optional) – If specified, a subgrid of resolution res*subres is used to make result more accurate.
get_velocity(incr=1, smooth=0, xaxis='time')[source]

Assuming that associated ‘v’ values are times for each points, compute the velocity of the trajectory.

  • incr (integer, optional) – Increment use to get used points (default is 1).
  • smooth (number, optional) – Cut off frequency for the lowpass filter.
  • xaxis (string, optional) – Value to put in the profile x axis, can be ‘time’ (default), ‘x’ or ‘y’.

  • Vx (Profile object) – Profile of x velocity versus time.
  • Vy (Profile object) – Profile of y velocity versus time.


Re-order the set of points to try to create a line.


Remove the point number ‘ind’ of the points cloud. In place.

Parameters:ind (integer or array of integer) –
remove_doublons(method='average', inplace=False, eps_rel=1e-06)[source]

Replace values associated to the same ‘v’ by their average.

Parameters:method (string in {'average', 'max', 'min'}) – Method used to remove the doublons.

Remove the points containing nans values.


Return a Points object where x and y axis are swaped.

rotate(angle, inplace=False)[source]

Rotate the point set.

Parameters:angle (number) – Rotation angle in radian.
scale(scalex=1.0, scaley=1.0, scalev=1.0, inplace=False)[source]

Change the scale of the axis.

  • scaley, scalev (scalex,) – scales along x, y and v
  • inplace (boolean, optional) – If ‘True’, scaling is done in place, else, a new instance is returned.
set_origin(x=None, y=None)[source]

Set the given point (x, y) as the new referential.

  • x (number) –


  • y (number) –


smooth(tos='gaussian', size=None, inplace=False, **kw)[source]

Return a smoothed points field.

  • tos (string, optional) – Type of smoothing, can be ‘uniform’ (default), ‘gaussian’ or ‘lowpass’.
  • size (number, optional) – radius of the smoothing for ‘uniform’, radius of the smoothing for ‘gaussian’, cut off frequency for ‘lowpass’ Default are 3 for ‘uniform’, 1 for ‘gaussian’ and 0.1 for ‘ lowpass’.
  • inplace (boolean) – If ‘False’, return a smoothed points field else, smooth in place.
  • kw (dic) – Additional parameters for ndimage methods (See ndimage documentation)
sort(ref='x', inplace=False)[source]

Sort the points according to the reference.

  • ref (string or array of indice) – can be ‘x’, ‘y’ or ‘v’ to sort according those values or an array of indice
  • ; boolean (inplace) – If ‘True’, sort in place, else, return an new sorted instance.