Source code for IMTreatment.vortex_criterions.vortex_criterions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/bin/env python3

# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Gaby Launay

# Author: Gaby Launay  <>
# URL:
# Version: 1.0

# This file is part of IMTreatment.

# IMTreatment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# IMTreatment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

from ..core import ScalarField, VectorField, TemporalScalarFields,\
from ..utils import make_unit
from ..field_treatment import get_gradients
import numpy as np
from scipy import linalg

[docs]def get_angle_deviation(vectorfield, radius=None, ind=False, mask=None, raw=False, local_treatment='none', order=1): """ Return the angle deviation field. Parameters ---------- vectorfield : VectorField object . radius : number, optionnal The radius used to choose the zone where to compute for each field oint. If not mentionned, a value is choosen in ordre to have about 8 points in the circle. It allow to get good result, without big computation cost. ind : boolean If 'True', radius is expressed on number of vectors. If 'False' (default), radius is expressed on axis unit. mask : array of boolean, optionnal Has to be an array of the same size of the vector field object, gamma will be compute only where mask is 'False'. raw : boolean, optional If 'False' (default), a ScalarField is returned, if 'True', an array is returned. local_treatment : string, optional If 'None' (default), angles are taken directly from the velocity field If 'galilean_inv', angles are taken from localy averaged velocity field if 'local', angles are taken from velocity fields where the velocity of the central point is localy substracted. order : number, optional Order used to compute the deviation (default 1 for sum of differences, 2 for standart deviation (std) or more) """ # Checking parameters coherence if not isinstance(vectorfield, VectorField): raise TypeError("'vectorfield' must be a VectorField object") if radius is None: radius = 1.9 ind = True if not isinstance(radius, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("'radius' must be a number") if not isinstance(ind, bool): raise TypeError("'ind' must be a boolean") axe_x, axe_y = vectorfield.axe_x, vectorfield.axe_y if mask is None: mask = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape) elif not isinstance(mask, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'zone' must be an array of boolean") else: mask = np.array(mask) if not isinstance(raw, bool): raise TypeError() if not isinstance(local_treatment, STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError() if local_treatment not in ['none', 'galilean_inv', 'local']: raise ValueError() if not isinstance(order, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError() if order < 1: raise ValueError() # Getting data theta = vectorfield.theta mask, nmbpts, mask_dev, mask_border, mask_surr, motif =\ _non_local_criterion_precomputation(vectorfield, mask, radius, ind, dev_pass=False) # Computing criterion # creating reference dispersion functions best_fun = np.array([2.*np.pi/nmbpts]*nmbpts) worse_fun = np.array([0]*(nmbpts - 1) + [2.*np.pi]) worse_value = (np.sum(np.abs(worse_fun - best_fun)**order))**(1./order) # Loop on points deviation = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape) for inds, pos, _ in vectorfield: ind_x = inds[0] ind_y = inds[1] # stop if masked or on border or with a masked surrouinding point if mask[ind_x, ind_y] or mask_surr[ind_x, ind_y]\ or mask_border[ind_x, ind_y]: continue # getting neighbour points indsaround = motif + inds # getting neighbour angles (galilean inv or not) if local_treatment == 'none': angles = theta[indsaround[:, 0], indsaround[:, 1]] elif local_treatment == 'galilean_inv': tmp_Vx = vectorfield.comp_x[indsaround[:, 0], indsaround[:, 1]] tmp_Vy = vectorfield.comp_y[indsaround[:, 0], indsaround[:, 1]] tmp_Vx -= np.mean(tmp_Vx) tmp_Vy -= np.mean(tmp_Vy) angles = _get_angles(tmp_Vx, tmp_Vy) elif local_treatment == 'local': tmp_Vx = vectorfield.comp_x[indsaround[:, 0], indsaround[:, 1]] tmp_Vy = vectorfield.comp_y[indsaround[:, 0], indsaround[:, 1]] tmp_Vx -= vectorfield.comp_x[ind_x, ind_y] tmp_Vy -= vectorfield.comp_x[ind_x, ind_y] angles = _get_angles(tmp_Vx, tmp_Vy) # getting neightbour angles repartition angles = np.sort(angles) d_angles = np.empty(angles.shape) d_angles[0:-1] = angles[1::] - angles[:-1:] d_angles[-1] = angles[0] + 2*np.pi - angles[-1] # getting neighbour angles deviation deviation[ind_x, ind_y] = (1 - (np.sum(np.abs(d_angles - best_fun) ** order)) ** (1./order)/worse_value) # Applying masks mask = np.logical_or(mask, mask_border) mask = np.logical_or(mask, mask_surr) # Creating gamma ScalarField if raw: return, mask) else: deviation_sf = ScalarField() unit_x, unit_y = vectorfield.unit_x, vectorfield.unit_y deviation_sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x, axe_y, deviation, mask, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_values=make_unit('')) return deviation_sf
[docs]def get_gamma(vectorfield, radius=None, ind=False, kind='gamma1', mask=None, raw=False, dev_pass=False): """ Return the gamma scalar field. Gamma criterion is used in vortex analysis. The fonction recognize if the field is ortogonal, and use an apropriate algorithm. Parameters ---------- vectorfield : VectorField or TemporalVectorFields object . radius : number, optionnal The radius used to choose the zone where to compute gamma for each point. If not mentionned, a value is choosen in ordre to have about 8 points in the circle. It allow to get good result, without big computation cost. ind : boolean If 'True', radius is expressed on number of vectors. If 'False' (default), radius is expressed on axis unit. kind : string If 'gamma1' (default), compute gamma1 criterion. If 'gamma1b', compute gamma1 criterion with velocity corrector. (multiply with the mean velocity) If 'gamma2', compute gamma2 criterion (with relative velocities) If 'gamma2b', compute gamma2 criterion with a velocity corrector. (hide uniform velocity zone) mask : array of boolean, optionnal Has to be an array of the same size of the vector field object, gamma will be compute only where mask is 'False'. raw : boolean, optional If 'False' (default), a ScalarField is returned, if 'True', an array is returned. dev_pass : boolean, optional If 'True', the algorithm compute gamma criterion only where the velocity angles deviation is strong (faster if there is few points). Work only with 'gamma1' """ # Checking parameters coherence if not isinstance(vectorfield, (VectorField, TemporalVectorFields)): raise TypeError() if radius is None: radius = 1.9 ind = True if not isinstance(radius, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("'radius' must be a number") if not isinstance(ind, bool): raise TypeError("'ind' must be a boolean") axe_x, axe_y = vectorfield.axe_x, vectorfield.axe_y if not isinstance(kind, STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError("'kind' must be a string") if kind not in ['gamma1', 'gamma2', 'gamma1b', 'gamma2b']: raise ValueError("Unkown value for kind") if mask is None: mask = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape) elif not isinstance(mask, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'zone' must be an array of boolean") else: mask = np.array(mask) if kind in ['gamma2', 'gamma2b']: dev_pass = False # if TemporalVectorFields if isinstance(vectorfield, TemporalVectorFields): gammas = TemporalScalarFields() for time, field in zip(vectorfield.times, vectorfield.fields): gamma = get_gamma(field, radius=radius, ind=ind, kind=kind, mask=mask, raw=raw, dev_pass=dev_pass) gammas.add_field(gamma, time=time, unit_times=vectorfield.unit_times) return gammas # getting data and masks Vx = vectorfield.comp_x Vy = vectorfield.comp_y norm_v = vectorfield.magnitude mask, nmbpts, mask_dev, mask_border, mask_surr, motif =\ _non_local_criterion_precomputation(vectorfield, mask, radius, ind, dev_pass) # getting the vectors between center and neighbouring deltax = axe_x[1] - axe_x[0] deltay = axe_y[1] - axe_y[0] vector_a_x = np.zeros(motif.shape[0]) vector_a_y = np.zeros(motif.shape[0]) for i, indaround in enumerate(motif): vector_a_x[i] = indaround[0]*deltax vector_a_y[i] = indaround[1]*deltay norm_vect_a = (vector_a_x**2 + vector_a_y**2)**(.5) # Loop on points gammas = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape) for inds, pos, _ in vectorfield: ind_x = inds[0] ind_y = inds[1] # stop if masked or on border or with a masked surrouinding point if mask[ind_x, ind_y] or mask_surr[ind_x, ind_y]\ or mask_border[ind_x, ind_y] or mask_dev[ind_x, ind_y]: continue # getting neighbour points indsaround = motif + inds # If necessary, compute mean velocity on points (gamma2) v_mean = [0., 0.] v_mean2 = [0., 0.] fact = 1 if kind in ['gamma1b', 'gamma2', 'gamma2b']: v_mean[0] = np.mean(Vx[indsaround[:, 0], indsaround[:, 1]]) v_mean[1] = np.mean(Vy[indsaround[:, 0], indsaround[:, 1]]) if kind in ['gamma2b']: v_mean2[0] = np.mean((Vx[indsaround[:, 0], indsaround[:, 1]] - v_mean[0])**2) v_mean2[1] = np.mean((Vy[indsaround[:, 0], indsaround[:, 1]] - v_mean[1])**2) fact = np.sqrt(v_mean2[0] + v_mean2[1]) / \ np.sqrt(v_mean[0]**2 + v_mean[1]**2) if np.abs(fact) > 1: fact = 1. # Loop on neighbouring points gamma = 0. for i, indaround in enumerate(indsaround): inda_x = indaround[0] inda_y = indaround[1] # getting vectors for scalar product if kind in ['gamma1', 'gamma1b']: vector_b_x = Vx[inda_x, inda_y] vector_b_y = Vy[inda_x, inda_y] denom = norm_v[inda_x, inda_y]*norm_vect_a[i] if denom != 0: gamma += (vector_a_x[i]*vector_b_y - vector_a_y[i]*vector_b_x)/denom elif kind in ['gamma2', 'gamma2b']: vector_b_x = Vx[inda_x, inda_y] - v_mean[0] vector_b_y = Vy[inda_x, inda_y] - v_mean[1] denom = (vector_b_x**2 + vector_b_y**2)**.5*norm_vect_a[i] if denom != 0: gamma += (vector_a_x[i]*vector_b_y - vector_a_y[i]*vector_b_x)/denom # adapting with factors if kind in ['gamma1', 'gamma2']: gamma = gamma/nmbpts elif kind == 'gamma1b': gamma = gamma/nmbpts*np.sqrt(v_mean[0]**2 + v_mean[1]**2) elif kind == 'gamma2b': gamma = gamma/nmbpts*fact # storing computed gamma value gammas[ind_x, ind_y] = gamma # Applying masks mask = np.logical_or(mask, mask_border) mask = np.logical_or(mask, mask_surr) # Creating gamma ScalarField if raw: return, mask) else: gamma_sf = ScalarField() unit_x, unit_y = vectorfield.unit_x, vectorfield.unit_y gamma_sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x, axe_y, gammas, mask, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_values=make_unit('')) return gamma_sf
[docs]def get_NL_residual_vorticity(vectorfield, radius=None, ind=False, mask=None, raw=False): """ Return the residual vorticity computed with non-local gradients. Parameters ---------- vectorfield : VectorField object . radius : number, optionnal The radius used to choose the zone where to compute gamma for each point. If not mentionned, a value is choosen in ordre to have about 8 points in the circle. It allow to get good result, without big computation cost. ind : boolean If 'True', radius is expressed on number of vectors. If 'False' (default), radius is expressed on axis unit. mask : array of boolean, optionnal Has to be an array of the same size of the vector field object, gamma will be compute only where mask is 'False'. raw : boolean, optional If 'False' (default), a ScalarField is returned, if 'True', an array is returned. """ # Checking parameters coherence if not isinstance(vectorfield, VectorField): raise TypeError("'vectorfield' must be a VectorField object") if radius is None: radius = 1.9 ind = True if not isinstance(radius, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("'radius' must be a number") if not isinstance(ind, bool): raise TypeError("'ind' must be a boolean") axe_x, axe_y = vectorfield.axe_x, vectorfield.axe_y if mask is None: mask = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape) elif not isinstance(mask, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'zone' must be an array of boolean") else: mask = np.array(mask) # getting data and masks Vx = vectorfield.comp_x Vy = vectorfield.comp_y mask, nmbpts, mask_dev, mask_border, mask_surr, motif =\ _non_local_criterion_precomputation(vectorfield, mask, radius, ind, dev_pass=False) # Loop on points to get non-local gradients Exx = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape, dtype=float) Exy = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape, dtype=float) Eyx = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape, dtype=float) Eyy = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape, dtype=float) for inds, pos, _ in vectorfield: ind_x = inds[0] ind_y = inds[1] # stop if masked or on border or with a masked surrouinding point if mask[ind_x, ind_y] or mask_surr[ind_x, ind_y]\ or mask_border[ind_x, ind_y] or mask_dev[ind_x, ind_y]: continue # getting neighbour points indsaround = motif + inds # non-local gradients computation by linear fitting ind_xs = indsaround[:, 0] ind_ys = indsaround[:, 1] Vxs = Vx[ind_xs, ind_ys] Vys = Vy[ind_xs, ind_ys] Exx[ind_x, ind_y], a_xx = np.polyfit(axe_x[ind_xs], Vxs, 1) Exy[ind_x, ind_y], a_xy = np.polyfit(axe_y[ind_ys], Vxs, 1) Eyx[ind_x, ind_y], _ = np.polyfit(axe_x[ind_xs], Vys, 1) Eyy[ind_x, ind_y], _ = np.polyfit(axe_y[ind_ys], Vys, 1) # getting principal rate of strain (s) s = np.sqrt(4*Exx**2 + (Exy + Eyx)**2)/2. # getting the vorticity-tensor component omega = (Eyx - Exy)/2. omega_abs = np.abs(omega) sign_omega = np.sign(omega) sign_omega[sign_omega == 0] = 1 filt = s < omega_abs # getting the residual vorticity res_vort = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape) res_vort[filt] = sign_omega[filt]*(omega_abs[filt] - s[filt]) # Applying masks mask = np.logical_or(mask, mask_border) mask = np.logical_or(mask, mask_surr) # Creating gamma ScalarField if raw: return, mask) else: gamma_sf = ScalarField() unit_values = vectorfield.unit_values/vectorfield.unit_x res_vort *= unit_values.asNumber() unit_values /= unit_values.asNumber() unit_x, unit_y = vectorfield.unit_x, vectorfield.unit_y gamma_sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x, axe_y, res_vort, mask, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_values=unit_values) return gamma_sf
[docs]def get_kappa(vectorfield, radius=None, ind=False, kind='kappa1', mask=None, raw=False, dev_pass=False): """ Return the kappa scalar field. Kappa criterion is used in vortex analysis. The fonction recognize if the field is ortogonal, and use an apropriate algorithm. Parameters ---------- vectorfield : VectorField object radius : number, optionnal The radius used to choose the zone where to compute kappa for each point. If not mentionned, a value is choosen in ordre to have about 8 points in the circle. It allow to get good result, without big computation cost. ind : boolean If 'True', radius is expressed on number of vectors. If 'False' (default), radius is expressed on axis unit. kind : string If 'kappa1' (default), compute kappa1 criterion. If 'kappa2', compute kappa2 criterion (with relative velocities). mask : array of boolean, optionnal Has to be an array of the same size of the vector field object, kappa will be compute only where mask is 'False'. raw : boolean, optional If 'False' (default), a ScalarField is returned, if 'True', an array is returned. dev_pass : boolean, optional If 'True', the algorithm compute gamma criterion only where the velocity angles deviation is strong (faster if there is few points) """ # Checking parameters coherence if not isinstance(vectorfield, VectorField): raise TypeError("'vectorfield' must be a VectorField object") if radius is None: radius = 1.9 ind = True if not isinstance(radius, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("'radius' must be a number") if not isinstance(ind, bool): raise TypeError("'ind' must be a boolean") axe_x, axe_y = vectorfield.axe_x, vectorfield.axe_y if not isinstance(kind, STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError("'kind' must be a string") if kind not in ['kappa1', 'kappa2']: raise ValueError("Unkown value for kind") if mask is None: mask = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape) elif not isinstance(mask, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'zone' must be an array of boolean") else: mask = np.array(mask) # getting data and masks Vx = vectorfield.comp_x Vy = vectorfield.comp_y norm_v = vectorfield.magnitude mask, nmbpts, mask_dev, mask_border, mask_surr, motif =\ _non_local_criterion_precomputation(vectorfield, mask, radius, ind, dev_pass) # getting the vectors between center and neighbouring deltax = axe_x[1] - axe_x[0] deltay = axe_y[1] - axe_y[0] vector_a_x = np.zeros(motif.shape[0]) vector_a_y = np.zeros(motif.shape[0]) for i, indaround in enumerate(motif): vector_a_x[i] = indaround[0]*deltax vector_a_y[i] = indaround[1]*deltay norm_vect_a = (vector_a_x**2 + vector_a_y**2)**(.5) # Loop on points kappas = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape) for inds, pos, _ in vectorfield: ind_x = inds[0] ind_y = inds[1] # stop if masked or on border or with a masked surrouinding point if mask[ind_x, ind_y] or mask_surr[ind_x, ind_y]\ or mask_border[ind_x, ind_y] or mask_dev[ind_x, ind_y]: continue # getting neighbour points indsaround = motif + np.array(inds) # If necessary, compute mean velocity on points (kappa2) v_mean = [0., 0.] if kind == 'kappa2': nmbpts = len(indsaround) for indaround in indsaround: v_mean[0] += Vx[ind_x, ind_y] v_mean[1] += Vy[ind_x, ind_y] v_mean[0] /= nmbpts v_mean[1] /= nmbpts # Loop on neighbouring points kappa = 0. nmbpts = len(indsaround) for i, indaround in enumerate(indsaround): inda_x = indaround[0] inda_y = indaround[1] # getting vectors for scalar product vector_b_x = Vx[inda_x, inda_y] - v_mean[0] vector_b_y = Vy[inda_x, inda_y] - v_mean[1] if kind == 'kappa1': denom = norm_v[inda_x, inda_y]*norm_vect_a[i] else: denom = (vector_b_x**2 + vector_b_y**2)**.5*norm_vect_a[i] # getting scalar product if denom != 0: kappa += (vector_a_x[i]*vector_b_x + vector_a_y[i]*vector_b_y)/denom # storing computed kappa value kappas[ind_x, ind_y] = kappa/nmbpts # Applying masks mask = np.logical_or(mask, mask_border) mask = np.logical_or(mask, mask_surr) # Creating kappa ScalarField if raw: return, mask) else: kappa_sf = ScalarField() unit_x, unit_y = vectorfield.unit_x, vectorfield.unit_y kappa_sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x, axe_y, kappas, mask, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_values=make_unit('')) return kappa_sf
[docs]def get_iota(vectorfield, mask=None, radius=None, ind=False, raw=False): """ Return the iota scalar field. iota criterion is used in vortex analysis. The fonction is only usable on orthogonal fields. Warning : This function is minimum at the saddle point center, and maximum around this point. Parameters ---------- vectorfield : VectorField object mask : array of boolean, optionnal Has to be an array of the same size of the vector field object, iota2 will be compute only where zone is 'False'. radius : number, optionam If specified, the velocity field is smoothed with gaussian filter of the given radius before computing the vectors angles. ind : boolean, optional If 'True', radius is an indice number, if 'False', radius if in the field units (default). raw : boolean, optional If 'False' (default), a ScalarField is returned, if 'True', an array is returned. """ if not isinstance(vectorfield, VectorField): raise TypeError("'vectorfield' must be a VectorField object") if mask is None: mask = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape) elif not isinstance(mask, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'mask' must be an array of boolean") else: mask = np.array(mask) axe_x, axe_y = vectorfield.axe_x, vectorfield.axe_y # smoothing if necessary and getting theta if radius is not None: if not ind: dx = axe_x[1] - axe_x[0] dy = axe_y[1] - axe_y[0] radius = radius/((dx + dy)/2.) ind = True tmp_vf = vectorfield.copy() tmp_vf.smooth(tos='gaussian', size=radius, inplace=True) theta = tmp_vf.theta mask = np.logical_or(mask, tmp_vf.mask) else: theta = vectorfield.theta mask = np.logical_or(mask, vectorfield.mask) # calcul du gradients de theta # necesary steps to avoid big gradients by passing from 0 to 2*pi theta1 = theta.copy() theta2 = theta.copy() theta2[theta2 > np.pi] -= 2*np.pi theta1_x, theta1_y = np.gradient(theta1) theta2_x, theta2_y = np.gradient(theta2) filtx = np.abs(theta1_x) > np.abs(theta2_x) filty = np.abs(theta1_y) > np.abs(theta2_y) theta_x = theta1_x.copy() theta_x[filtx] = theta2_x[filtx] theta_y = theta1_y.copy() theta_y[filty] = theta2_y[filty] iota = 1/2.*np.sqrt(theta_x**2 + theta_y**2) # getting mask maskf = np.logical_or(vectorfield.mask, np.isnan(iota)) # returning if raw: return, maskf) else: iota_sf = ScalarField() unit_x, unit_y = vectorfield.unit_x, vectorfield.unit_y iota_sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x, axe_y, iota, maskf, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_values=make_unit('')) return iota_sf
[docs]def get_enstrophy(vectorfield, radius=None, ind=False, mask=None, raw=False): """ Return the enstriphy field. Parameters ---------- vectorfield : VectorField object . radius : number, optionnal The radius used to choose the zone where to integrate enstrophy for each point. If not mentionned, a value is choosen in ordre to have about 8 points in the circle. ind : boolean If 'True', radius is expressed on number of vectors. If 'False' (default), radius is expressed on axis unit. mask : array of boolean, optionnal Has to be an array of the same size of the vector field object, gamma will be compute only where mask is 'False'. raw : boolean, optional If 'False' (default), a ScalarField is returned, if 'True', an array is returned. """ # Checking parameters coherence if not isinstance(vectorfield, VectorField): raise TypeError("'vectorfield' must be a VectorField object") if radius is None: radius = 1.9 ind = True if not isinstance(radius, NUMBERTYPES): raise TypeError("'radius' must be a number") if not isinstance(ind, bool): raise TypeError("'ind' must be a boolean") axe_x, axe_y = vectorfield.axe_x, vectorfield.axe_y if mask is None: mask = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape) elif not isinstance(mask, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'mask' must be an array of boolean") else: mask = np.array(mask) # getting data and masks vort2 = get_vorticity(vectorfield, raw=False)**2 unit_values = vort2.unit_values*vectorfield.unit_x*vectorfield.unit_y vort2 = vort2.values mask, nmbpts, mask_dev, mask_border, mask_surr, motif =\ _non_local_criterion_precomputation(vectorfield, mask, radius, ind, dev_pass=False) dv = ((vectorfield.axe_x[1] - vectorfield.axe_x[0]) * (vectorfield.axe_y[1] - vectorfield.axe_y[0])) # Loop on points enstrophy = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape) for inds, pos, _ in vectorfield: ind_x = inds[0] ind_y = inds[1] # stop if masked or on border or with a masked surrouinding point if mask[ind_x, ind_y] or mask_surr[ind_x, ind_y]\ or mask_border[ind_x, ind_y]: continue # getting neighbour points indsaround = motif + inds # Loop on neighbouring points loc_enstrophy = 0. for i, indaround in enumerate(indsaround): loc_enstrophy += vort2[indaround[0], indaround[1]] # storing computed gamma value enstrophy[ind_x, ind_y] = loc_enstrophy*dv # Applying masks mask = np.logical_or(mask, mask_border) mask = np.logical_or(mask, mask_surr) # Creating gamma ScalarField if raw: return, mask) else: enstrophy_sf = ScalarField() unit_x, unit_y = vectorfield.unit_x, vectorfield.unit_y scale = unit_values.asNumber() enstrophy *= scale unit_values = unit_values/scale enstrophy_sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x, axe_y, enstrophy, mask, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_values=unit_values) return enstrophy_sf
def _non_local_criterion_precomputation(vectorfield, mask, radius, ind, dev_pass): """ """ # Importing data from vectorfield (velocity, axis and mask) mask = np.logical_or(mask, vectorfield.mask) # Compute motif and motif angles on an arbitrary point axe_x, axe_y = vectorfield.axe_x, vectorfield.axe_y indcentral = [int(len(axe_x)/2.), int(len(axe_y)/2.)] if ind: motif = vectorfield.get_points_around(indcentral, radius, ind) motif = motif - indcentral motif = np.delete(motif, int(len(motif)/2), axis=0) else: ptcentral = [axe_x[indcentral[0]], axe_y[indcentral[1]]] motif = vectorfield.get_points_around(ptcentral, radius, ind) motif = motif - indcentral nmbpts = len(motif) # Generating masks # creating surrounding masked point zone mask mask_surr = np.zeros(mask.shape) inds_masked = np.transpose(np.where(mask)) for ind_masked in inds_masked: for i, j in motif + ind_masked: # continue if outside the field if i < 0 or j < 0 or i >= mask_surr.shape[0]\ or j >= mask_surr.shape[1]: continue mask_surr[i, j] = True # creating near-border zone mask if ind: indx = np.arange(len(axe_x)) indy = np.arange(len(axe_y)) border_x = np.logical_or(indx <= indx[0] + (int(radius) - 1), indx >= indx[-1] - (int(radius) - 1)) border_y = np.logical_or(indy <= indy[0] + (int(radius) - 1), indy >= indy[-1] - (int(radius) - 1)) border_x, border_y = np.meshgrid(border_x, border_y) mask_border = np.transpose(np.logical_or(border_x, border_y)) else: delta = (axe_x[1] - axe_x[0] + axe_y[1] - axe_y[0])/2 border_x = np.logical_or(axe_x <= axe_x[0] + (radius - delta), axe_x >= axe_x[-1] - (radius - delta)) border_y = np.logical_or(axe_y <= axe_y[0] + (radius - delta), axe_y >= axe_y[-1] - (radius - delta)) border_x, border_y = np.meshgrid(border_x, border_y) mask_border = np.transpose(np.logical_or(border_x, border_y)) # creating dev mask mask_dev = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape) if dev_pass: dev = get_angle_deviation(vectorfield, radius=radius, ind=ind, raw=True) mask_dev = dev < 0.1 # returning return (mask, nmbpts, mask_dev, mask_border, mask_surr, motif) def _get_angles(Vx, Vy, check=False): """ Return the angles from velocities vectors. """ if check: # check parameters if not isinstance(Vx, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError() Vx = np.array(Vx) if not Vx.ndim == 1: raise ValueError() if not isinstance(Vy, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError() Vy = np.array(Vy) if not Vy.ndim == 1: raise ValueError() if not Vx.shape == Vy.shape: raise ValueError() # get data norm = (Vx**2 + Vy**2)**(.5) # getting angle theta = np.arccos(Vx/norm) theta[Vy < 0] = 2*np.pi - theta[Vy < 0] return theta
[docs]def get_divergence(vf, raw=False): """ Return a scalar field with the 2D divergence. Parameters ---------- vf : VectorField or TemporalVectorfields Field(s) on which compute shear stress raw : boolean, optional If 'True', return an arrays, if 'False' (default), return a ScalarField object. Returns ------- div : ScalarField or TemporalScalarFields Divergence field(s) """ if isinstance(vf, VectorField): tmp_vf = vf.fill(inplace=False) axe_x, axe_y = tmp_vf.axe_x, tmp_vf.axe_y comp_x, comp_y = tmp_vf.comp_x, tmp_vf.comp_y mask = tmp_vf.mask dx = axe_x[1] - axe_x[0] dy = axe_y[1] - axe_y[0] Exx, _ = np.gradient(comp_x, dx, dy) _, Eyy = np.gradient(comp_y, dx, dy) div = Exx + Eyy if raw: return div else: unit_x, unit_y = tmp_vf.unit_x, tmp_vf.unit_y unit_values = vf.unit_values/vf.unit_x div *= unit_values.asNumber() unit_values /= unit_values.asNumber() div_sf = ScalarField() div_sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x, axe_y, div, mask=mask, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_values=unit_values) return div_sf elif isinstance(vf, TemporalVectorFields): if raw: div_tsf = np.empty((len(vf.fields), vf.shape[0], vf.shape[1]), dtype=float) for i, field in enumerate(vf.fields): div_tsf[i] = get_divergence(field, raw=True) else: div_tsf = TemporalScalarFields() for i, field in enumerate(vf.fields): tmp_div = get_divergence(field, raw=False) div_tsf.add_field(tmp_div, time=vf.times[i], unit_times=vf.unit_times) return div_tsf else: raise TypeError()
[docs]def get_vorticity(vf, raw=False): """ Return a scalar field with the z component of the vorticity. Parameters ---------- vf : VectorField or TemporalVectorfields Field(s) on which compute shear stress raw : boolean, optional If 'True', return an arrays, if 'False' (default), return a ScalarField object. Returns ------- vort : ScalarField or TemporalScalarFields Vorticity field(s) """ if isinstance(vf, VectorField): tmp_vf = vf.fill(inplace=False) axe_x, axe_y = tmp_vf.axe_x, tmp_vf.axe_y comp_x, comp_y = tmp_vf.comp_x, tmp_vf.comp_y mask = tmp_vf.mask dx = axe_x[1] - axe_x[0] dy = axe_y[1] - axe_y[0] _, Exy = np.gradient(comp_x, dx, dy) Eyx, _ = np.gradient(comp_y, dx, dy) vort = (Eyx - Exy)/2. if raw: return vort else: unit_x, unit_y = tmp_vf.unit_x, tmp_vf.unit_y unit_values = vf.unit_values/vf.unit_x vort *= unit_values.asNumber() unit_values /= unit_values.asNumber() vort_sf = ScalarField() vort_sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x, axe_y, vort, mask=mask, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_values=unit_values) return vort_sf elif isinstance(vf, TemporalVectorFields): if raw: vort_tsf = np.empty((len(vf.fields), vf.shape[0], vf.shape[1]), dtype=float) for i, field in enumerate(vf.fields): vort_tsf[i] = get_vorticity(field, raw=True) else: vort_tsf = TemporalScalarFields() for i, field in enumerate(vf.fields): tmp_vort = get_vorticity(field, raw=False) vort_tsf.add_field(tmp_vort, time=vf.times[i], unit_times=vf.unit_times) return vort_tsf else: raise TypeError()
[docs]def get_stokes_vorticity(vf, window_size=2, raw=False): """ Return a scalar field with the z component of the vorticity using Stokes' theorem. Parameters ---------- vf : VectorField or Velocityfield Field on which compute shear stress window_size : integer, optional Window size for stokes approximation of the vorticity. raw : boolean, optional If 'True', return an arrays, if 'False' (default), return a ScalarField object. Notes ----- Seal et al., β€œQuantitative characteristics of a laminar, unsteady necklace vortex system at a rectangular block-flat plate juncture,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 286, pp. 117–135, 1995. """ # getting data axe_x, axe_y = vf.axe_x, vf.axe_y dx = axe_x[1] - axe_x[0] dy = axe_y[1] - axe_y[0] Vx = vf.comp_x Vy = vf.comp_y mask = vf.mask # creating new axis new_axe_x = np.arange(np.mean(axe_x[0:window_size]), np.mean(axe_x[-window_size::] + dx*.9), dx) new_axe_y = np.arange(np.mean(axe_y[0:window_size]), np.mean(axe_y[-window_size::] + dy*.9), dy) # Loop on field vort = np.zeros((len(new_axe_x), len(new_axe_y))) new_mask = np.zeros((len(new_axe_x), len(new_axe_y)), dtype=bool) for i in np.arange(len(axe_x) - window_size + 1): for j in np.arange(len(axe_y) - window_size + 1): # reinitialazing tmp_vort = 0. # checking masked values if np.any(mask[i:i + window_size, j:j + window_size]): new_mask[i, j] = True continue # summing over first border bord_vec = -Vy[i, j:j + window_size].copy() tmp_vort += np.trapz(bord_vec, dx=dy) # summing over second border bord_vec = Vy[i + window_size - 1, j:j + window_size].copy() tmp_vort += np.trapz(bord_vec, dx=dy) # summing over third border bord_vec = Vx[i:i + window_size, j].copy() tmp_vort += np.trapz(bord_vec, dx=dx) # summing over fourth border bord_vec = -Vx[i:i + window_size, j + window_size - 1].copy() tmp_vort += np.trapz(bord_vec, dx=dx) # adding coefficients tmp_vort *= 1./(dx*dy*window_size**2) # storing vort[i, j] = tmp_vort # returning if raw: return vort else: unit_values = vf.unit_values/vf.unit_x vort *= unit_values.asNumber() unit_values /= unit_values.asNumber() vort_sf = ScalarField() vort_sf.import_from_arrays(new_axe_x, new_axe_y, vort, mask=new_mask, unit_x=vf.unit_x, unit_y=vf.unit_y, unit_values=unit_values) return vort_sf
[docs]def get_swirling_strength(vf, raw=False): """ Return a scalar field with the swirling strength (imaginary part of the eigenvalue of the velocity Jacobian) Parameters ---------- vf : VectorField or Velocityfield Field on which compute shear stress raw : boolean, optional If 'True', return an arrays, if 'False' (default), return a ScalarField object. Notes ----- Zhou, J., R. J. Adrian, S. Balachandar, et T. M. Kendall. Β« Mechanisms for generating coherent packets of hairpin vortices in channel flow Β». Journal of Fluid Mechanics 387 (mai 1999): 353‑96. """ if not isinstance(vf, VectorField): raise TypeError() tmp_vf = vf.copy() tmp_vf.fill() # Getting gradients and axes axe_x, axe_y = tmp_vf.axe_x, tmp_vf.axe_y mask = tmp_vf.mask du_dx, du_dy, dv_dx, dv_dy = get_gradients(vf, raw=True) # swirling stregnth matrix swst = np.zeros(tmp_vf.shape) # loop on points for i in np.arange(len(axe_x)): for j in np.arange(len(axe_y)): if not mask[i, j]: lapl = [[du_dx[i, j], du_dy[i, j]], [dv_dx[i, j], dv_dy[i, j]]] eigvals = np.linalg.eigvals(lapl) swst[i, j] = np.max(np.imag(eigvals)) mask = np.logical_or(mask, np.isnan(swst)) # creating ScalarField object if raw: return swst else: unit_x, unit_y = tmp_vf.unit_x, tmp_vf.unit_y # TODO: Implement unities unit_values = "" tmp_sf = ScalarField() tmp_sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x, axe_y, swst, mask=mask, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_values=unit_values) return tmp_sf
[docs]def get_improved_swirling_strength(vf, raw=False): """ Return a scalar field with the improved swirling strength Parameters ---------- vf : VectorField or Velocityfield Field on which compute shear stress raw : boolean, optional If 'True', return an arrays, if 'False' (default), return a ScalarField object. Notes ----- Chakraborty, Pinaki, S. Balachandar, et Ronald J. Adrian. Β« On the Relationships between Local Vortex Identification Schemes Β». Journal of Fluid Mechanics 535 (5 juillet 2005): 189‑214. """ if not isinstance(vf, VectorField): raise TypeError() tmp_vf = vf.copy() tmp_vf.fill() # Getting gradients and axes axe_x, axe_y = tmp_vf.axe_x, tmp_vf.axe_y comp_x, comp_y = tmp_vf.comp_x, tmp_vf.comp_y mask = tmp_vf.mask dx = axe_x[1] - axe_x[0] dy = axe_y[1] - axe_y[0] du_dx, du_dy = np.gradient(comp_x, dx, dy) dv_dx, dv_dy = np.gradient(comp_y, dx, dy) # swirling stregnth matrix swst = np.zeros(tmp_vf.shape) # loop on points for i in np.arange(len(axe_x)): for j in np.arange(len(axe_y)): if not mask[i, j]: lapl = [[du_dx[i, j], du_dy[i, j]], [dv_dx[i, j], dv_dy[i, j]]] eigvals = np.linalg.eigvals(lapl) lambcr = np.real(eigvals[0]) lambci = np.abs(np.imag(eigvals[0])) if lambci == 0: mask[i, j] = True swst[i, j] = lambcr/lambci mask = np.logical_or(mask, np.isnan(swst)) # creating ScalarField object if raw: return swst else: unit_x, unit_y = tmp_vf.unit_x, tmp_vf.unit_y # TODO: Implement unities unit_values = "" tmp_sf = ScalarField() tmp_sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x, axe_y, swst, mask=mask, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_values=unit_values) return tmp_sf
[docs]def get_q_criterion(vectorfield, mask=None, raw=False): """ Return the scalar field of the 2D Q criterion . Define as "1/2*(R**2 - S**2)" , with "R" the deformation tensor, norm and "S" the rate of rotation tensor norm. Parameters ---------- vectorfield : VectorField object mask : array of boolean, optional Has to be an array of the same size of the vector field object, Q criterion will be compute only where zone is 'False'. raw : boolean, optional If 'False' (default), a ScalarField is returned, if 'True', an array is returned. """ if not isinstance(vectorfield, VectorField): raise TypeError("'vectorfield' must be a VectorField object") if mask is None: mask = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape) elif not isinstance(mask, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'mask' must be an array of boolean") else: mask = np.array(mask) axe_x, axe_y = vectorfield.axe_x, vectorfield.axe_y # calcul des gradients Exx, Exy, Eyx, Eyy = get_gradients(vectorfield, raw=True) # calcul de Qcrit norm_rot2 = 1/2.*(Exy - Eyx)**2 norm_shear2 = (Exx**2 + 1./2.*(Exy + Eyx)**2 + Eyy**2) qcrit = .5*(norm_rot2) - norm_shear2 unit_values = (vectorfield.unit_values/vectorfield.unit_x)**2 scale = unit_values.asNumber() qcrit *= scale unit_values = unit_values/scale if raw: return, mask) else: q_sf = ScalarField() q_sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x, axe_y, qcrit, mask, unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_values=unit_values) return q_sf
[docs]def get_Nk_criterion(vectorfield, mask=None, raw=False): """ Return the scalar field of the 2D Nk criterion . Define as "||Omega||/||S||" , with "||Omega||" the rotation rate tensor norm and ||S|| the shear rate tensor norm. Parameters ---------- vectorfield : VectorField object mask : array of boolean, optional Has to be an array of the same size of the vector field object, Nk criterion will be compute only where zone is 'False'. raw : boolean, optional If 'False' (default), a ScalarField is returned, if 'True', an array is returned. Notes ----- See J. Jeong and F. Hussain, β€œOn the identification of a vortex,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 285, pp. 69–94, 1995. """ if not isinstance(vectorfield, VectorField): raise TypeError("'vectorfield' must be a VectorField object") if mask is None: mask = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape) elif not isinstance(mask, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'mask' must be an array of boolean") else: mask = np.array(mask) axe_x, axe_y = vectorfield.axe_x, vectorfield.axe_y # calcul des gradients Exx, Exy, Eyx, Eyy = get_gradients(vectorfield, raw=True) # calcul de Nk norm_rot = 1./2.**.5*np.abs(Exy - Eyx) norm_shear = (Exx**2 + 1./2.*(Exy + Eyx)**2 + Eyy**2)**.5 Nkcrit = norm_rot/norm_shear unit_values = make_unit('') if raw: return, mask) else: q_sf = ScalarField() q_sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x, axe_y, Nkcrit, mask, unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_values=unit_values) return q_sf
[docs]def get_delta_criterion(vectorfield, mask=None, raw=False): """ Return the scalar field of the 2D Delta criterion . Define as "(Q/3)**3 + (R/2)**2" , with "Q" the Q criterion, and "R" the determinant of the jacobian matrice of the velocity. Parameters ---------- vectorfield : VectorField object mask : array of boolean, optional Has to be an array of the same size of the vector field object, iota2 will be compute only where zone is 'False'. raw : boolean, optional If 'False' (default), a ScalarField is returned, if 'True', an array is returned. Note ---- Negative values of Delta mean that the local streamline pattern is closed or spiraled. """ if not isinstance(vectorfield, VectorField): raise TypeError("'vectorfield' must be a VectorField object") if mask is None: mask = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape, dtype=bool) elif not isinstance(mask, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'mask' must be an array of boolean") else: mask = np.array(mask, dtype=bool) axe_x, axe_y = vectorfield.axe_x, vectorfield.axe_y # calcul des gradients Exx, Exy, Eyx, Eyy = get_gradients(vectorfield, raw=True) # calcul de Q norm_rot2 = 1/2.*(Exy - Eyx)**2 norm_shear2 = (Exx**2 + 1./2.*(Exy + Eyx)**2 + Eyy**2) Q = .5*(norm_rot2) - norm_shear2 # calcul de R R = np.zeros(Exx.shape) for i in np.arange(Exx.shape[0]): for j in np.arange(Exx.shape[1]): Jac = [[Exx[i, j], Exy[i, j]], [Eyx[i, j], Eyy[i, j]]] eigval, eigvect = np.linalg.eig(Jac) if np.all(np.imag(eigval) == 0): mask[i, j] = True continue R[i, j] = -np.linalg.det(Jac) # calcul de Delta delta = (Q/3.)**3 + (R/2.)**2 unit_values = ((vectorfield.unit_values/vectorfield.unit_x)**2)**3 scale = unit_values.asNumber() delta *= scale unit_values = unit_values/scale if raw: return, mask) else: delta_sf = ScalarField() delta_sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x, axe_y, delta, mask, unit_x=vectorfield.unit_x, unit_y=vectorfield.unit_y, unit_values=unit_values) return delta_sf
[docs]def get_lambda2(vectorfield, mask=None, raw=False): """ Return the lambda2 scalar field. According to ... vortex are defined by zone of negative values of lambda2. The fonction is only usable on orthogonal fields. Parameters ---------- vectorfield : VectorField object mask : array of boolean, optionnal Has to be an array of the same size of the vector field object, iota2 will be compute only where zone is 'False'. raw : boolean, optional If 'False' (default), a ScalarField is returned, if 'True', an array is returned. """ # check parameter if not isinstance(vectorfield, VectorField): raise TypeError("'vectorfield' must be a VectorField object") if mask is None: mask = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape) elif not isinstance(mask, ARRAYTYPES): raise TypeError("'mask' must be an array of boolean") else: mask = np.array(mask) mask = np.logical_or(mask, vectorfield.mask) # getting velocity gradients Udx, Udy, Vdx, Vdy = get_gradients(vectorfield, raw=True) mask = np.logical_or(mask, Udx.mask) # creating returning matrix lambda2 = np.zeros(vectorfield.shape) # loop on points for i in np.arange(lambda2.shape[0]): for j in np.arange(lambda2.shape[1]): # check if masked if mask[i, j]: continue # getting symmetric and antisymetric parts S = 1./2.*np.array([[2*Udx[i, j], Udy[i, j] + Vdx[i, j]], [Vdx[i, j] + Udy[i, j], 2*Vdy[i, j]]]) Omega = 1./2.*np.array([[0, Udy[i, j] - Vdx[i, j]], [Vdx[i, j] - Udy[i, j], 0]]) # getting S^2 + Omega^2 M =, S) +, Omega) # getting second eigenvalue lambds = linalg.eig(M, left=False, right=False) l2 = np.min(np.real(lambds)) # storing lambda2 lambda2[i, j] = l2 # returning if raw: return, mask) else: lambd_sf = ScalarField() axe_x, axe_y = vectorfield.axe_x, vectorfield.axe_y unit_x, unit_y = vectorfield.unit_x, vectorfield.unit_y lambd_sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x, axe_y, lambda2, mask, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_values=make_unit('')) return lambd_sf
[docs]def get_residual_vorticity(vf, raw=False): """ Return a scalar field with the residual of the vorticity. (see Kolar (2007)). Parameters ---------- vf : VectorField or Velocityfield Field on which compute shear stress raw : boolean, optional If 'True', return an arrays, if 'False' (default), return a ScalarField object. """ if isinstance(vf, VectorField): # getting data tmp_vf = vf.copy() tmp_vf.fill(inplace=True, reduce_tri=True) axe_x, axe_y = tmp_vf.axe_x, tmp_vf.axe_y comp_x, comp_y = tmp_vf.comp_x, tmp_vf.comp_y mask = tmp_vf.mask dx = axe_x[1] - axe_x[0] dy = axe_y[1] - axe_y[0] # getting gradients Exx, Exy = np.gradient(comp_x, dx, dy) Eyx, Eyy = np.gradient(comp_y, dx, dy) # getting principal rate of strain (s) s = np.sqrt(4*Exx**2 + (Exy + Eyx)**2)/2. # getting the vorticity-tensor component omega = (Eyx - Exy)/2. omega_abs = np.abs(omega) sign_omega = np.zeros(omega.shape, dtype=int) sign_omega[omega_abs == 0] = 1. sign_omega[omega_abs != 0] = (omega[omega_abs != 0] / omega_abs[omega_abs != 0]) filt = s < omega_abs # getting the residual vorticity res_vort = np.zeros(tmp_vf.shape) res_vort[filt] = sign_omega[filt]*(omega_abs[filt] - s[filt]) if raw: return res_vort else: unit_x, unit_y = tmp_vf.unit_x, tmp_vf.unit_y unit_values = vf.unit_values/vf.unit_x res_vort *= unit_values.asNumber() unit_values /= unit_values.asNumber() vort_sf = ScalarField() vort_sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x, axe_y, res_vort, mask=mask, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_values=unit_values) return vort_sf elif isinstance(vf, TemporalVectorFields): if raw: tvf = [] for field in vf.fields: tvf.append(get_residual_vorticity(field, raw=True)) else: tvf = TemporalScalarFields() for i, field in enumerate(vf.fields): tvf.add_field(get_residual_vorticity(field, raw=False), time=vf.times[i], unit_times=vf.unit_times) # return return tvf else: raise TypeError()
[docs]def get_shear_vorticity(vf, raw=False): """ Return a scalar field with the shear vorticity. (see Kolar (2007)). Parameters ---------- vf : VectorField or VectorFields Field on which compute shear stress raw : boolean, optional If 'True', return an arrays, if 'False' (default), return a ScalarField object. """ if isinstance(vf, VectorField): # getting data tmp_vf = vf.copy() tmp_vf.crop_masked_border() tmp_vf.fill(inplace=True, reduce_tri=True) axe_x, axe_y = tmp_vf.axe_x, tmp_vf.axe_y comp_x, comp_y = tmp_vf.comp_x, tmp_vf.comp_y mask = tmp_vf.mask dx = axe_x[1] - axe_x[0] dy = axe_y[1] - axe_y[0] # getting gradients Exx, Exy = np.gradient(comp_x, dx, dy) Eyx, Eyy = np.gradient(comp_y, dx, dy) # getting principal rate of strain (s) s = np.sqrt(4*Exx**2 + (Exy + Eyx)**2)/2. # getting the vorticity-tensor component omega = (Eyx - Exy)/2. omega_abs = np.abs(omega) sign_omega = omega/omega_abs filt1 = s < omega_abs filt2 = np.logical_not(filt1) # getting the residual vorticity sh_vort = np.zeros(vf.shape) sh_vort[filt2] = omega[filt2] sh_vort[filt1] = sign_omega[filt1]*(s[filt1]) if raw: return sh_vort else: unit_x, unit_y = tmp_vf.unit_x, tmp_vf.unit_y unit_values = vf.unit_values/vf.unit_x sh_vort *= unit_values.asNumber() unit_values /= unit_values.asNumber() vort_sf = ScalarField() vort_sf.import_from_arrays(axe_x, axe_y, sh_vort, mask=mask, unit_x=unit_x, unit_y=unit_y, unit_values=unit_values) return vort_sf elif isinstance(vf, TemporalVectorFields): ret = TemporalScalarFields() for i, field in enumerate(vf.fields): tmp_ret = get_shear_vorticity(field) ret.add_field(tmp_ret, time=vf.times[i], unit_times=vf.unit_times) return ret else: raise TypeError()