Source code for IMTreatment.core.temporalscalarfields

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#!/bin/env python3

# Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Gaby Launay

# Author: Gaby Launay  <>
# URL:
# Version: 1.0

# This file is part of IMTreatment.

# IMTreatment is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

# IMTreatment is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
import scipy.interpolate as spinterp
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from . import scalarfield as sf, temporalfields as tf
from IMTreatment.utils import ProgressCounter

[docs]class TemporalScalarFields(tf.TemporalFields): """ Class representing a set of time-evolving scalar fields. """ @property def values_as_sf(self): return self @property def values(self): dim = (len(self), self.shape[0], self.shape[1]) values = np.empty(dim, dtype=float) for i, field in enumerate(self.fields): values[i, :, :] = field.values[:, :] return values
[docs] def get_min_field(self, nmb_min=1): """ Calculate the minimum scalar field, from all the fields. Parameters ---------- nmb_min : integer, optional Minimum number of values used to take a minimum value. Else, the value is masked. """ if len(self.fields) == 0: raise ValueError("There is no fields in this object") result_f = self.fields[0].copy() mask_cum = np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=int) mask_cum[np.logical_not(self.fields[0].mask)] += 1 for field in self.fields[1::]: new_min_mask = np.logical_and(field.values < result_f.values, np.logical_not(field.mask)) result_f.values[new_min_mask] = field.values[new_min_mask] mask_cum[np.logical_not(field.mask)] += 1 mask = mask_cum <= nmb_min result_f.mask = mask return result_f
[docs] def get_max_field(self, nmb_min=1): """ Calculate the maximum scalar field, from all the fields. Parameters ---------- nmb_min : integer, optional Minimum number of values used to take a maximum value. Else, the value is masked. """ if len(self.fields) == 0: raise ValueError("There is no fields in this object") result_f = self.fields[0].copy() mask_cum = np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=int) mask_cum[np.logical_not(self.fields[0].mask)] += 1 for field in self.fields[1::]: new_max_mask = np.logical_and(field.values > result_f.values, np.logical_not(field.mask)) result_f.values[new_max_mask] = field.values[new_max_mask] mask_cum[np.logical_not(field.mask)] += 1 mask = mask_cum <= nmb_min result_f.mask = mask return result_f
[docs] def get_phase_map(self, freq, tf=None, check_spec=None, verbose=True): """ Return the phase map of the temporal scalar field for the given frequency. Parameters ---------- freq: number Wanted frequency tf: Integer Last time indice to use check_spec: Integer If not None, specify the number of spectrum to display (useful to check if choosen frequencies are relevant). verbose: Boolean . Returns ------- phase_map: ScalarField object . """ # phases = np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=float) norms = np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=float) compo = "values" if tf is None: tf = len(self.fields) # select spectrum to display if check_spec is not None: check_spec_inds = np.random.choice(range(self.shape[0] * self.shape[1]), check_spec) # get phases if verbose: pg = ProgressCounter(init_mess="Computing phase maps", nmb_max=self.shape[0]*self.shape[1], name_things="profiles") for i, x in enumerate(self.axe_x): for j, y in enumerate(self.axe_y): if verbose: pg.print_progress() # get profile profile = self.get_time_profile(compo, (x, y), wanted_times=[0, tf]) prof = profile.y dx = profile.x[1] - profile.x[0] # get fft fft = np.fft.fft(prof) fft = fft[0:int(len(fft)/2)] fft_norm = np.abs(fft) fft_phase = np.angle(fft) fft_f = np.fft.fftfreq(len(prof), dx)[0:len(fft)] # get phase at the wanted frequency ind = np.argmin(abs(fft_f - freq)) # store phases and norms phases[i, j] = fft_phase[ind] norms[i, j] = fft_norm[ind] # display spectrum if asked if check_spec: if i*len(self.axe_x)+j in check_spec_inds: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.loglog(fft_f, fft_norm) ax2 = ax.twinx() ax2.plot([], []) ax2.semilogx(fft_f, fft_phase) plt.axvline(fft_f[ind], color="k", ls="--") # return norm = sf.ScalarField() norm.import_from_arrays(axe_x=self.axe_x, axe_y=self.axe_y, values=norms.transpose(), unit_x=self.unit_x, unit_y=self.unit_y, unit_values="") phase = sf.ScalarField() phase.import_from_arrays(axe_x=self.axe_x, axe_y=self.axe_y, values=phases.transpose(), unit_x=self.unit_x, unit_y=self.unit_y, unit_values="rad") return norm, phase
[docs] def get_spectral_filtering(self, fmin, fmax, order=2, inplace=False): """ Perform a temporal spectral filtering Parameters ---------- fmin, fmax : numbers Minimal and maximal frequencies order : integer, optional Butterworth filter order Returns ------- filt_tsf : TemporalScalarFields Filtered temporal field """ # prepare if inplace: tsf = self else: tsf = self.copy() # make spectral filtering on values ftsf = self._get_comp_spectral_filtering('values', fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, order=order) tsf.fields = ftsf.fields # return if not inplace: return tsf
[docs] def fill(self, tof='spatial', kind='linear', value=0., inplace=False, crop=False): """ Fill the masked part of the array in place. Parameters ---------- tof : string Can be 'temporal' for temporal interpolation, or 'spatial' for spatial interpolation. kind : string, optional Type of algorithm used to fill. 'value' : fill with a given value 'nearest' : fill with nearest available data 'linear' : fill using linear interpolation 'cubic' : fill using cubic interpolation value : 2x1 array Value for filling, '[Vx, Vy]' (only usefull with tof='value') inplace : boolean, optional . crop : boolean, optional If 'True', TVF borders are croped before filling. """ # TODO : utiliser Profile.fill au lieu d'une nouvelle méthode de # filling # checking parameters coherence if len(self.fields) < 3 and tof == 'temporal': raise ValueError("Not enough fields to fill with temporal" " interpolation") if not isinstance(tof, STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError() if tof not in ['temporal', 'spatial']: raise ValueError() if not isinstance(kind, STRINGTYPES): raise TypeError() if kind not in ['value', 'nearest', 'linear', 'cubic']: raise ValueError() if crop: self.crop_masked_border(hard=False, inplace=True) # temporal interpolation if tof == 'temporal': # getting datas # getting super mask (0 where no value are masked and where all # values are masked) masks = self.mask sum_masks = np.sum(masks, axis=0) super_mask = np.logical_and(0 < sum_masks, sum_masks < len(self.fields) - 2) # loop on each field position for i, j in np.argwhere(super_mask): prof = self.get_time_profile('values', i, j, ind=True) # creating interpolation function if kind == 'value': def interp(x): return value elif kind == 'nearest': raise Exception("Not implemented yet") elif kind == 'linear': prof_filt = np.logical_not(prof.mask) interp = spinterp.interp1d(prof.x[prof_filt], prof.y[prof_filt], kind='linear') elif kind == 'cubic': prof_filt = np.logical_not(prof.mask) interp = spinterp.interp1d(prof.x[prof_filt], prof.y[prof_filt], kind='cubic') else: raise ValueError("Invalid value for 'kind'") # inplace or not fields = self.fields.copy() # loop on all profile masked points for ind_masked in prof.mask: try: interp_val = interp(prof.x[prof.mask]) except ValueError: continue # putting interpolated value in the field fields[prof.mask].values[i, j] = interp_val fields[prof.mask].mask[i, j] = False # spatial interpolation elif tof == 'spatial': if inplace: fields = self.fields else: tmp_tsf = self.copy() fields = tmp_tsf.fields for i, field in enumerate(fields): fields[i].fill(kind=kind, value=value, inplace=True) else: raise ValueError("Unknown parameter for 'tof' : {}".format(tof)) # returning if inplace: self.fields = fields else: tmp_tsf = self.copy() tmp_tsf.fields = fields return tmp_tsf